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Everything posted by lyme_mom

  1. Thanks. He has been fine today! Now to figure out if it was an answer to prayer or something I did. I used every bartonella rife frequency I could find, and he started bactrim yesterday. Tell me about the rife machine. I am looking into that now but haven't been able to find much info. I want to buy either that or an ozone sauna to use in conjunction with the antibiotics. I read that the rife machine is excellent for treating lyme. I am wondering how it compares to the ozone sauna.
  2. Thanks... I know he needs more training, but there's not a lot in Utah. A couple naturopaths and my doctor. One of the naturopaths is in a neurologists office and uses antibiotics but it's getting pretty close to code words and secret handshakes to book an appointment with this person from what I've heard. And I have the only almost lyme literate MD in the state, and yes...he is holistically oriented. I guess people come from all over the country to see him. He is very humble about his knowledge of Lyme, and says he's continuing to learn more. I was thinking about seeing Dr.K in Washington but this would be way over our budget. I am interested in his KPU protocol. Before these latest symptoms hit, I was planning on trying and getting my son on disability compensation. There are several neighborhood kids on disability for ADD. Maybe when things calm down a bit around here I will look into it. It would sure help get my son the help he needs. Several posts on lyme boards pointed to bartonella for motor tics, and my symptom of myoclonic muscle jerking. When I look at symptoms though, babesia fits my son and I better. My husband is the only one in the family with the telltale symptoms of bartonella. My instincts keep having me look at mycoplasma, herpes, chlamydia pneumonia, bartonella, and babesia. I was hospitalized with pneumonia after being bit by a tic so anything related to pneumonia raises my eyebrow. I think it will be wise to try one at a time so we know which one helps. I will be rifing for bartonella every day. I am getting discouraged with antibiotics. They have helped me quite a bit, but they don't seem to be doing anything for my son. One last question. Is it normal for this behavior to come and go throughout the day? That is what has been happening. He'll be mostly himself much of the day, with maybe a small hint of some personality change, but then for a few hours in the late morning and early evening he will talk like a baby and behave very strangely. It started with just a few small episodes every day, but these episodes lasted longer and longer, and now there are 2 or 3 episodes a day. Wow-sounds like you have your hands full. This is very common with lyme-to have the whole family infected in one form or another. There are so many things that affect someone's treatment-toxicities like heavy metal, ability to detox the dead lyme, etc. I also tried energetic testing to see if the antibiotics are working or are stressing the body. It seems to work and certainly doesn't hurt. I think these things affect each person differently. Joint pain comes and goes so there is no reason why other symptoms cannot come and go throughout the day. Why don't you ask your doctor to call Dr. Charles Ray Jones and see what he thinks? He cannot talk to you but he freely offers his advice to other doctors who are trying to figure out how to treat lyme disease. He is a saint and he advised our llmd when my son was first diagnosed with Lyme Disease. If you need the number pm me.
  3. I think he will come back! Don't give up hope! What antibiotics and what dose is he on? Also, where do you live? Can you (if you have not already) seen one the big PANDAS docs? I just started my daughters on this probiotic for yeast and I think it is really great. http://www.symbionforlife.com/index.html Susan He's on 500mg of amoxy three times a day, and just started bactrim twice a day but I can't see what mg. the HUGE horse pills are. I'm in Utah, and don't know about any of the PANDAS doctors. My doctor is willing to look into different protocols though. He has treated other children with PANDAS, and does vitamin IVs in his office. He's a little new to Lyme, but like I said... open to new ideas as long as he doesn't find them dangerous. He didn't think co-infections were a problem in the west, but I asked for an antibiotic that works on bartonella and he gave us bactrim. He is also very big on yeast treatment. He believes that yeast plays a large role in Lyme. Hi. Thats great that he is open-minded and offers vitamin ivs because they are very helpful for lyme disease treatment. However, if your doctor does not think that there is a problem with co-infections in the West I would think that he is not up on the latest lyme information and you should get a second opinion from an ilads-trained lyme specialist. Just go to ilads.org and email the contact person, Barbara Buchman, and ask her for a doctor near you. That way you can be sure you are treating the right infections (or as sure as one can be). Did his symptoms begin before the Bactrim started? I assume so. There are some specific symptoms that can be red flags for bartonella such as sore soles of the feet and calf pain. Babesia symptoms are thigh cramps, nightsweats, fatigue, etc. Also be on the lookout for any rashes b/c bartonella causes stretchmark rashes sometimes. The tests are not reliable for these infections (just like lyme). They miss more than they find. There is considerable overlap between these infections but they are diagnosed based on symptoms. I think Bactrim kills Babesia too. It sounds like you have a holistically oriented doctor who would be willing to work with a lyme expert. Good luck!
