I posted quite a while ago on the TICS forums. But I am wondering if now my son's tics could be caused by PANDAS or PITANDS. He has never had a really sore throat or any throat swabs to confirm.
My DS 9 had quite a few tics starting August last year with eye blinking, throat clearing. Things did improve and we had a good few months from April till about June this year when the eye blinking came back for a couple of weeks. He had just got over a cold - no sore throat. Our doctor ( we are in the UK - no PANDAS specialists here!) did a blood test and his ASO titres were 400 IU/ml and his anti-DNase titres were 383 U/ml. His serum ferritin (Iron) was low at 20 ug/L. Our doctor mentioned that although he didn't believe the tics were caused by strep they could have aggrevated his tics. This is the first time I thought about PANDAS.
The tics lasted 2 weeks in June then cleared up. Our doctor prescribed Penicillin (250mg 4 times a day for 7 days then 250mg once a day for 3 months). However, after 6 days of the Penicillin my son came out in a rash which I thought was a reaction to the drugs but the DR said it was shingles!! Shingles didn't bother him overly, but 7 days after the Shingles his eye blinking tic has come back, he is now only taking 250mg Pencillin per day. The DR didn't think the Singles had anything to do with the Pencillin but I was wondering if he has really low immunity.
The DR believes that my DS has had a very stressful week and that could be why the tics came back. They came back suddenly, on Saturday morning. He has just got over shingles, had 2 dental appointments (he hates the dentist and has quite bad teeth and may need fillings), an orthodontist appointment and school is starting in just under 2 weeks. My son has also always suffered with aching legs and arms at night since he was about 3 years old. We have seen various doctors and they have all said growing pains.
Any advice would be welcome. He has no OCD or other symptoms, just the tics. They came back suddenly. I just hope they go awaya again as we had a bad year last year and I don't want to go through it all again.