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Claire, I have not tried the soy. My son will drink the soy milk with cereal but he hates the taste of the soy protein powders. This one may be different but I did not want to waste my money on something I know he does not like. The powder mixes very easy. I ordered the shaker and it works great. I have been mixing it with 8 ozs of ice water and he takes his supplements with it. He likes the smoothies in the afternoon. The site gives some good recipes for smoothies etc. My son usually cannot tolerate milk products but I have given him the egg protein and the whey protein and have not noticed any problems. He usually gets an upset stomach and sometimes gets very moody and cries when he has a glass of milk. It also can increase his tics but I have not noticed any problems with this. Let me know what you hear about the eggs. Robin.
Claire Check out this site for protein powders etc. www. JayRobb.Com. A friend of mine told me about this. We have tried the strawberry and Vanilla. The Taste is great. My son hates the soy protein drinks but cannot even tell when I put this in a smoothie. I can mix it with just plain water and he drinks it. Best of all the ingredients are natural without added sugars. Stevia is used for the Sweetner. Both the whey protein and egg protein are very very good. I have tried 7-10 different drink mixes over the past year and this one finally passes the taste test for my 10 year old. Good luck. Robin
Ausclare, I tried the Threelac for my 10 year old. I did notice an incrase in tics after the 7th day. It may have been from something else but I decided to wait and try it again when he is out of school this summer. The increase was minor (more blinking and mouth stretching) but I did not want things getting worse. The taste is pretty good. My son had not problem taking it!! Let us know if you see any increase. I will post again when we try it this summer. Robin.
Jean. Chemar, Check out the post on Braintalk about L-Carnitne and Actyle Carnitine. FJ posted a few months back that she noticed an incrase in tics in her son when she switched from L-Carnitine to Actyle. I had been supplementing with L-Carnitine for eye and mouth tics and I read on the Braintalk forum that I should use the Actyle form. I also noticed an increase in tics when I switched. After going back on the L- Carnitine the eye blinking decreased again. The post on Braintalk if entitled "FJ L-Carnitine or Acetyl or the Juvenon Product " its is dated 11-21-04. Robin
Cold sores/herpes virus and Tourette Syndrome?
RTO1214 replied to a topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
LaurensMom, My son gets very very hyper on apples and grapes, along with his TS he has ADD, OCD and anxiety issues. His ADD is so HIGH when he eats apples and grapes so that is out of the questions for us. Chemar, I hope you get good results from the lab work. I will keep you and your son in my prayers. Robin -
Cold sores/herpes virus and Tourette Syndrome?
RTO1214 replied to a topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Chemar, This is not related to the herpes but I think last spring you posted about an increase in tics in your son. My son always has an increase during the spring and I believe it must be his allergies. He has pollen, grass, tree allergies and I always notice his tics are higher during the high pollen season. Just a thought. The information on the herpes virus is very interesting. My sons gets a cold sore every couple of months and his tics alway increase for a few days during the outbreak!! Thanks for the great information. Robin -
Dara, My son gets the humming tic off and on. The first time I heard him I shut myself in my bedroom and cried for 2 hours. He had other tics going on at the same time and that was just about all I could handle. That was 3 years ago and now when my son starts humming it does not bother me at all. I wanted to fix it and make it all go away and I reasearch and research and over the years have found that with Tourettes (not a tic disorder but true Tourettes) the tics will come and go and change from one to another. I know that right now that does not help but IT WILL GET BETTER!! I worried that once my son started making sounds such as humming that the screaming tics etc would be next but that has not happened and I have tried very hard to stop worrying about what the next tic will be. My son takes supplements and it does help his tics stay very mild. I did notice that when my son has milk or anything with dairy that he hums alot more. When we removed milk completely from his diet the humming stopped but he still will go through times when he feels the need to hum, espiecally when he is cold. I hope things get better for you soon. I know how hard it can be to see our kids tic. I never thought I could handle it but by the grace of God I can finally see that this is not the end of the world. We have so much to be thankful for. Time will help you deal better with all of this. We have been dealing with TS, ADD, OCD and anxeity for 3 years. It will get better. Robin
Andy, I would love to hear the results. Please keep us posted. Robin
Susan, Thanks so much for the kind words. I have been feeling like such an awful mother for having a 10 year old on Lexapro. We tried Inositol, St. Johns Wort. and some other herbal remedies. Nothing seemed to help. We still are having crying in the morning before school but he made it through today and his teacher said he had a much better day when I picked him up. We are able to keep his tics very low with the Vitamins. The ADD is another issue but at this point I just want him to be happy and not have so many fears. I am longing for the day when he can fall asleep on his own without Mom. My sons grades in School are average and for now that is good enough. Thanks again, Robin.
