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    Metepec, Mexico

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  1. Hi Three weeks ago, my 15 y/o son had an infection. He's had several the last months, even though he's receiving IVIG, so OCD was coming back and a lot of anxiety too. DS told me for the first time in three years: help me, mom, please! I really need something for my stress.....it was heartbreaking! Now, he's taking Valerian Root and something else that in Mexico we called Passiflora. He felt calm and in better mood just in one or two days. It gave me the confidence to keep on using homeopathy...I'm using Ignatia, that really helped me. Starting DS carcinosinum for OCD though very low dose....and wait to see changes. Definitely, he's better.
  2. I'm taking homeopathy.....Valerian root and Ignatia. It's helping a lot! Now I feel better.
  3. It's wonderful....so happy to read this story. It gives us hope!
  4. Hello My 14 y/o son is doing pretty good. Even though he's going to school and he's already caught a couple of colds...he is in very good conditions. Thanks God!!! He's taking daily: Zytromax. 250 mg Vitamin D. Iron Quercetin + C fluoxetin (very low dose) If he's tired or I see him kind of "different" ibuprofen 3 x day minimum.
  5. Thanks! I will start slowly then....
  6. I just bought it today at Vitamin Shoppe (Quercetin + C) I've read a lot and seems to be a good supplement for these kids. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping this helps to avoid virus and allergies. Just one question.....my son is almost 15 y/o, what would be a good dose for him? Thank you!
  7. Yes it sounds like an OCD fear to me and very similar to my son. Smells too. He started to use one doctor mask then he was using up to seven masks. For them is real contamination.
  8. Do you think capsules are the same as milk? Don't think I can get the milk in Mexico.....
  9. Great news! Almost the same story with my son....congratulations! God bless you all.
  10. Thanks....I will try to get the videos.
  11. Hello What about giving vitamin D together with vitamin A ? To protect him from infections during this school year ? Anyone that can give any opinion!!!
  12. My personal email is elgasa@prodigy.net.mx

    If you need something else....let me know!


  13. Hi,

    What? Did they tell you no?

    That's a residential program. A great program! My son now (14) had good & bad days at Rogers, though I repeat Rogers was the "key" for him. Once he was physically well his brain was able to received therapy. Of course he did a hard work there but at the end he discharged recovered.

    Now he has a life again and OCD is under co...

  14. Pandasmex-I perked up when I read that your son has been in Rogers. We went thru the screening. We were extremely disappointed--they said impulsivity/aggression was an issue and didn't believe Rogers was the place for him. He NEEDS intensive CBT. I would love to hear more about your Rogers experience if you feel comfortable sharing. Our 13 son is a PANDAS/Lyme . Dawn

  15. My son received seven IVIG during 2011 and YES it was Very helpful. No more tics, no more Tourette and I guess no more brain inflammation . He also was in the residential program of Rogers Memorial Hospital and in his case that was the special ingredient for him.....NO MORE OCD or anxiety. He returned home two months ago and he is doing great!!! He's going to,school and he is recovering the last two years that he was so sick...now my son is living like any "normal teen" thanks God.
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