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DD7 has been dx with Pandas,EBV,CMV,Mycoplasma Pneumonia,Lyme,and Babesia.When we got back Dr.C blood work last year and it showed our daughter was in the pandas range we were like thank god,it is strep and we can make her better!We were FOOLS!Our daughter had classic panda s/s ocd,bed wetting,anxiety,separation anxiety.....She took Augmentin and Orapred(Didn't know about the lyme and babesia at the time even though I would always question about lyme because she had a tick bite on the back of her neck 2 years ago and our ped. just blew me off regarding treatment.How I wish we could go back in time!)last year and it did help with s/s.Also she took Clindamycin for 10 days and it helped but the liquid is nasty and she wouldn't take it anymore.So we go to several doctors and we have IVIG with Dr.B She has had 3 and the last one was the higher dose.Before the 3rd one dd was on Augmentin the brand of the liquid.They stopped making it so we had to change to the generic.DD knew it tasted different(She had been on it since last November)and she wouldn't take the generic.So we tried pills(875 mg two times a day)You could crush them and put it in ice cream or pudding.We did whatever worked.Well the weekend before 3rd IVIG she vomited and then it was hard getting her to take meds.(We also had added Mepron for the babesia,was on vitamins and probiotics.)So she has 3rd IVIG and at that point was not vomiting.She did vomit in the car on the way home.(She was afraid to ride in the car after that but now has gotten over that)During the 3 rd IVIG she c/o her throat hurting and it was hard getting her to take tylenol and benadryl meltaways that she always took before.(They had to give her the Benadryl IV)Prior to August she mostly drank 2 % milk(now and then juice or a little water)She stopped drinking milk and then started jugging orange juice.Well the IVIG was the 2 nd week of August after that she stopped taking the Augmentin and c/o a severe sore throat and like a bone or hair was in her throat.She would drink milkshakes or push up pops but then that stopped.We went to a hospital and the ED doc had blood drawn but he wouldn't check aso or anti d nase b even though she was crying because her throat hurt so bad.(The lab girl drew extra blood but the doc wouldn't run it)They gave her some IV fluid,Ampicillin,Zofran(also had abd pain)and then finally Morphine because her throat still hurt so bad.(I had to get Dr.B on my cell phone so the ED doc would talk to him)So dd feels better and we get d/ced from the ed.We were hopeful that we could get her to eat and drink.When we got home she had a push up pop and we went to bed because it was like 2 in the morning.The next day we were back to not taking meds,eating,drinking.So the next day we go to a different hospital.DD was in the hospital for 7 days.(Ocd was pretty bad at times)The ped at the hospital said he had treated other kids with pandas but I doubt it!He does talk to Dr.B and they put her on antibiotics but they also put her on 60 mg a day of Solumedrol(Steroid)I told them she can't be on it because of lyme and that dose is too high but what do I know!SO by the time we get out of there she is calm one min and yelling the next.(What the H____)did they expect.The one ped.said in front of dd-"What is wrong with her mind?"The other ped.got out his Red Infection Control Book to prove how you treat strep,and lyme disease-He made me read the paragraph.They also kept pushing us to have the Adult Psychiatrist evaluate dd and my husband and I said no!We would follow up with a Neuropsych doc that Dr.B and Dr.J referred us to.The Ped also sent a social worker to talk to me and I talked to her and tried to explain about pandas,lyme.(I think I was really talking Greek!)so the day we get discharged they send another social worker to talk to me.By this time I am done,and I say,we are fine and have follow up appointments already set up and I do not talk to the social worker.DD is still not really eating.Had a few bites of spagettios and was eating mostly push up pops.Did take Mepron in pudding but everything else was IV.Still c/o abd pain and her throat hurting.I asked if she could have a ENT consult but they wouldn't do one.My husband and I know that when we take her home it is going to be the same all over again not eating or taking meds.We had asked about a picc line in the hospital but they thought we were NUTS!So we get her out of the hospital and see someone the next day and he understands about lyme(Someone on this forum gave me his name)It took a week to get things set up and at least dd is eating push up pops or some cold things.The surgeon felt that it would be better to put in a central line so we do that because the picc does not last as long,the picc lasts only about 3 months.(Oh for extra fun the hospital that dd was in sends out a social worker to investigate us for abuse)Can our life get any better!!!!We already have battles with the insurance company and are running out of money.But we are like we have to keep going and make dd better.(She is such a sweet kid and smart.)So she has the line in.She presently is on Azithromycin one day and Clindamycin the next day.Also this week we started Flagyl for the yeast(Doctor Be was concerned regarding yeast and the antibiotics.)She won't eat yogurt anymore even though she used to eat it every day.She is not eating or drinking.It is the OCD and afraid of choking.Yesterday she ate 1/2 cup of jello,that is all we could get her to eat.We have tried everything!!!!!!!!We are giving her IV fluids thru the Central line and Vitamins but I am worried about her not eating.Sometimes the OCD will change but it has not.She still c/o her throat is scratchy and abd pain.We have tried to explain that her abd will feel better if she will eat a little something but the OCD thoughts are stronger and even though she wants to eat she can't.This kid would never pass up a choc chip cookie!(At first she would only eat a few things,one of them was cheese if we cut it up small but as time went on those things also stopped)We did see the neuropsych doc and he ordered Xanax(anti anxiety med)that is sl(it melts fast in your mouth)but we can't get her to take it.So we tried Ativan (the pharm made it into a cream)and we rubbed it on her arm but that didn't seem to make a difference.Poor dd did not go to sleep until almost 2 last night.The doc also ordered Zoloft but I don't know how we are going to get her to take it and it wasn't available until today from the pharm so we have to go pick it up.Other ocd s/s are much better!But the not eating / drinking remains.Also she still has" worries"Is there anybody out there that can help us?I have not been able to reach the doc but we are going to have to do TPN(total parental nutrition)thru the line.We were trying to hold off because if it decreases them so they don't eat at all then that causes more stomach problems,but we don't know what else to do.She is so pale and dark circles are worse.I am so scared!If anybody has any other suggestions please pm me.Thank you for the people that have responded!I have to go make phone calls!

