Priscilla Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 I thought this was interesting- I have just been mulling over my dd's medical records. She was sick within a month of every vax visit. FACT: Of all the vaccines which have been routinely used by children in the past century, the brain damaging effects of the pertussis (whooping cough) portion of DPT vaccine is among the most well documented in the scientific literature. Created in 1912, the crude pertussis vaccine basically consisted of B. pertussis bacteria killed with heat, preserved with formaldehyde, and injected into children. In the early 1940's, aluminum was added as an adjuvant and later the mercury preservative, thimerosal, was added when pertussis was combined with diphtheria and tetanus vaccines to create DPT. Pertussis vaccine was never studied in large clinical trials before being given to children in the first half of the 20th century or after it was combined into DPT and recommended for mass use by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1947. The pertussis vaccine's ability to kill was first signaled in 1933 when T. Madsen reported two babies died within minutes of vaccination. In 1947, Matthew Brody gave detailed descriptions of two cases involving brain damage and death after pertussis vaccination. But, it was the 1948 published case study by Byers and Moll that gave the strongest warning that children were suffering brain inflammation within 72 hours of pertussis vaccination and being left with various kinds of brain damage. Forty years later, the prospective UCLA/FDA study published in Pediatrics in 1981 comparing DT and DPT vaccines would find that 1 in 875 DPT shots is followed by either a convulsion or collapse shock episode within 48 hours of vaccination. Biological mechanisms for pertussis vaccine induced brain damage center on pertussis toxin (PT), one of the most lethal toxins in nature. Pertussis toxin is a known neurotoxin, a reliable inducer of brain inflammation and brain damage, which is why it is used in lab animals to deliberately induce EAE (experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis). Pertussis toxin is implicated in brain inflammation caused by pertussis (whooping cough) complications as well as pertussis vaccine complications. Unfortunately, pertussis toxin is also thought to be responsible for stimulating immunity which is why it remains in DPT, DTaP and Tdap vaccines.. Other ingredients in DPT vaccine, which have been associated with neuroimmune dysfunction and may interact synergistically with pertussis toxin to cause shock, brain damage or death are: endotoxin, aluminum, and mercury. After decades of reports in the medical literature that the pertussis portion of DPT vaccine was causing brain damage in some children, the large, case controlled National Childhood Encephalopathy Study was conducted in Britain and published in 1981. It confirmed a statistically significant association between pertussis vaccine or pertussis-containing vaccines (DPT) and acute brain inflammation leading to permanent brain damage. An NCES reanalysis 10 years later re-confirmed the finding. In 1994, the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, published a report validating the conclusions of NCES, stating that " "the balance of evidence is consistent with a causal relation between DPT and the forms of chronic nervous system dysfunction in the NCES in those children who experience a serious acute neurological illness within 7 days after receiving DPT vaccine."
SarahJane Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 But how would they get their tetanus shots? Those are the ad that are running...foot about to hit a rusty nail. This is one reason to get a tetanus shot. There may be millions of reasons to make sure your tetanus vaccine also helps protect against whooping cough." Goes on with the convincing ad copy. These Tdap ads are running in mags now (not Dtap). (Parents Nov '10 is at least one of them.) GAAAAAAAAAAA...I had a tetanus shot in August...a week before my son got sick. I'm gonna try to find out if it was isolated tetanus or this Tdap. OMIGOSH. My head is spinning!!!!!
SarahJane Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 Okay...tetanus ONLY. I called Urgent Treatment. WHEW! BUT I wonder if exposure to that could opened up his immune system to the cough (that might have been just something going around) and then the strep that followed . Endless answers. My son got OCD about digital clocks after 4-yr-old vaccines...had to cover with Post-It notes. There was DTap, IPV, MMR, & Varivax then...which is only 4, but I think they did 6 shots that day. And I'd had a brief thought not to do them since we'd just been talking about some recent behavior issues...and he'd been in the office for a URI 4 days before that well-visit. We got his tonsils out a few months later...had 1.5 good years after 2 years of illness. He did a quick peek at the digital clocks after his 2nd H1N1 shot in Dec '09 & I covered them up passed. This was 2 weeks before strep dx...behaviors started a month later but we didn't find PANDAS for 3 months & then were told nope...not it. Grrrrrr. But we have the dx now...have treatment scheduled. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Very interesting read Priscilla! Thanks!
