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sptcmom last won the day on April 13 2014

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  1. Sorry to be picky, but I don't think mycoplasma have flagella, and so are probably not responsible for a band 41 response. "Mycoplasmas are parasitic bacteria with a small genome and no peptidoglycan layer. Several mycoplasma species have a distinct cell polarity characterized by a protruding membrane extension, the attachment organelle. They are able to attach to and glide on glass, plastic, and eukaryotic cell surfaces, always moving in the direction of the organelle. The gliding mechanism is unknown. Mycoplasmas do not have any appendages such as flagella or pili or any genes obviously related to motility, including motor proteins such as myosin or kinesin. However, a transmembrane protein associated with a cytoskeleton-like structure has been shown to be necessary for glass binding in Mycoplasma pneumoniae." J Bacteriol. 2002 April; 184(7): 1827–1831. M. Miyata, W.S. Ryu, and H.C. Berg. Force and velocity of Mycoplasma mobile gliding. Oh dear. Well, there are hundreds of species of Mycoplasma which are slowly being discovered. Many do have Flagellin. Have trained with Dr Fry, Dr. Klinghardt and Dr T and learned this. I spoke at the 2012 ILADS and Dr Fry was there as well and he spoke about Band 41 and implications with many ILADS docs including myself. FL1953 has been named and discovered. It was first called haembartonella, BLO then FL1953. Now Fry labs is talking about BabLO too. Its all the latest research in progress. Ive been using this knowlegde to help many many patients with great results and just wanted to share for those who want all information out there. Dr Klinghardt recently spoke at a conference and said the FL1953 maybe the most significant infection in some patients which has to treated first he's finding more and more in his practice. Anyways like I said for those parents who do wish to have all the latest info out there the five star docs are using to help their patients. I have been uniquely fortunate enough to train with them and see them in action. Amazing and scary at the same time. Thats where ART comes in and helps move the treatment forward when lab tests are confusing. But ART is not for this topic. Good luck.
  2. What Ive learned is other vectors for lyme and coinfections can be mosquitos, fleas, bed bugs, lice, pet saliva and dust mites. Dr Schaller's book on Bartonella lists these as do many other sources. I have one family of Lyme and coinfections in my practice that started with grandma getting it thru bed bugs. Another a child with Lyme induced Autism got it at 7 months of age thru a huge mosquito bite that got infected for two weeks and at 22 months he developed ASD symptoms. Now 80 % better and partially mainstreamed. Sees Dr J and myself. Many cases. Maternal Fetal trasfer- numerous studies out for a while. have several patients. Latest patient is 8 weeks old. GI issues, Allergies, Liver issues, muscle twitches since birth. Mom just wanted Holistic so I treated him. Now after 3 weeks symptom free. amazing. But yes. My DH was also transfer from me. sexual transmission - large amount of anecdotal evidence. Dont know of any studies.
  3. Band 41 is Flagellin. and an Igenex double star band. Most certainly not insignificant. Spirochete, Mycoplasma, C diff are all flagellate and few others. 31 is also significant from what I know. IgG or IgM are both significant with immune suppressing infections. Also what Ive learned is the sicker one is the more false negatives. Some of my patients that get well faster or respond better are the ones who're CDC positive on the Western Blot thru Quest/Lapcorp. Multi infections suppress the immune system and depelete the body of key nutrients. The titers we see are antibody responses. Antibodies are made by the immune system. A sick immune system with inadequate nutrients, autoimmunity etc certainly can't make a ton of antibodies. Methylation issues complicate this further. We spent 1400 too and all negative except Band 41 for my 10 year old. Dr J said Bart is the first issue as per clinical picture. After a YEAR of treating and therefore lessening the load on the immune system and doing holistic protocols to add the nutrients scavenged by infections we finally had everything light up on Igenex. Lastly Lyme is a clinical diagnosis and labs are supportive not diagnostic. Many docs treat to provoke before testing. Makes a lot of sense. Many will treat other issues like KPU, Methylation and organ support concurrently to help the body along. My experiences and learning so far.
  4. DS 10 has made consistent progress since diagnosed with Aspergers age 22 months, CRMO at 7 yrs, PANDAS age 8 and since then Lyme, babesia microti, babesia duncani, mycoplasma, bartonella, Rocky mountain spotted fever, failure to grow, vitiligo,and multiple genetic mutations for detox, whew! Currently- Normal immune response- no PANDAS, Has cleared Aspergers, socially normal, normal in school, 5th grade, growing ! still in 3rd percentile but on the chart!, genetic markers toned down thru epigenetic treatments, detoxing ok now, no anxiety, no OCD, no seperation anxiety. We did regression hypnosis and traced his seperation anxiety to my horrendous labor and emergency C section. Once we resolved those buried fears he's been great!Sleep normal, Language normal, learning to be assertive- work in progress. Recently had a huge Babesia flare after a really bad bug bite and had his pelvic osteomyelitis (CRMO) again. But Mepron resolved it. Still on Mepron, Homeopathic and herbal maintenance program now. I will continue Mepron for minimum 6 months at this point. DH and I are on an entirely herbal and homeopathic regimen and doing well with clearing the infections, cognitive and physical symptoms. My Aspergers has cleared too after all these years as has my OCD and anxiety. Hoping to keep my cleaning OCD. That ones been helpful. Psychological healing work has helped all of us. Mostly unconventional methods! lol. As you guys may know I have been blessed to have been able to train with the best of the best and helping so many families in my practice. Will present some of those protocols at ILADS in a couple months.Limited time but will try to cover whatever I can cover keeping the stringent ILADS guidelines in mind. Should be fun. Had a weird kitchen accident with a knife that got away and sliced three tendons of my right hand! yikes! Anyways had hand surgery and recuperating. trying to be lefty. Please overlook typos. Please don't lose hope. There are so many conventional, unconventional, just plain out there sounding methods. We owe it to ourselves to look into everything, research and see if thats something that can help our families. Please keep trying. I am glad I listened to some of the brilliant moms on this forum. SF mom- will never forget your help and advise, ever.
  5. Hi-I live in NJ too and was wondering which of these doctors you work with. Are you seeing good results?



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