Posted (edited)


I'm SO sorry to hear all that your family is going through! It breaks my heart!! Does Dr. J know about all this? Is she now taking the flagyl with the other abx? There is a drink called Good Belly (which comes in small 4 oz idividuals) that is full of vitamins/probiotics. It's dairy free, so easier on the stomach. It's strawberry flavored and has a smiley face on the opening--maybe she would try it.

Last Jan-April, when we were dealing with the fear of swallowing/choking/vomiting, my dd was placed on 14 days of flagyl for Giardia and again 6 weeks later for c-diff. It really made a difference with these behaviors. We did see some herxing at first but then much better. Flagyl is also used for Lyme in cyst form. Hopefully, it will help with the fears (then you can at least try some ERP). Sending lots of prayers your way!!!!

Edited by philamom

Call Eric storch in Florida or email. He will respond quickly. They are very kind and can do intensive but careful ERP, to help her use other part of her brain to overcome the fear enough to eat. They get pandas too. He may be able to work w you via skype, but many have gone there for a few weeks when emergency like this. Does anyone have his email handy? If not, I will find and come back later, am traveling.


So sorry to hear all this. Our daughter in similar situation due to choking, contamination and throw up fears. Even seeing too much food would send her into screaming panic attack at the worst. ERP did NOT cure, but did help her survive without hospital while we found medical help. I am so passionate about this as tool because I think it saved her life. I am not usually so dramatic about this, but your story breaks my heart.


Also try liquid motrin in a dropper over 30 minutes, drop by drop if necessary. Then try liquids in another 30. Motrin reduces inflammation, and helps fight fear. We also found throat pain due to acid reflux, prefaced REALLY helps. Again, do one crumb at time if necessary.




I am so sorry- you and your daughter have been through ######.


So- you have a little farther to go, but you WILL get her well.


Where do you live, who is your doctor (pandas and lyme)?


So- a few thoughts: (we don't have lyme that we know of- so I cannot speak to that)


This is your baby girl. She is suffering. She is not eating- which is actually life threatening. I think you need to consider a few things:


You need to get Dr B, your lyme doc, and anyone else you think might be able to help on the phone today. Have you considered Dr Fallon in NY. He specializes in neuropsychiatric lyme, and I believe was at the big pandas meeting. He works for columbia, and I think might have access to ivig.


Try to get some support at home, your dh, mom, sister- whatever, to help you with your dd.


