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Has anyone heard/tried Lithium orotate? Before you call me crazy let me clarify this is not prescriptium lithium but an over-the-counter supplement which is supposed to "play an important role in protecting the brain and minimizing neurological sumptoms during the course of Lyme Disease treatment. For some Lyme sufferers, lithium supplementation can replace pharmaceutical treatments for Lyme-related depression, mental confusion, and behavioral instability."


I have heard of that one. I found it in the store, but did not take it. If I remember, I "energy tested" bad for it.


One herb according to Buhner that is supposed to help particularly with neurological symptoms and damage is stephania, either stephania tetandra or stephania something-else-that-starts-with-a-c. I actually just started taking it about a week ago and test very strong for it.


I have heard of that one. I found it in the store, but did not take it. If I remember, I "energy tested" bad for it.


One herb according to Buhner that is supposed to help particularly with neurological symptoms and damage is stephania, either stephania tetandra or stephania something-else-that-starts-with-a-c. I actually just started taking it about a week ago and test very strong for it.

Thanks Michael! I have to remember to test each of us for all the different stuff! I've never been very good at it, but I'll try...

  • 3 years later...



It helps him immensely along with the elimination diet of eggs/dairy/gluten.


After diet, his reading jumped up ONE year to grade level in 2 weeks. After Lithium, his reading got even better. His anxiety also diminished impressively.


I give 1/2 dropper once a day by Pure Encapsulations. They are on the internet.


We have been taking it for a while in the morning. It has helped kiddo and I both with mood and patience. Just to be on the safe side, I had kiddos lithium level tested (blood test) after she had been taking it for about 6 weeks. She still tested quite low, so I added a capsule at 3pm.

  • 2 months later...

Here is a 2014 NY Times article on Lithium:


"This amount is less than a thousandth of the minimum daily dose given for bipolar disorders and for depression that doesn’t respond to antidepressants. Although it seems strange that the microscopic amounts of lithium found in groundwater could have any substantial medical impact, the more scientists look for such effects, the more they seem to discover. Evidence is slowly accumulating that relatively tiny doses of lithium can have beneficial effects. They appear to decrease suicide rates significantly and may even promote brain health and improve mood."


and a 2012 article


"When one mentions lithium, most people have a negative reaction. They think of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, drooling, and lobotomies. And lithium in pharmacologic doses has some terrible downsides. However, lithium is, in fact, an essential trace mineral, present in many water systems with some very beneficial effects in the brain."


Use it love it too..... It with the everything but the kitchen sink at our kiddos. In a good place.


For what it is worth....I recommend doing all this treatment stuff with a good DAN or Integrative Pedi. I am fairly smart and well versed in Pandas.....however, I could not have gotten my kiddos to the point of where they are at by myself.

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