Stephanie2 Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 I don't comment on many of these vaccine posts, simply b/c once I get going, there's no stopping me. But I have to say that the DTaP vaccine is the one that brought down my now 2.5 year old (he got it at 4 months), and I know this b/c I was separating his shots. He had a severe 30 min. screaming attack that afternoon, it was definitley a pain cry and NOTHING would soothe him, not even nursing. He went on to lose all of his babbling after that, absolutely no sound came out of his mouth for months, except when he cried or we tickled him. His head became enlarged, his belly became bloated and for the first time he had bowel problems. His hypotonia progressed to the point that he couldn't even lift his head, chronic infections and was a nightmare. It has taken all of 2 years to get these things back through therapy and the DAN protocol, but I don't know if his immune system will ever be the same now due to pandas, etc. I am one of the lucky ones who had an older child and knew what to look for. I finally realized after his 6 month vaccines what was happening, but had he been my first I wouldn't have known that these things were not normal... Boy do I have to use some self-control to stop here...
matis_mom Posted October 20, 2010 Report Posted October 20, 2010 (edited) I just wanted to thank everyone who has brought up the vaccine issue. You all have SAVED my baby! When we started with this whole PANDAS thing and I started learning more about vaccines, I decided not to vaccinate her AT ALL. Now there is a strong possibility she might have congenital Lyme, and I am so glad we did not add vaccines to the mix!!! I just don't get how those things are still being given to children every day, it's like playing Russian Roulette! Edited October 20, 2010 by mati's mom
norcalmom Posted October 20, 2010 Report Posted October 20, 2010 (edited) There have been whooping cough outbreaks here that have killed several children in my area, so not getting vaccinated is also Russian Roulette. I did vaccinate my children, and do believe in vaccination, but there should be an identified group of at risk kids, like pandas kids, and their siblings. I wish they would figure out a way to make them safer, and give at an older age... BTW Cunningham has been involved in some vaccine work (studies?). If you are interested in vaccines, check out this paper: I came across it a while back. This is a transcript of a meeting regarding vaccines last year. Cunningham presetnted for 30+ minutes, first half heart related, second gets more into pandas...her stuff is toward the end as I recall -page 134? ________________________________________________ here is the table of contents: UNEDITED VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Causal Inference: Steven Goodman 7 Biologic Mechanisms: Weighing the Evidence: 41 Douglas L. Weed Multiple Sclerosis: Stephen L. Hauser 75 Molecular Mimicry: Robert Fujinami 110 Molecular Mimicry: Madeleine W. Cunningham 134 Genetic Susceptibility in Vaccine Adverse Events: 161 Jason H. Moore NOTE: This is an unedited verbatim transcript of the meeting of the Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccine, held on June 24, 2009, prepared by CASET Associates, Fairfax, VA, and is not an official report of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering, or National Research Council (collectively “The National Academies”). Opinions and statements included in the transcript are solely those of the individual persons or participants at the meeting, and are not necessarily adopted or endorsed or verified as accurate by The National Academies. Edited October 20, 2010 by norcalmom
Sylvia Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 SarahJane, keep in mind that DTaP is three seperate diseases, MMR is three, plus the polio and Varivax brings the total up to 8, and if they did any others such as flu, you are fast approaching double digits in one day. Vaccines have devestated my family. I am always hopeful, but in all likelyhood, my 12 year old son will never have a job, never get married and have kids, never be able to live on his own. Because of a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease (hepatitis that he got as an infant. I have spent the past 11 years pouring over ALL of the studies, reviews, books, opinion pieces, Freedom of Information files - EVERYTHING I can get my hands on about vaccine safety, and I can tell you, as God as my witness, the vaccine program in this country is absolutely corrupt. Vaccines kill and mame tens of thousands of children a year, and the vast majority go without any sort of justice. The benefits of vaccines are grossly overstated and exagerated, while side