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Hi guys,


Follow up at my integrative medicine doctor today and he prescribed Diflucan for DS5. His tics have been worse in the past few weeks when they were almost gone during Sept/Oct but then came back recently. Itchy skin, cloudy urine and some other markers in his bloodwork from this week. Doctor is convinced he has a yeast issue even though he didn't at all last spring when tics began. He wants him on Diflucan for 6 wks and then on again off again after that.


Should I be concerned safety/side effect wise about Diflucan?



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Hi guys,


Follow up at my integrative medicine doctor today and he prescribed Diflucan for DS5. His tics have been worse in the past few weeks when they were almost gone during Sept/Oct but then came back recently. Itchy skin, cloudy urine and some other markers in his bloodwork from this week. Doctor is convinced he has a yeast issue even though he didn't at all last spring when tics began. He wants him on Diflucan for 6 wks and then on again off again after that.


Should I be concerned safety/side effect wise about Diflucan?




My daughter has to take this as well. We haven't started it yet for she is getting over another illness and chickenpox. However, her dosage is only for a weekend? He said to expect that she will feel awful when the die off effect happens. That she would not be able to take it and then go to school or anything - so to do it on a weekend. I wonder why your son is on it for 6 weeks?

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my personal choice would be to use one of the natural antifungals rather than a chemical concoction like Diflucan, but then my son has extreme chemical sensitivity. We like Candida Clear by NOW as it has a mix of excellent natural yeast busters


you may well see an increase in symptoms with the die off (herxing) and so increasing probiotics, epsom baths and pure water intake is beneficial.

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