Then get on the phone, and demand help. Your daughter is in crisis and it is life threatening- do not be nice, do not let them put you off.


Is this pandas- or lyme- do you know which is causing the symptoms. If you think it is pandas- can you get to Dr L and consider plasma pheresis?


I wish there was some way I could help....


Hang in there, keep us updated...


Thank you,we can't get her to take anything by mouth she just spits it out.While she was sleeping this am I put the Xanax in her mouth next to her cheek but it didn't dissolve as fast as it should because her mouth was dry.So she spit some of it out.(My husband did it yesterday and she also spit some out)But she did mentioned that she worried less.But we still can't get her to take it.We tried in choc ice cream last evening but she spit it out.Trying to explain that it will help her doesn't stop the D---OCD thoughts.(God when I put it in her mouth this am I thought please don't choke on it)So we did the Ativan cream yesterday first .25 mg (Which the doc ordered)and then we tried .5 mg of the cream.But it didn't seem to have any effect.Was still up until 2 am and slept until 930am or 1000 am.Dr.B is of no HELP!!!and Dr.J does not believe in doing Azith one day and Clinda the next.I am angry because when she was in the hospital neither one would help us with the picc line-they agreed it would be good but would not order it.So we saw Dr.Beals and thank God he would listen to us and he ordered it.I have called Dr.B and asked What Has Helped Other Panda Kids?He told me to talk to Dr.Beals because it is a lyme issue!!Isn't all this stuff related?Her immune complex are still high!She was supposed to go for IVIG next week but we had already decided not to do it.But I thought let them precert it with my insurance and maybe she might need it later,to just push it back for awhile.But they never got it precerted.I was yelling on the phone the other day(it takes alot for me to yell)because I was talking to Bonnie from Dr.J office.They are saying talk to Dr.B and do the IVIG.Also because Dr.Beals orders the meds differently Dr.J has a issue with that.But I called to ask Dr.J opinion because My God this child needs help.So my husband comes in on the middle of the conversation and he wonders whom I am yelling at.Back in August after we see Dr.J and start the Mepron I call them and tell them,look we are having a hard time getting her to take it and eating/drinking.Their suggestion is to take toys away but that doesn't work!!!So we ended up in the hospital.Now Dr.B is not suggesting anything its a lyme issue!!!!I COULD SCREAM,my husband called yesterday begging,What do we do!And that is the response that we get from her immune doc?They also told my husband to look at a panda site on line and ask other parents!On Tuesday(It is my Birthday)and we take dd to Dr.Bransfield in NJ. Three hour drive and back but he is the lyme association president and a Neuropsych doc so we are hopeful that he can help us.He orders the xanax sl(We try to tell him we can't get her to take anything and will need to do meds IV but we will try)He also orders the Zoloft.He throws in at the end that she might always have ocd.(What??????)If we treat the lyme and babesia and God knows what else,shouldn't she be better.We still have HOPE.She is not as angry or raging like she was a few weeks ago.She has spit on us and hit us.We know that this is not her real personality.We stay calm and we know she will calm down.So she is no longer hitting or spitting on us,yelling or cursing.Recently if we turned off a light or sat down we would have to turn the light back on or stand up or"I can't breath"and she would be in a panic.Well she is not doing that anymore.Also one of us always had to be with her and right now she is in her room playing with toys by herself.So for the D____docs that think that these kids can't get better with antibiotics they can stick it!She will tape a message on a heart that records and bring it to me,the message says"I love you mommy"this is my child.If only we could get her to eat and drink.The TPN should only be given for a month not long term because it causes liver and other issues.Maybe it will buy us more time.Thanks for help and support.(OH if anyone is going to be in Edison NJ for Panda meeting there is a Rainforest Cafe there.We went after doc appt on Tuesday because we love the place and there are not many around anymore,so we think it's my birthday and maybe we could get poor daughter to at least get a drink,but she would not get out of the car.She slept most of the time in the car and I took jello with us but she had 2 small bites and after that spit it out.I also had taken yogurt with us and oj but she wouldn't touch either.So we go home because we wanted to get IV fluid in.)She will tell us to keep things until she is "Better"and then she will eat them.She still complains of throat being scratchy.We went to a ENT last year but he was useless,didn't even do a throat culture.Oh,when she was in the hospital in August her ASO and anti d nase b did go up to 92 and 120(I think,I would have to look at the lab sheet,she always was low before.I think her throat was red and so sore that she had strep.Or was it die off from IVIG from lyme/ babesia?No one seems to know.If anyone has a good ENT or if we might need a GI doc we will travel.We live in pa.(We did try ERP last September but it didn't work,and over time the ocd s/s got worse.I think because we were not treating the lyme/babesia.Also we are waiting to find out about hair we sent for heavy metals.)My insurance is not paying for the IV antibiotics and it is expensive,my husband said maybe we could have a fund raiser.Why do our children have to deal with this?Wendy sent a message that lyme affects histamine and that benadryl helps,maybe Dr.Bransfield can order it Iv,I will call him.Thanks again for any suggestions,Steph(Oh any thoughts,my husband has a red blotchy rash on back,chest,arms,scalp and it will be in different places and fade Not whole back or chest just areas.It will itch,he has taken Benadryl that helps a little.Maybe this is affecting dd?My husband and I took Augmentin in Sept when dd was in the hospital even though we are supposed to be allergic from birth.We didn't know the reaction so we thought,oh well we would take it,if it would help dd because maybe we were making her worse..But we finished it in the middle of September.But then he got this rash a few weeks later.Any thoughts?Now I have to find a doctor for him!)