  4. Does your son have Lyme Disease? If so it can cause any kind of change in the body. Bartonella and Babesia, common co-infections, also can cause psychiatric symptoms/changes in a person. Feel free to pm me with any questions you have b/c I do not really understand the background to your question. Lyme Mom
  5. i would agree with lyme mom.... on any test where you get a positive i would follow up... its like the pregnancy tests you can get false negatives..maybe not producing enough hormone yet for the test.. but if its positive!!!!!! you can't be a little pregnant...the hormones are there I love your analogy :-)!
  6. I would be very concerned about a positive ELISA test and would insist that my child be put on antibiotics until he can be seen by a lyme literate doctor. I think you have to be pretty positive to get a positive ELISA b/c it is the most insensitive test for lyme. A negative Western blot by the regular labs is meaningless. There are very few false positives but many, many false negatives. I would get an opinion from a lyme literate doctor because the doctor who is using this "two-tiered" approach for diagnosing lyme does not understand lyme. The risk of not treating a lyme infection is too great so I would not rely on your doctor's advice. (believe me-we learned the hard way that most doctors have no clue about lyme). The two-tiered testing (first an ELISA, then a Western blot to confirm) is the procedure they use for reporting lyme cases, not diagnosis. Lyme is a clinical diagnosis and even the CDC states this. If your child has symptoms and a positive ELISA he should absolutely be treated for lyme immediately. You will get an idea if you are on the right track pretty quickly with either a symptom improvement or herx reaction. You could also get an igenex test to see if your child has lyme-specific bands. The regular western blots (labcorp, quest, etc.) leave out important lyme antibodies (31 and 34) so the Igenex is the preferred test. There are, however, no definitive lyme tests b/c they are still just antibody tests and some people do not produce antibodies to lyme, even some who are very sick with lyme disease. Also there are about 300 strains of lyme and the tests only test for one strain (igenex tests for two I think). A lyme specialist would also know whether co-infections are involved based on the symptoms. This is way beyond your average doctor's expertise. Lyme literate doctors (from ilads.org) train under and collaborate with other tick-borne disease specialists so they know what these diseases look like and the best ways to treat them. Good luck and feel free to pm me with questions. The earlier lyme is treated, the better the outcome. My poor son went undiagnosed for at least year and has hard a very hard time beating it as a result.
  7. This is very confusing to me b/c the lyme doctors I know are treating PANDAS with antibiotics, not IVIG. In fact, one lyme literate doctor told me that doing IVIG on a child with lyme is like throwing a glass of water into an ocean (if the tick-borne illness is not under control first). The lyme doctors believe that you need to use antibiotics to treat the various infections that can cause PANDAS symptoms: strep, lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, etc.
  8. Melanie, I don't understand. How are these lyme doctors she speaks of making a lot of money by promoting a higher dose? Wouldn't they only make more money by promoting more frequent treatments rather than promoting a higher dose less often? There are many doctors who believe that Lyme doctors are quacks because they do not understand Lyme Disease and why it is necessary to treat patients for so long with antibiotics. We have used three different lyme specialists over the past two years and they are some of the best doctors we have ever used. I have been extremely impressed by these doctors-how smart they are and how committed to their patients they are. We chose these doctors because they know how to get lyme patients well and that is all we care about. These lyme doctors put themselves at risk by treating lyme disease and they are not in it for the money. Look at Dr. Jones of New Haven and Dr. Jansek of North Carolina, both of whom have been put through the ringer by their respective medical boards. Their determination to treat those who are sick with lyme is really admirable and has cost them a fortune. Like anything else I am sure there are bad lyme doctors out there but we haven't met them yet.
