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Our daughter's tics have been worsening even with dietary changes. The dietary changes help trememdously, she would be far worse without them, but still her disorder is worsening. She is 11. Recently she has been struggling with inappropriate thoughts and inappropriate touching temptations (if you get my drift...). Any thoughts?? I am beside myself and frankly nauseated by it.


Also, we've done a lot of the elimination diet with as much success as that will allow. We are ready to begin supplementation. I had been giving her some "Nature Made" brand Magnesium, B complex, and Zinc. Never saw any improvement from them. I followed the quantities determined for TS. Do you think it's because it's an inexpensive brand? What would you all suggest for a first step in supplementation that goes beyond what you can get at Walgreens?


Lastly, we have seen a pediatric neurologist regarding her condition. What is the next step? An environmental physician? A naturopath?




sounds like some OCD in addition to the tics there...possibly Tourettic OCD?

The B vitamin Inositol seems to help many people with this type of OCD


The magnesium you are using is likely mag oxide and if so, a total waste of money as it is hardly absorbed at all


I am a little confused by all the different types of magnesium.

I am giving Natural Calm for kids.


But is that the best one or should I be giving magnesium taurate?

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