Like someone else said, I am so sorry this is happening. My son did have eating problems where he wouldn't eat anything, not even yogurt or applesauce. I had to spoon feed him a little at a time. It wasn't until he went on a steroid burst did he start to eat again. But, like you said, steroids and Lyme don't go well. My son, like your daughter, also hit, spit, and acted rather animalistic. I know it doesn't help, but please realize you are not alone!


As for the Benadryl, I think they make dissolving strips too. Don't know if that would help if she spit out the other dissolving med in her sleep before,but thught I'd mention it.



so sorry to hear your troubles. unfortunately, i don't really have words of wisdom for you other than to say i feel your pain.


in july, due to a herx-like reaction to an anti-viral we added, ds flew into contamination fear severe crisis and was not eating or drinking. he had never exhibited this before. each day, we were one step away from ER IV hydration - he somehow managed the bare minimum fluid to avoid this. a few ounces of fluid in the middle of July and he's only 40 lbs to begin with, so it was extrememly frightening. it lasted about a week. i think we saw in a kind of fast forward what many experience for months or years.


i don't know if this will be helpful but for ds, i believe it was some sort of fear of himself dying or anyone else dying if anything touched the food before eating -- i mean anything -- the inside of a wrapper of packaged food -- which is next to impossible. possibly also some thought that he/they deserved to die b/c of it. then, he would freak out. compounding it that he really was starving and really wanted to eat, but then couldn't. of course, there was no reasoning with this.


we got some bacon into him b/c we went to our whole foods which has a sink in the cafe and he ate it with horrible manners --holding it up high and lowering it into his open mouth like a baby bird. other times, he ate off a plate like a dog. the most he ate that week was raw muffin batter out of muffin tins. he had to put a straw in asceptic packaged silk himself, but if his hand touched the package, it would be ruined. of course, he so wanted to drink it and was spastically putting the straw in, so many were ruined. then no one else could drink it either. if anything touched or hit anything else -- it could cause an intense freak-out.


we found some success with individual packaged silverware that he unwrapped right before eating. food on tin foil was also acceptable -- plates were not. later, just washed plates from the dishwasher that he ever-so-carefully took out with 2 fingers lightly touching. tubes of yogurt could be acceptable if he took them carefully out of the carton w/o touching the sides. i think he didn't realize it touched anything.


he was neg on a culture. i think he just pulled himself out of it -- all the more for me thinking it was a herx-like reaction. our integrative MD is sure this was the reason and thinks this type of OCD is something that would have eventually surfaced for him. ds was also diagnosed with strep, lyme, no coinfections, CMV, toxoplasma gondii.


i know your posts said you were in much contact with many drs. could the food issues be a type of herx?


megs mom is so very knowledgeable about OCD so her contact may provide good help.


good luck.


"the message on the heart" brings tears to my eyes!


I agree with maybe looking in to megs mom contact.


I also think Dr. Beals may be a good doctor for your daughter since he looks at many angles.


I wish I could offer more comforting words. Please hang in there!!