  9. fiveam, Sorry to anyone on this board that may be sick of hearing about lyme, but must say, from my perspective, as I read about lyme, I hear about drooping eyelids as a lyme symptom, can't remember hearing of it as a PANDAS symptom. I know sensitivity to sunlight is also a lyme symptom, but imagine it is PANDAS too, as I think they both come with a variety of sensory sensitivities. Just hoping you have lyme on your radar as a possibility, unless you have done a good job to rule it out... Michael I agree. The sensitivity to light comment caught my attention because it is a red flag for lyme disease, as is sensitivity to noise (by the way). Low energy is also a common lyme symptom. Lots of kids with PANDAS symptoms have lyme disease (I know at least a half dozen who do) so I would get a lyme literate doctor to rule it out because you really don't want to go too long without treating it if it is lyme disease (or another tick-borne illness). It is not hard to get lyme and the symptoms can be very subtle, especially in the early stages. It is such a widespread epidemic that I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have a knowledgeable lyme expert (one trained by ilads.org) evaluate your child. There are certain red flags for lyme in the bloodwork too. I am not very familiar with them but my ilads lyme literate doctor's checklist of lyme symptoms includes this question "Do you have any abnormal labs (low white blood cell count, low platelets, high liver enzymes, elevated sed rate?" They must be indicators of lyme disease to be on the checklist. I am pasting a complete list of lyme symptoms below from ilads.org. website. Good luck! ADVANCED TOPICS IN LYME DISEASE DIAGNOSTIC HINTS AND TREATMENT GUIDELINES FOR LYME AND OTHER TICK BORNE ILLNESSES Sixteenth Edition Copyright October, 2008 JOSEPH J. BURRASCANO JR., M.D. Board Member, International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society MANAGING LYME DISEASE, 16h edition, October, 2008 Page 9 of 37 SYMPTOM OR SIGN NONE MILD MODERATE SEVERE NA NEVER OCCASIONAL OFTEN CONSTANT Persistent swollen glands Sore throat Fevers Sore soles, esp. in the AM Joint pain Fingers, toes Ankles, wrists Knees, elbows Hips, shoulders Joint swelling Fingers, toes Ankles, wrists Knees, elbows Hips, shoulders Unexplained back pain Stiffness of the joints or back Muscle pain or cramps Obvious muscle weakness Twitching of the face or other muscles Confusion, difficulty thinking Difficulty with concentration, reading, problem absorbing new information Word search, name block Forgetfulness, poor short term memory, poor attention Disorientation: getting lost, going to wrong places Speech errors- wrong word, misspeaking Mood swings, irritability, depression Anxiety, panic attacks Psychosis (hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, bipolar) Tremor Seizures Headache Light sensitivity Sound sensitivity Vision: double, blurry, floaters Ear pain Hearing: buzzing, ringing, decreased hearing Increased motion sickness, vertigo, spinning Off balance, “tippy” feeling Lightheadedness, wooziness, unavoidable need to sit or lie Tingling, numbness, burning or stabbing sensations, shooting pains, skin hypersensitivity Facial paralysis-Bell's Palsy Dental pain Neck creaks and cracks, stiffness, neck pain Fatigue, tired, poor stamina Insomnia, fractionated sleep, early awakening Excessive night time sleep Napping during the day Unexplained weight gain Unexplained weight loss Unexplained hair loss Pain in genital area Unexplained menstrual irregularity Unexplained milk production; breast pain Irritable bladder or bladder dysfunction Erectile dysfunction Loss of libido Queasy stomach or nausea Heartburn, stomach pain Constipation Diarrhea Low abdominal pain, cramps Heart murmur or valve prolapse? Heart palpitations or skips “Heart block” on EKG Chest wall pain or ribs sore Head congestion Breathlessness, “air hunger”, unexplained chronic cough Night sweats Exaggerated symptoms or worse hangover from alcohol Symptom flares every 4 wks.
  10. Pat, That is interesting that you are looking for a holistic ortho. We had a consult from one in Washington, DC and he told me that headgear can cause problems down the road like TMJ. I was not able to find any info on this subject on the internet. Do you know of where I can read more about holistic orthodontics? I need to find a good ortho closer to home who is up on the latest in holistic orthodontics. Thanks
  11. Set aside the problems with mercury and other additives in the vaccines, what has been really shocking to learn is how often vaccines are contaminated with stuff that should not be in them, not necessarily on purpose, just plain sloppiness. Mercola has an article this week regarding a recent recall of one of the rotovirus vaccines b/c of contamination. When you are injecting children with this stuff you would think they would make sure it is not contaminated no matter what it costs the manufacturer.
