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Tracie's Achievements

  1. And 1 ivig could have done ok for us BUT she caught H1N1 on the way back from Chicago.. so who knows??? But like I said if you are going to do 1 ivig save what you can for #2 .. Tracie
  2. We love Dr. K BUT we did need 2 IVIGs we had one at 5 years and one at 6ish she is 8 now and doing great We would do it again if needed Insurance helped a little bit but most of it went on credit cards that we took money off of.. There isnt a cure for PANDAS but a treatment.. Tracie
  3. I agree...
  4. I am so sorry there is nothing like ear pain My friends ear hurt for about a month and then they pulled a heap of goo out and it was all fungus.. and I think cotton from a q tip her ear always iched from somthing that she was eating?? so whatever is causing it might just be to far down for them to see yet? I hope you feel better soon Tracie
  5. So are they on abx's like every ther day to keep strep out? my DD takes azith every other day 250 mgs she has had ivig twice.
  6. What abx's are you taking and how much? Tracie
  7. Me too I want to see it
  8. Im just not sure.. My dd has been PANDAS free for about 18 months little flairs her and there but nothing we couldnt control with abxs.. So with that said she wants to go back to school and not homeschool for second grade... She did so good last year sick only 1 or 2 times.. not everyother week like reg school I know that we cant keep her in a bubble anymore but If she gets sick all the time again then I think we will be back for IVIG # 3 with Dr.k.. but then she might be fine even if she does get sick alot.. so confused...
  9. We went to Dr.K he did ivig twice on our DD and she is doing great
  10. I homeschooled my dd for first grade and it went good I think I am going to do it again for 2 grade because If she has a PANDAS flair or has a bad relap I can still try to keep up with her school We will try to get her back to school in third
  11. I think Its only first grade so its better to try to catch up now insted of always being behind.. Tracie
  12. Hello everyone I did K-12 last year for my dd for first grade and I am going to do it again this year also I LOVE IT !!!! her teacher was awesome the program is easy to follow if you need help all you need to do is call or e mail there teacher I just cant say enough goo things about it.. you can set your program up the way you want it I clean houses so I am off on Monday and Tuesday so those are our big days to get alot done I work on Wed,Thursday,Friday so my parents help me out with her math and flash cards and reading so if you work in the day you can do it at night or on the weekends and the best part about it???? I dont need to say anything to anyone about her I do have a 504 just because is she has a flair they know what is going on They send you all the book and everything you need for the year I had school stuff from one end to the other... LOL They have sesions with the teachers on line if you cant make it for some reason it is recored and you can do it later My dd wants to go back to school but I think one more year would be good for her she has been PANDAS free for almost 18 months (knock on wood) 2 ivigs ... and abxs are doing the trick.. hope this post helps Tracie
  13. I am so sorry that you have to wait so long I guess we just got lucky both IVIGs for my dd we did not have to wait so long I pray for you to have the strength to hang on.. because what other choice do we have?? I hope he will find the strength to hang on too.. Tracie
  14. This is why I homeschool.. I didnt need to tell anyone ANYTHING about my dd no eye rolling,no "oh ok I guess we will let you know if there is strep in the class" ect ect.. and the best part about it is my dd was only sick 1 time ALL YEAR!!! so happy about that because that has helped with her healing of PANDAS.. I am going to homeschool her one more year and this year thank goodness it is only second grade.. LOL.. and get her back into sports and that way when she does get sick she can still do her school work and NOT get behind in school again! But if you cant homeschool get a 504 plan through the school I even have a 504 plan with the homeschool that we do as a just in case.. hang in there Tracie
  15. Why does the Dr want to lower the Dose of Augmention? who is the Dr?
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