I am now halfway through treatment, which has worked wonder for me. My extended QT is gone, my TLE is gone, & my Cervical Dystonia is better than ever before.
That being said... it has also had a downside. In the past seven months or so, I have lost about 1/3 of my body mass. I've gone from 5'3" & 138 pounds to hovering around 90 pounds. None of my clothes fit. People I don't even know feel the need to call me Anorexic/Bulimic every single day. My blood pressure, which I've mentioned before, is now too low to read most days. We were checking vital signs in my Clinical class & the poor girl that got me as a partner kept telling our incredulous teacher that she couldn't hear anything. It wasn't until the teacher, who was a hospice RN for 27 years, tried & failed to find it that the girl got another partner. Last I checked it was 70/50. My Adderall has been at the same dose for a year, I've been gluten-free for going on two years, & my diet hasn't changed at all. I just keep losing weight & my blood pressure keeps dipping lower & lower...
We've tested for Candida. Not only was I negative, I wasn't even close to positive. We've tested for Addison's. Negative as well. &, of course, I've been told I have an eating disorder by every doctor too lazy to help me.
I AM NOT ANOREXIC. I EAT THREE MEALS A DAY. So why am I shedding pounds like they're nothing??? Dr. Rao, a well known PITAND immunologist in DFW Texas, thinks that treating the Lyme has made something else rear its ugly head. So far though, we have yet to identify that ugly head. No progress on the immunological front, either, although I've been interested in something called Mannose-Binding Lectin Deficiency, but that wouldn't explain either of the above symptoms.
Please help.