  12. I don't know a lot about it except that it is very contagious according to the video I posted in this thread. According to Dr. Garth Nicholson, vaccines given to Gulf War personnel were contaminated with Mycoplasma (the fermentans type) and they brought it home to their families. Even though Nicholson focuses on the fermentans type of mycoplasma he groups the Mycoplasma P. into his discussion and he seems to take it very seriously. Based on what he says in the video, it is not easy to get rid of, sort of like Lyme Disease.
  13. That is interesting and scary!
  14. I am sure it is a factor. I would not stop there-I would make sure there are no tick-borne illnesses involved either. This is a fascinating video about mycolplasma. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5412136843859172148 The lecturer is Dr. Garth Nicholson, a respected expert on Gulf War Illness. From what I understand mycoplasma can cause all sorts of symptoms and it is not easy to get rid of, just like Lyme Disease. In fact, it often is a co-infection with Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses. Any child with mycoplasma should be fully evaluated for lyme, bartonella, babesia, etc. Blood tests miss a lot of lyme and other tick-borne diseases b/c the tests are not very sensitive so it remains a clinical diagnosis. To find a lyme literate MD who would understand mycoplasma and tick-borne illnesses, contact: Director: Barbara L. Buchman, International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society Address: PO Box 341461 Bethesda, Maryland 20827-1461 Phone: 301.263.1080 Fax: 301.263.0776 Email: contact@ilads.org Thanks for your message. I am happy to help and sometimes feel like I am a broken record. I just hate to see anyone go undiagnosed as my son was. If only I had the information when his symptoms first arose...Also, I know of quite a few people who have discovered that tick-borne illnesses are a factor with their child who has PANDAS. The Lyme cases are out of control, as I am sure you know, and I worry about how many really sick kids we are going to have in the future if they don't do something about getting children the proper diagnosis and treatment of these tick-borne illnesses.
  15. I am sure it is a factor. I would not stop there-I would make sure there are no tick-borne illnesses involved either. This is a fascinating video about mycolplasma. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5412136843859172148 The lecturer is Dr. Garth Nicholson, a respected expert on Gulf War Illness. From what I understand mycoplasma can cause all sorts of symptoms and it is not easy to get rid of, just like Lyme Disease. In fact, it often is a co-infection with Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses. Any child with mycoplasma should be fully evaluated for lyme, bartonella, babesia, etc. Blood tests miss a lot of lyme and other tick-borne diseases b/c the tests are not very sensitive so it remains a clinical diagnosis. To find a lyme literate MD who would understand mycoplasma and tick-borne illnesses, contact: Director: Barbara L. Buchman, International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society Address: PO Box 341461 Bethesda, Maryland 20827-1461 Phone: 301.263.1080 Fax: 301.263.0776 Email: contact@ilads.org
  16. I would have your child evaluated by a lyme literate doctor, preferably an ilads-trained one (ilads.org). Unexplained fevers, rashes and the other symptoms you mention could be lyme and or bartonella or other tick-borne illnesses.Lyme can suppress the immune system enabling strept and other opportunistic infections to take hold in the body-so you can have both a strept problem AND a tick-borne illness. A child can be born with lyme too and they would get sick often if they have it according to Dr. Jones, the top lyme pediatrician in the world. Have you ever had lyme? I know a lot of people on this forum who discovered that their PANDAS child had lyme or co-infections of bartonella and babesia. It is really an epidemic. The diagnosis is clinical b/c blood testing is not reliable. Search on lyme and you will find a lot of threads about it on the forum. Lyme is treatable with antibiotics. I would not rely on a doctor to diagnosis or treat lyme who is not a lyme literate MD-they could not possibly know all they need to know to identify lyme and treat it. If lyme is involved the sooner you start treatment, the better the outcome.
  17. Well that explains what happened to my ds last week!! He as cavities that need to be refilled (that want to do caps but I just can't see the point for baby teeth) how do you deal with that? Are your kids normally on ABX when they go to the dentist? Brandy One of my biggest regrets is that I allowed a dentist to put mercury amalgam fillings in my childrens' mouths. They should be illegal. You may need to see an adult dentist who can use other materials like ceramics. Some pediatric dentists only use the cheaper materials. It is much easier and cheaper to put the right stuff in their mouths from the beginning than to detox them from mercury and other heavy metals later, not to mention the risks. These silver fillings are toxic and will leach mercury and other heavy metals into their bodies. Mercury can cause all the symptoms of lyme disease in and of itself including neurological problems. A child with PANDAS should definitely steer clear of it. It makes it really hard to get rid of Lyme Disease when you have mercury toxicity b/c the spirochetes hide behind the mercury, evading antibiotics. If your child already has silver fillings I would only get them removed by a biological dentist who can do it safely without harm to the patient. Silver fillings leach mercury everytime you chew and everytime they come in contact with hot stuff. Biological dentists can use ozone to naturally and safely clean any dental infections.