effects are swept under the rug and brushed off as coincidence. If you or your child is harmed by a vaccine, the most likely scenerio is that your doctor will turn his or her back on you. You will be told it was all a big fat coincidence. It is a huge risk to take. And most take these risks without fully realizing what the odds really are. For instance, infant mortality rates in the U.S. is extremely high - we are number 44. Babies born in 43 other countries have a better chance of surviving infancy that a child born here. We were number 3 in the mid 1950's. Autism is epidemic. Speech delays/disorders are epidemic. ADHD, autoimmune diseases rampant. We are not healthier for going crazy on the vaccines. Just the opposite. Okay...tetanus ONLY. I called Urgent Treatment. WHEW! BUT I wonder if exposure to that could opened up his immune system to the cough (that might have been just something going around) and then the strep that followed . Endless answers. My son got OCD about digital clocks after 4-yr-old vaccines...had to cover with Post-It notes. There was DTap, IPV, MMR, & Varivax then...which is only 4, but I think they did 6 shots that day. And I'd had a brief thought not to do them since we'd just been talking about some recent behavior issues...and he'd been in the office for a URI 4 days before that well-visit. We got his tonsils out a few months later...had 1.5 good years after 2 years of illness. He did a quick peek at the digital clocks after his 2nd H1N1 shot in Dec '09 & I covered them up passed. This was 2 weeks before strep dx...behaviors started a month later but we didn't find PANDAS for 3 months & then were told nope...not it. Grrrrrr. But we have the dx now...have treatment scheduled. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Very interesting read Priscilla! Thanks!
Sylvia Posted October 21, 2010 Report Posted October 21, 2010 I don't know why the smile face was inserted below - I was typing Hepatitis B. SarahJane, keep in mind that DTaP is three seperate diseases, MMR is three, plus the polio and Varivax brings the total up to 8, and if they did any others such as flu, you are fast approaching double digits in one day. Vaccines have devestated my family. I am always hopeful, but in all likelyhood, my 12 year old son will never have a job, never get married and have kids, never be able to live on his own. Because of a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease (hepatitis that he got as an infant. I have spent the past 11 years pouring over ALL of the studies, reviews, books, opinion pieces, Freedom of Information files - EVERYTHING I can get my hands on about vaccine safety, and I can tell you, as God as my witness, the vaccine program in this country is absolutely corrupt. Vaccines kill and mame tens of thousands of children a year, and the vast majority go without any sort of justice. The benefits of vaccines are grossly overstated and exagerated, while side effects are swept under the rug and brushed off as coincidence. If you or your child is harmed by a vaccine, the most likely scenerio is that your doctor will turn his or her back on you. You will be told it was all a big fat coincidence. It is a huge risk to take. And most take these risks without fully realizing what the odds really are. For instance, infant mortality rates in the U.S. is extremely high - we are number 44. Babies born in 43 other countries have a better chance of surviving infancy that a child born here. We were number 3 in the mid 1950's. Autism is epidemic. Speech delays/disorders are epidemic. ADHD, autoimmune diseases rampant. We are not healthier for going crazy on the vaccines. Just the opposite. Okay...tetanus ONLY. I called Urgent Treatment. WHEW! BUT I wonder if exposure to that could opened up his immune system to the cough (that might have been just something going around) and then the strep that followed . Endless answers. My son got OCD about digital clocks after 4-yr-old vaccines...had to cover with Post-It notes. There was DTap, IPV, MMR, & Varivax then...which is only 4, but I think they did 6 shots that day. And I'd had a brief thought not to do them since we'd just been talking about some recent behavior issues...and he'd been in the office for a URI 4 days before that well-visit. We got his tonsils out a few months later...had 1.5 good years after 2 years of illness. He did a quick peek at the digital clocks after his 2nd H1N1 shot in Dec '09 & I covered them up passed. This was 2 weeks before strep dx...behaviors started a month later but we didn't find PANDAS for 3 months & then were told nope...not it. Grrrrrr. But we have the dx now...have treatment scheduled. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Very interesting read Priscilla! Thanks!