Thank you,I called and left messages for Dr.Bransfield and Dr.Beals.I asked both about the Benadryl.I haven't heard back yet.I think it is more the fear of choking and still complaining of her throat being scratchy.Are we still making her herx?By giving antibiotics?We don't give any Sat or Sun.She didn't have any Tue because we were in the car to doc appt.we only gave her fluids when we came home to help keep her from getting dehydrated.She has lost 3 pounds in the past week.Her weight was always normal but then gained because of the Orapred.(She was on it for a few months 15 mg a day ordered by Dr.B)But we weaned her off in June.I wish there was someone that could look at the whole picture and tell you what to do and that it would be successful.(I remember when I first started to read this forum )that was last September and I read about other kids,I was thankful that she did not have some of the symptoms that I read about,and I told my husband,Those poor kids and parents.But as time went on we thought we were making her better but things got worse.I hope that at least we are killing off some bacteria,virus or whatever.I will keep you posted!Steph


Hi - here is Dr. Storch's info - he has a great team of therapists - a friend of mine is there now wiht her son. Dr. Eric Storch at (727) 767-8230 or email him at estorch@health.usf.edu.


I completely understand having tried ERP in the past and it not working. We found that many therapists were not great, or not age appropriate, or not trained well. I don't think that Dr. Storch will take a child unless he evaluates the situation and thinks they can be helped by the program. I have seen very desperate children helped, but it is very individual to the child and situation. Again, not suggesting this instead of medical therapy, but as a tool while you are being treated medically. Wish I could offer more help or suggestions. Either way, I hope you find the right answers for your child.


If you want to try a little yourself at home, you could tell her about "brain tricks", where OCD tries to trick us into thinking bad things will happen like choking. You can tell her about other kids, whose OCD tried to trick them about other things. Then you can tell her that you can actually beat up OCD by using your own brain. As a first step, brainstorm about things she could do with food, that would help to beat up OCD - without eating. So for example, can she just touch her tongue to a popsicle, but NOT to eat it. Can she hold a bite in her mouth, then spit it out. Are different foods scarier than others. You give her complete control, but see if there is anything related to food that she would be able to do. It might literally be to look at a picture of a popsicle first or talk about eating it. If you find something tiny that she can do, and she tries then you congratulate her for her bravery. This will not get her eating anytime soon. But she is not eating now, and if she takes even the smallest step in the next few weeks, it might make her life easier. Anyway, this is likely not a great solution for you at this point, but since I got a few notes about this today, figured I'd post anyway.


So sorry she is suffering - and hope Dr. Beals can help.


I wish that it would work but it doesn't.We have the OCD workbook for kids and how to boss back the ocd but it doesn't help.I did talk to Dr.Bransfield and he said that sometimes with lyme there is a nerve involved and that causes the choking issues.I hope that is not the case!He had one girl and she had to have a J tube(feeding tube you put in the abdomen.)I did talk to him about IV meds and he will order Benadryl or Vistaril.I hope we can get it soon.Thanks for info,Steph(I am thanking God that we have the IV line in!)


Wow. I'd like to check a couple things....


Your DD7 has just had 3rd IVIG -- and last one was at 1.5mg/kg (?).


You indicate child might be still positive for Lyme and Babesia -- has a recent babesia test been run?


Have you tried an anti-reflux medicine like pepcid? Sometimes kids can't tell the difference between acid reflux and a sore throat.


Has at least a throat culture been run? Were tonsils red or inflammed?



It sounds like your dd7 has been on a lot of different meds -- did you see any real benefit from any of them or has symptom of food refusal been present throughout?


DD7 exhibits significant OCD symptoms -- however, at this point mostly choking fear is present.


Attempt was made to use SSRI, but this did not seem to improve choking fear (is this still true)?


DD7 is still on azith/clindimycin -- clindimycin has some nasty side effects if used for too long -- how long on clindimycin?


Is DD7 still having bowel movements? Any thought about whether stomach pain could be an ulcer -- any test done? I realize that not eating could be causing the stomach pain, but wondering what other tests were run there?