  18. I would think it would be good for lyme but not necessarily for some of the other diseases that ticks carry like Babesia which is treated with anti-malaria medicine. Avon has a bug spray called bug guard plus that is supposed to be good for repelling ticks. We never see ticks either way so I don't know if it is working but it is recommended in The Lyme Disease Solution by Dr. Kenneth Singleton. Also, washing your children's hair in a mint or tea tree oil shampoo can also repel ticks. Whole Foods sells a tea tree oil shampoo that kills lice that people have their kids use before going camping. I was told this really works. I wouldn't use it everyday but it is something to use if they have to spend a long time in the outdoors and you want to be extra careful. I'd also recommend spraying your yard with something natural to kill ticks (I use Mosquito Barrier and Naturalawn does a treatment that kills ticks. The solution is made from the chrysanthemum plant). I also place Daminix tick tubes around my yard and this is supposed to help a great deal with the tick population after two seasons. The tubes contain cotton balls laced with permethrin and the mice take the cotton to their nests. The permethrin is enough to kill the ticks but not the mice. You can also plant plants that repel ticks like lavender, garlic, and others. If you think you have ticks in your house you can get some dry ice, surround it with tape and place it in the middle of a room. It will attract any ticks that are in the area. I haven't tried this myself but may because I found a tick in my laundryroom once. They can survive for years without any food. Good luck!
  19. Great informative post. Thank you!! Lyme specialists consider such worsening of symptoms by a patient on antibiotics to be a sign of Lyme Disease die off.
  20. Lyme is a possibility and it is much more common. Have you had your child evaluated by a lyme-literate specialist or tested by Igenex? Those symptoms you mentioned could be lyme. It often begins with an unexplained fever and tics, leg jerks, emotional lability and an irregular heartbeat can be symptoms.
  21. Jennifer, They do both I think. The longer they are attached the higher the risk that they can give you lyme disease. Some say you are safe if it is attached less than 24 hours but they really are not lining up patients to test this theory so I wouldn't count on this timeframe of "safety." I am sure it varies depending on how much bacteria the tick has in its gut, how good or deep it is at biting the victim, etc. When they bite you they numb you so you do not feel it. Many people never see the tick that gives them lyme disease.
  22. Getting back on antibiotics for lyme while you get in to see an ilads doctor as soon as possible is the best thing to do. Amoxicillin is great for lyme but it is not enough for co-infections of Bartonella and Babesia. Where there is lyme there is often Bartonella or Babesia. Bartonella causes neurological symptoms that can look like PANDAS. Babesia can also cause neurological symptoms. The tests are not reliable for the co-infections so it is critical to have your child evaluated by an ilads doctor. Go to Ilads.org and email the contact person, Barbara Buchman, and request the name of a local doctor. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions or want my ilads doctor's name. Dr. Fallon would be great too if you can get in soon. Thank you so much! Can you tell me, also, what dose you think is an appropriate one? And, is it ok, IYO, to start right after she finished the Biaxin script? I have a script of Amox. waiting, and I will pick it up today. Also, can you tell me if Lyme tampers with the immune system? It's looking like my dd may have something called Hyper IGM, and I'm wondering if her antibodies and immune system became further compromised due to Lyme, as opposed to it being a separate issue. Either way, I'm looking at strep being the first problem (not so much now since she had her tonsils out), Mycoplasma, Lyme, and possible Hyper IGM. You'd think the docs would get this kid in soon, huh? Thanks to you and this forum, at least I can get pointed in the right direction. As for the dose of Amoxicillin, it depends on the child's weight and age. My kids have taken between 3 and 4 400 or 500 mg tablets a day. Yes you can start it immediately after taking another antibiotic. You do not want to give the spirochetes any opening to multiply in the body so getting on the antibiotics asap is important. Don't forget to give your child probiotics though-they are just as important and you need to take enough of them. Lyme definitely compromises the immune system. I don't know what the hyper igm is. Some LLM doctors are booked for a while so hopefully you can get in to see one soon. You should read Cure Unknown and order the Under Our Skin documentary from underourskin.com. Between the book and the movie you will learn a ton about Lyme. It helped me a lot to