Sylvia Posted October 22, 2010 Report Posted October 22, 2010 There are some serious problems with the Whooping Cough vaccine: There have been whooping cough outbreaks here that have killed several children in my area, so not getting vaccinated is also Russian Roulette. I did vaccinate my children, and do believe in vaccination, but there should be an identified group of at risk kids, like pandas kids, and their siblings. I wish they would figure out a way to make them safer, and give at an older age... BTW Cunningham has been involved in some vaccine work (studies?). If you are interested in vaccines, check out this paper: I came across it a while back. This is a transcript of a meeting regarding vaccines last year. Cunningham presetnted for 30+ minutes, first half heart related, second gets more into pandas...her stuff is toward the end as I recall -page 134? ________________________________________________ here is the table of contents: UNEDITED VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Causal Inference: Steven Goodman 7 Biologic Mechanisms: Weighing the Evidence: 41 Douglas L. Weed Multiple Sclerosis: Stephen L. Hauser 75 Molecular Mimicry: Robert Fujinami 110 Molecular Mimicry: Madeleine W. Cunningham 134 Genetic Susceptibility in Vaccine Adverse Events: 161 Jason H. Moore NOTE: This is an unedited verbatim transcript of the meeting of the Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccine, held on June 24, 2009, prepared by CASET Associates, Fairfax, VA, and is not an official report of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering, or National Research Council (collectively “The National Academies”). Opinions and statements included in the transcript are solely those of the individual persons or participants at the meeting, and are not necessarily adopted or endorsed or verified as accurate by The National Academies.
colleenrn Posted October 22, 2010 Report Posted October 22, 2010 My oldest child had all the vaccines except for the last DTP that was due at age 5. She has the most severe PANDAS by far as compared to her 3 siblings. My 3 yongest have only had IPV (polio) and I strongly believe that is why their PANDAS is less severe (at this point) than my daughter. I know that there are some deaths with pertussis, but if you really look into who the children are who have died, they usually have other complex health problems. My 3 youngest all had pertussis and chicken pox a few years ago. Yes, I was scared to death when they were sick, but they made it through fine. I am still more afraid of vaccines. It is intersting that Dr. C says yes to flu shot and Dr. T and Dr. K say No. Colleen
Sylvia Posted October 22, 2010 Report Posted October 22, 2010 I am so glad you were able to get a hold of information that enabled you to make an informed choice. I had no idea of the risks involved 11 years ago, and would have done things so differently had I known. I would do almost anything to go back and do things over with my babies. I wish you the very best! I just wanted to thank everyone who has brought up the vaccine issue. You all have SAVED my baby! When we started with this whole PANDAS thing and I started learning more about vaccines, I decided not to vaccinate her AT ALL. Now there is a strong possibility she might have congenital Lyme, and I am so glad we did not add vaccines to the mix!!! I just don't get how those things are still being given to children every day, it's like playing Russian Roulette!
Priscilla Posted October 22, 2010 Author Report Posted October 22, 2010 I am so glad you were able to get a hold of information that enabled you to make an informed choice. I had no idea of the risks involved 11 years ago, and would have done things so differently had I known. I would do almost anything to go back and do things over with my babies. I wish you the very best! I just wanted to thank everyone who has brought up the vaccine issue. You all have SAVED my baby! When we started with this whole PANDAS thing and I started learning more about vaccines, I decided not to vaccinate her AT ALL. Now there is a strong possibility she might have congenital Lyme, and I am so glad we did not add vaccines to the mix!!! I just don't get how those things are still being given to children every day, it's like playing Russian Roulette! I wish I could too
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