Hi Buster,the IVIG #3 was 1.5gm/kg.(Sorry typo)I haven't had much sleep lately.It was done the 2 nd week of August.Sept 2 until 9th she was in the hospital.The ped in the hospital refused to do a ENT consult even though she c/o severe sore throat and was red on one side.Also uvula was long and probably swollen.She has a central line in and is getting IV fluids,Azith on Mon,Wed,Fri and Clinda Tue and Thur.Also this week had a few doses of Flagyl.I have asked about prevacid IV but the doc wanted to hold off.(In August when this started she c/o abd pain and sore throat)If anyone reading this has a good ENT or GI doc we will go.We saw a ENT months ago but he didn't even do a culture even though she c/o a scratchy throat.It is frustrating dragging her to a doctor and then just being blown off.She has not taken the zoloft yet.She can swallow-had a few sips of oj this am.(Only thing that she will drink)I don't know if it is all OCD related or if there is also a medical issue.Her aso and anti d nase b was always low.But was higher in the hospital ,so it could have been rising or falling.(The one doc in the ED wouldn't even check it)If I could order the d---stuff myself I would!The one doc did not call me back today and I have called several times.I will ask again about the prevacid.I think you are right. IV antibiotics has been for 2 weeks.She is having a small bm.Dr.Jones said it can take months to treat babesia and we have not had it re-checked.It was done not long ago.She had a tick bite 2 years ago so brewing.She had a bite or two of jello today but that is all.Prior to August she had no problems eating.She c/o mucous and her throat being scratchy.This has been on going.Sometimes the ocd changes and we hope that we can get this turned around.I told Dr.Bransfield about Wendy mentioning that Benadryl is helpful with lyme because of issues with histamines.He was going to order Benadryl or Vistaril IV.I don't know when we will get it.We tried Ativan cream (topical)but no effect.We do see a difference being on antibiotics-ocd s/s and anger decreased.Thanks,Steph




When was she treated for Babesia and Lyme and what was the treatment? Is the current prescription of Flagyl part of the Lyme treatment or are you treating something else?


Was she primarily hospitalized for the ED? I realize she's not really eating -- does she express interest in food (like want to cook it?) Does she like its smell? Does she talk about it a lot? or do you see sort of a disinterest in food or her talking about what happens when she eats? Does she seem fixated on any topic?


What dosage are you giving for the azith and clindimycin? What prompted the use of clindimycin? How long has she been on it?


If you take the symptoms since August 2nd -- how would you describe the symptoms - relatively constant? Aside from the restrictive eating, what else are you observing? I realize this is a ton of questions but I'm just looking for any hints of anything that might offer a clue about what's going on.









Hi Buster,the IVIG #3 was 1.5gm/kg.(Sorry typo)I haven't had much sleep lately.It was done the 2 nd week of August.Sept 2 until 9th she was in the hospital.The ped in the hospital refused to do a ENT consult even though she c/o severe sore throat and was red on one side.Also uvula was long and probably swollen.She has a central line in and is getting IV fluids,Azith on Mon,Wed,Fri and Clinda Tue and Thur.Also this week had a few doses of Flagyl.I have asked about prevacid IV but the doc wanted to hold off.(In August when this started she c/o abd pain and sore throat)If anyone reading this has a good ENT or GI doc we will go.We saw a ENT months ago but he didn't even do a culture even though she c/o a scratchy throat.It is frustrating dragging her to a doctor and then just being blown off.She has not taken the zoloft yet.She can swallow-had a few sips of oj this am.(Only thing that she will drink)I don't know if it is all OCD related or if there is also a medical issue.Her aso and anti d nase b was always low.But was higher in the hospital ,so it could have been rising or falling.(The one doc in the ED wouldn't even check it)If I could order the d---stuff myself I would!The one doc did not call me back today and I have called several times.I will ask again about the prevacid.I think you are right. IV antibiotics has been for 2 weeks.She is having a small bm.Dr.Jones said it can take months to treat babesia and we have not had it re-checked.It was done not long ago.She had a tick bite 2 years ago so brewing.She had a bite or two of jello today but that is all.Prior to August she had no problems eating.She c/o mucous and her throat being scratchy.This has been on going.Sometimes the ocd changes and we hope that we can get this turned around.I told Dr.Bransfield about Wendy mentioning that Benadryl is helpful with lyme because of issues with histamines.He was going to order Benadryl or Vistaril IV.I don't know when we will get it.We tried Ativan cream (topical)but no effect.We do see a difference being on antibiotics-ocd s/s and anger decreased.Thanks,Steph

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