read that book when my son was first diagnosed. The documentary was nominated for an award. Again, many many thanks to you for such great information. Dr. T called yesterday - he informed me that Biaxin does, in fact, treat Lyme - I was not aware of this, so, it's my mistake to think it wasn't a drug that can be used for it. And my daughter did so well on it for Mycoplasma - her rages/ocd etc. almost totally went away - that he's starting her up on that. For sure, I'll still see a Lyme doc, but also I'll need to get in with an immunologist. I'll still check out that website again, though, and definitely look into those books. Hyper IGM basically is when the immune system IGM's are high, and IGG's are low, when the reverse is supposed to be true - I guess one is not converting to the other - I'm still a bit confused myself, but I know that in boys, it's a very very serious condition, and in girls, much milder. But I'm wondering if between the Mycoplasma and the Lyme - if these illnesses caused the immune system to be compromised, or the reverse. I'll keep you posted, and many thanks! Noelle Noelle, The biaxin probably helped with the lyme and the mycoplasma before. Seems plausible that the infections caused the hyper igm problem and that by treating the infections you will fix the immune system. That is interesting about the hyper igm and boys. Good luck and PM me if you need anything.
  23. Are some ilads doctors NDs? I went on www.ilads.com and asked for a local recommendation. They provided a ND which is in my hometown. This is very convenient, but want opinions as to whether I'll benefit more or equally from an ND rather than an MD. An ND would be excellent. I assume he or she is able to prescribe antibiotics to treat lyme. Good luck!
  24. Getting back on antibiotics for lyme while you get in to see an ilads doctor as soon as possible is the best thing to do. Amoxicillin is great for lyme but it is not enough for co-infections of Bartonella and Babesia. Where there is lyme there is often Bartonella or Babesia. Bartonella causes neurological symptoms that can look like PANDAS. Babesia can also cause neurological symptoms. The tests are not reliable for the co-infections so it is critical to have your child evaluated by an ilads doctor. Go to Ilads.org and email the contact person, Barbara Buchman, and request the name of a local doctor. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions or want my ilads doctor's name. Dr. Fallon would be great too if you can get in soon. Thank you so much! Can you tell me, also, what dose you think is an appropriate one? And, is it ok, IYO, to start right after she finished the Biaxin script? I have a script of Amox. waiting, and I will pick it up today. Also, can you tell me if Lyme tampers with the immune system? It's looking like my dd may have something called Hyper IGM, and I'm wondering if her antibodies and immune system became further compromised due to Lyme, as opposed to it being a separate issue. Either way, I'm looking at strep being the first problem (not so much now since she had her tonsils out), Mycoplasma, Lyme, and possible Hyper IGM. You'd think the docs would get this kid in soon, huh? Thanks to you and this forum, at least I can get pointed in the right direction. As for the dose of Amoxicillin, it depends on the child's weight and age. My kids have taken between 3 and 4 400 or 500 mg tablets a day. Yes you can start it immediately after taking another antibiotic. You do not want to give the spirochetes any opening to multiply in the body so getting on the antibiotics asap is important. Don't forget to give your child probiotics though-they are just as important and you need to take enough of them. Lyme definitely compromises the immune system. I don't know what the hyper igm is. Some LLM doctors are booked for a while so hopefully you can get in to see one soon. You should read Cure Unknown and order the Under Our Skin documentary from underourskin.com. Between the book and the movie you will learn a ton about Lyme. It helped me a lot to read that book when my son was first diagnosed. The documentary was nominated for an award.
  25. Getting back on antibiotics for lyme while you get in to see an ilads doctor as soon as possible is the best thing to do. Amoxicillin is great for lyme but it is not enough for co-infections of Bartonella and Babesia. Where there is lyme there is often Bartonella or Babesia. Bartonella causes neurological symptoms that can look like PANDAS. Babesia can also cause neurological symptoms. The tests are not reliable for the co-infections so it is critical to have your child evaluated by an ilads doctor. Go to Ilads.org and email the contact person, Barbara Buchman, and request the name of a local doctor. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions or want my ilads doctor's name. Dr. Fallon would be great too if you can get in soon.
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