DS 10 has made consistent progress since diagnosed with Aspergers age 22 months, CRMO at 7 yrs, PANDAS age 8 and since then Lyme, babesia microti, babesia duncani, mycoplasma, bartonella, Rocky mountain spotted fever, failure to grow, vitiligo,and multiple genetic mutations for detox, whew!
Currently- Normal immune response- no PANDAS, Has cleared Aspergers, socially normal, normal in school, 5th grade, growing ! still in 3rd percentile but on the chart!, genetic markers toned down thru epigenetic treatments, detoxing ok now, no anxiety, no OCD, no seperation anxiety.
We did regression hypnosis and traced his seperation anxiety to my horrendous labor and emergency C section. Once we resolved those buried fears he's been great!Sleep normal, Language normal, learning to be assertive- work in progress.
Recently had a huge Babesia flare after a really bad bug bite and had his pelvic osteomyelitis (CRMO) again. But Mepron resolved it. Still on Mepron, Homeopathic and herbal maintenance program now. I will continue Mepron for minimum 6 months at this point.
DH and I are on an entirely herbal and homeopathic regimen and doing well with clearing the infections, cognitive and physical symptoms. My Aspergers has cleared too after all these years as has my OCD and anxiety. Hoping to keep my cleaning OCD. That ones been helpful.
Psychological healing work has helped all of us. Mostly unconventional methods! lol.
As you guys may know I have been blessed to have been able to train with the best of the best and helping so many families in my practice. Will present some of those protocols at ILADS in a couple months.Limited time but will try to cover whatever I can cover keeping the stringent ILADS guidelines in mind. Should be fun.
Had a weird kitchen accident with a knife that got away and sliced three tendons of my right hand! yikes! Anyways had hand surgery and recuperating. trying to be lefty. Please overlook typos.
Please don't lose hope. There are so many conventional, unconventional, just plain out there sounding methods. We owe it to ourselves to look into everything, research and see if thats something that can help our families. Please keep trying.
I am glad I listened to some of the brilliant moms on this forum. SF mom- will never forget your help and advise, ever.