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I was wondering for anyone who started a magnesium supplement, how soon did you see any changes?

We started our son on the Natural Vitality Kids Calm formula yesterday and I am wondering how long we should be using it before we can expect a change in his tics, if any.


are you referring to the Multi with bad preservatives of that name that you posted of yesterday? or the magnesium/vitc/zinc powder formula that they have now discontinued?

if the magnesium powder, you should see relief within a day or two...tho for some it can take a week or so


if the tics are not from TS then they may not show improvement with a magnesium supp as it is specifically recommended for TS tics


if the multi, then it is the wrong product for tic relief


are you referring to the Multi with bad preservatives of that name that you posted of yesterday? or the magnesium/vitc/zinc powder formula that they have now discontinued?

if the magnesium powder, you should see relief within a day or two...tho for some it can take a week or so


if the tics are not from TS then they may not show improvement with a magnesium supp as it is specifically recommended for TS tics


if the multi, then it is the wrong product for tic relief


We are using the powder form, not the liquid. I have not seen any improvment, today will be day 3.

I said we would use the entire jug and see what happens, if there is no improvment then we wont bother with it any more.

Should I be giving him more? I have started out with the 1/2 tsp as reccomended and will move up to the 1tsp over time.


I noticed you posted on the PANDAS forum re possible Lyme? if so, then you may not see a change with just the magnesium, tho honestly it is very helpful for general calming too.


you may also want to ask questions on the Lyme forum here.



do you have any family history of tics and Tourette?


hope you are able to determine what is causing the tics soon so that effective treatment can follow


Hi, I too am wondering if you are using a different magnesium. The one we use (and most others as well...I believe) is Peter Gillham's Natural Calm, a Magnesium Citrate Powder. Personally, I only use the original flavour as it is unflavoured and our ds seemed to increase with the flavoured versions. You should be able to get it in your local health food store or request it if need be. We do notice some decrease with it, but by far for us the epsom salt baths and a good clean multi....no artificial sweeteners etc.(not always easy to find, you may need to search) have been the most beneficial besides diet changes. For us it takes a few days and at waxing we may need to increase his amt. of magnesium. Generally we use at night 1/2 to 1 tsp. but when waxing he asks for it in the a.m. I give him 1/2 tsp. then as well. You may need time to figure the optimal amt. and best time given. Good luck.






Yes, did post on the PANDAs forum, we don't have any conceret diagnosis and I want to make sure we investigate everything. We are still waiting to see a specialist about his tics.

We have no family history of TS.


I am giving him the Peter Gillham's Kids Calm. I have just been told that the kids calm has been discontinued and I must have just found it because the sore still had some on the shelf. I give him 1/2 tsp right now mixed in some juice but I will try to increase it to 1tsp to see if I notice any change.


Megan what brand of multi do you use?

He eats a very good diet right now but we have considered taking out gluten to see if we notice any change. We are not big dairy eaters as it is and only have about 1 serving per day at the most. But that might also be something to consider.


we are seeing his GP tomorrow in hopes to get some testing doen to rule out PANDAS, I am just hoping his GP wont give us a hard time and we don't have to get the tests done some place else.




Yes, did post on the PANDAs forum, we don't have any conceret diagnosis and I want to make sure we investigate everything. We are still waiting to see a specialist about his tics.

We have no family history of TS.


I am giving him the Peter Gillham's Kids Calm. I have just been told that the kids calm has been discontinued and I must have just found it because the sore still had some on the shelf. I give him 1/2 tsp right now mixed in some juice but I will try to increase it to 1tsp to see if I notice any change.


Megan what brand of multi do you use?

He eats a very good diet right now but we have considered taking out gluten to see if we notice any change. We are not big dairy eaters as it is and only have about 1 serving per day at the most. But that might also be something to consider.


we are seeing his GP tomorrow in hopes to get some testing doen to rule out PANDAS, I am just hoping his GP wont give us a hard time and we don't have to get the tests done some place else.


Hi again, we use Progressive Multivitamins for Kids, it is a multi vitamin/mineral. If you suspect corn as an issue I think Cheri found it did have corn derivatives but our ds is doing amazing with it. I also try to avoid too much juice and if necessary only 100% fruit juices and water them down. Our ds takes his Natural Calm with water and a small bit of pure Maple Syrup, seeing as we are yet unsure of some fruits as possible triggers. For us wheat and dairy are main triggers, an elimination at some point would probably be beneficial even if only to rule them out...




Thank you

I will have a look at the vitamine supplement.

I don't know if corn is an issue or not, I sure hope it isn't if we decide tot ake wheat out of his diet.






Yes, did post on the PANDAs forum, we don't have any conceret diagnosis and I want to make sure we investigate everything. We are still waiting to see a specialist about his tics.

We have no family history of TS.


I am giving him the Peter Gillham's Kids Calm. I have just been told that the kids calm has been discontinued and I must have just found it because the sore still had some on the shelf. I give him 1/2 tsp right now mixed in some juice but I will try to increase it to 1tsp to see if I notice any change.


Megan what brand of multi do you use?

He eats a very good diet right now but we have considered taking out gluten to see if we notice any change. We are not big dairy eaters as it is and only have about 1 serving per day at the most. But that might also be something to consider.


we are seeing his GP tomorrow in hopes to get some testing doen to rule out PANDAS, I am just hoping his GP wont give us a hard time and we don't have to get the tests done some place else.


Hi again, we use Progressive Multivitamins for Kids, it is a multi vitamin/mineral. If you suspect corn as an issue I think Cheri found it did have corn derivatives but our ds is doing amazing with it. I also try to avoid too much juice and if necessary only 100% fruit juices and water them down. Our ds takes his Natural Calm with water and a small bit of pure Maple Syrup, seeing as we are yet unsure of some fruits as possible triggers. For us wheat and dairy are main triggers, an elimination at some point would probably be beneficial even if only to rule them out...



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