Hello everyone
I did K-12 last year for my dd for first grade and I am going to do it again this year also
I LOVE IT !!!!
her teacher was awesome the program is easy to follow if you need help all you need to do is call or e mail there teacher
I just cant say enough goo things about it.. you can set your program up the way you want it
I clean houses so I am off on Monday and Tuesday so those are our big days to get alot done
I work on Wed,Thursday,Friday so my parents help me out with her math and flash cards and reading
so if you work in the day you can do it at night or on the weekends
and the best part about it???? I dont need to say anything to anyone about her
I do have a 504 just because is she has a flair they know what is going on
They send you all the book and everything you need for the year
I had school stuff from one end to the other... LOL
They have sesions with the teachers on line if you cant make it for some reason it is recored and you can do it later
My dd wants to go back to school but I think one more year would be good for her she has been PANDAS free for almost 18 months (knock on wood) 2 ivigs ... and abxs are doing the trick..
hope this post helps