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hello everyone. i am on the tenth year of trying to help my child, with very very little success. she is house bound and stares at tv all day. if you take her away from it... she is in total confusion, agitated, with tons and tons of racing thoughts in her head. she gets pretty aggressive because of her state. she is smart, and lovely but stuck in her own world. i am treating for pandas, because her weird symptoms sound like pandas, minus the bad handwriting and tics. she has horrible OCD though. doctors saw nothing unusual on her labs, but one panda member said that the something looks suspect on the lyme page of her blood work. i was wondering if someone would take a look at her labs for me. she has been sick since birth. thanks so much




I've read a bit of your postings. I'm not sure of any specifics in your daughters case, but certainly some of what I have seen you describe could be the result of lyme or related pathogenic infections. (not saying that's what it is, but just that these infections can cause those symptoms)


What state / part of the country do you live?

Posted (edited)


Can you post the lab results? I've been reading some of your posts, and my heart really goes out to you!!!


Here is a little of my dd(9) history:

Beginning at age 2, my daughter would get constant sinus infections. With these infections she would be very oppositional, defiant, emotional, extremely sensitive. It was the opposite of her usual demeanor. The doctors always told me it was because she was sick, but I always felt it was something more. When she was placed on abx the symptoms would go away.


At age 5, she had her first notable PANDAS episode. It was a severe onset! Symptoms included tics (eye blinking,throat clearing, licking all objects,knee bends,framing face with hand gestures), OCD (lining things up, hoarding, apologizing, needing reassurance,confessing, intrusive thoughts, exc), anxiety, phobias, seperation anxiety, severe nightmares & hallucinations, food aversions, urinating issues, all sensory symptoms, oppositional/defiant/emotional, and many other symptoms. Symptoms went away in 3-4 months while being treated for sinuses.


9 months prior to this episode she had a tick bite, but I was told by the doctor it was of no concern because she assumed it was a deer tick. So I forgot all about it!


She had 3 more episodes (not as bad) which resolved with antibiotics, each time changing her baseline some.


In June 2009, during another episode we decided to do IVIG. I was told she was "CLASSIC PANDAS". It helped some, but she eventually declined and symptoms flaired. We did another IVIG in March & July 2010, but really, symptoms have been chronic ever since March 09.


Then we received a positive Igenex WB and decided to seek treatment with an LLMD. We went on to find tick-borne co-infections, and are now treating everything. She is slowly making progress (rollercoaster ride). I have also just tested positive for lyme.


Please keep searching for answers!! I'm sure others (who are a lot more knowledgable) will post with some great advice!



Edited by philamom

I am still trying to figure out how to post her labs. Any suggestions???


Do you have hard copies of the test results? Can you type the test, result and range? How many do you have? Do you have specific ones that are related to lyme or that others have said may be suggestive of lyme?



Posted (edited)


I hope we can help in finding some answers for your daughter. Maybe you could just post them by typing them out as you would any other post. Are these Igenex lyme western blot results?


Edited by momofgirls

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