Natalie, I have heard the same things about CFA. The Friends school here in Wilmington Basically told us at the end of 3rd grade(last week of School) that my son "was not a good fit" for Friends school. I cried in the middle of the meeting and felt like a complete fool. My sons anxiety and ADHD was "a problem for the teachers" they did not have the time to devote to my son. I was very hurt and hated telling my son because he had alot of friends at the school and loved his teachers. He is now in a public school for the first time ever and doing O.K. His anxiety is so bad right now that he has missed alot of days the past 2 weeks!! His anxiety and attention issues have always been the hardest things for him to handle. His tics are pretty constant but very mild so as of now they do not bother him. I hope they stay carm as he goes through puberty. Myson is 10 and I also have a 2 year old. I stay home and can relate to the stress you talk about. My 2 year old is sick so much so we are not able to go on play dates etc. We go to the park sometimes but he is hesitant to play with the other children. When we do have friends over my 2 year old is very bossy with the other children. Wish I had could help out more. Robin
Natalie, I think I will make a trip up to Raleigh to try the Whole Foods Market. We do have 2 small stores here but nothing like a "real grocery store". My son goes to Winter Park Elementary. We were at Friends School of Wilm for 2 years prior. Cape Fear is a great school. Thanks for the information on the DAN Dr. I will give him a call. My son is going through so much anxiety/panic attacks and I want to wait until he carms down some before I put him through anothe Dr. visit. Take Care, Robin
Natalie, This is off subject but was wondering if you can give me some names of places to shop in Chapel Hill for food. I live in Wilmington, NC and we have 2 small independent organic stores but they have very limited choices etc. I would not mind driving to Raleigh/Chapel Hill if I could stock up on items for a couple of weeks. One more question. Have you found a Dr to help with your son. I have been searching for a DAN dr. and have several names for the Durham/Chapel Hill area. If you can give my any names it would be great. I hope you enjoy living in Chapel Hill. I lived in Raleigh 12 years ago and really enjoyed the area. We love living close to the beach now. I hope things settle down for your son soon. We use a hepa filter in my sons room 24/7 and I have a vaccuum with a hepa filter. I can tell if the hepa gets shut off in my sons room because he will wake up congested. The Paint smell could also be causing problems. My son always tics more around strong odors. We need to get our house painted and I am looking at the Low VOC paints. They cost alot more then a regular gallon of paint but I think its worth it. Robin
LuLu, Thanks for the information. I had not noticed that in the patient insert. I hate to say that we did put my son back on 10mg of Lexapro per day. I am so disappointed that other methods did not work for him. He was not able to function in school. He was so anxious and in Panic mode that he would literally cry most of the day. For a 10 year boy that is very embrassing and his classmates were wondering what was wrong with him . I do want to try other methods this summer and am planning on getting some more testing done for food allergies, etc. and try and wean him off the SSRI. He has been on it for 2 weeks now and is still struggling but things are slowly getting better. He did not have an increase in tics with Lexapro in the past. He did have an increase in tics when we tried Zoloft. The increase was very fast. We noticed the tics increasing after just 3 days on Zoloft. Thanks again for the post. Robin
Chemar,Claire, Thanks so much for the sites and Information. I will take at look at these. Robin.
Can anyone recommend a good multivitamin. My son has been taking Bonnie G's Vitamins (TS Plus control) for 2 years. It seems to help in controling his tics etc. but he now weighs 84 pounds and just cannot stomach the 15 vitamins plus extra Mag/Taurate, EPA/DHA, L-Carnitine and anything else he may need. (20+ pills a day) Somedays I feel like all I do is give him vitamins. I have started him on a probiotic and enzymes along with the Threelac powder for yeast and last night my son just started to cry about the amout of vitamins I give him. He had to go to the nurse yesterday at school for an upset stomach and told the nurse his Mom gave him too many vitamins!! I have searchedthe Web for a good supplement but cannot find one without cooper. I have promised my son that I will try and cut back on the number of pills he takes everyday. Has anyone tried the liquid vitamins? Heather if you read this did your son have loose stools with the Threelac. MY son is having a time with this and does not want to take it anymore. Is this the yeast etc coming out? Thanks Robin.