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  1. Has anyone had success with helminthic therapy? It is the use of parasites or worms to treat autoimmune disorders. There seems to be some interesting articles about this. When I looked back over old posts in the forum, it seemed like some people were having some success with this. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/19/magazine/the-parasite-underground.html http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-think-parasitic-worms-could-be-the-key-to-treating-multiple-sclerosis http://discovermagazine.com/2015/july-aug/4-take-worms-call-me https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140811125126.htm
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/26/opinion/sunday/immune-disorders-and-autism.html?_r=0 This article is from a few years back. It is striking how many kids on the spectrum have Pandas/Pans. Is there something in their genetics which makes them uniquely vulnerable to autoimmune problems? Or are the autoimmune problems causing the autism? Some kids seem to be "cured" of their autism once the Pandas/Pans is treated. Dr. Kenneth Bock suggests that even ADHD is on the spectrum and the spectrum has an autoimmune root. There also seems to be a correlation between maternal illness during pregnancy (especially in the fist two trimesters) and autism. Is there a correlation with Pandas/Pans? The article suggest that countries with parasites don't tend to have autism (or as many autoimmune problems)-related to the microbiome theory. Has anyone used parasites to treat Pandas/Pans? I know some parasites may be the cause of Pandas/Pans, so wondering what others think. Is there any research out there on any of this? Some quotes: "Humans also evolved with plenty of parasites. Dr. Parker and many others think that we’re biologically dependent on the immune suppression provided by these hangers-on and that their removal has left us prone to inflammation." I couldn't find results front this study, but it sounds interesting... "a trial is under way at the Montefiore Medical Center and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine testing a medicalized parasite called Trichuris suis in autistic adults."
  3. The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit http://chroniclymediseasesummit.com/ is a free online conference starting today. There are many great speakers and topics lined up, and I encourage anyone still looking for answers, even if you've ruled out Lyme or don't think it's a possibility, to check it out. Much of it will be relevant to PANDAS/PANS, whether or not Lyme is involved. Speakers include Dr. Horowitz, Lee Cowden, Scott Forsgren (Better Health Guy), Kenneth Stoller, and Joseph Mercola, just to name a few. Topics include mitochondrial dysfunction, brain conditions, stress and emotional trauma, treating anxiety and panic with tryptophan and GABA, energy medicine, Chinese medicine, trigeminal neuralgia, IV vitamin C, rife, infrared technology, sugar, mold, nutrition and detox, gut microbiome, biofilms, GAPS diet, ketogenic diet, grains = inflammation, cancer, heavy metals and more. They have several speakers each day and you have 24 hours to watch their talks for free.
  4. I'm not sure how to deal with this situation. For the past few months, DS has had a flare up every month or so. Whether it's related to the Lyme life cycle or parasites, I don't know, maybe it's both? He flares around the full moon, and so people have brought up the possibility of parasites. His tics get more frequent and more 'severe' - i.e. the sequence lasts longer and produces a much larger, full body movement. It lasts about a week. Then he goes back down to regular ticcing (it hasn't yet gone away). He is currently taking augmentin and clarithromycin, and some herbals Biocidin and MC Bab 1, which are partly anti-parasitic but he's only on one drop a day. We do lots of detox. And probiotics, sacc B. I've upped his detox this week but it doesn't seem to have any effect. So if it's parasites growing/reproducing, detox wouldn't help? Should I increase the herbals to two drops? I also don't exactly understand how parasites would cause a flare? Can someone explain to me? I realize with a dysfunctional immune system, the parasites have more of a effect than on a healthy immune system.
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