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  1. I have been wanting to make an appt with Dr Doctor for my kids. Could you give me some info on him?
  2. Thank you so much for all the info. My son has a very hard time concentrating and I would love to be able to get help for him. My daughter doesn't really have an issue with that but she has so many tics and her OCD is getting worse. I want to get something started before school starts even though we homeschool. I think I will call and make an appt tomorrow. They told me today it is a three week wait. I am so glad to hear that your dd is doing better. I will be so happy when my two are feeling better. My daughter has been dealing with for 8 years now and she is just tired. Melanie
  3. Thanks. I will try to get in touch with her.
  4. I am trying to find a Dr in Texas who is knowledgable in Pandas. Does anyone have any experience with Dr Rao in Plano? What kind of lab testing does he perform? What kinds of treatments? I am trying to find someone who will at least try long term antibiotics just to see if it will help my kiddos. One of my kiddos has tics (which seem more like OCD) and OCD. My other one has a couple of little tics but has very bad ADD. Melanie
  5. What dosage of minocycline is your dd on? Melanie
  6. Thanks. I forgot about allowable charges. That would help a lot. We have united insurance and I know that labcorp is who they use. Looks like I need to work on getting an appt set up:) Melanie
  7. I had rheumatic fever when I was 18 and the backs of my knees and my collar bones were the joints that hurt. It was off and on for years. I only remember them actually swelling one time. That and a rash were the only symptoms I had when I was diagnosed. Melanie
  8. Does anyone have a approximate cost for lab work that someone like Dr T would order? I have put off having labs done because we have a 6,000 deductible, but I think I am going to have to break down and get a phone consult and labs. I just wanted to know a round about figure that I am going to have to save first. Also, do different labs charge more than others? Melanie
  9. The first thing I thought of was HPV. Imagine that, the department of health won't tell these people what their children have. I'm surprised that it was even mentioned in the news. I hope tese parents do some digging on their own and don't just count on the CDC to tell them what it is.
  10. Thanks Stephanie. I will check back with you. I actually went to my first homeschool meeting last night and they had a homeopath there talking about natural approaches to keeping our kids healthy. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. God certainly puts people in your life when you are really looking. I hope that things just continue to get better for your boys:) Melanie
  11. Stephanie, How severe were your son't tics and how long did it take for them to go away with this treatment. It is the only thing that my dd really has issues with now. They were gone for about 6 months after having her tonsils out but this spring I think allergies have caused inflammation and her tics are getting out of control again. Where would you get ignatia? Do you have to find a Dr. or can you find it online? Melanie
  12. Did you get this covered by insurance? If you did, what diagnosis or reason did they give for it? I have a great neuro for my kids but he doesn't treat very aggressively. I am moving to Houston but would be more than willing to go to Dallas for someone who knows about Pandas.
  13. That is awesome. So glad that you found someone close to us. What is the dosage Dr. K recommended? Melanie
  14. She is not having night terrors but just nightmares right now. She is inconsolable though. So not like a normal nightmare. She is literally shaking it is so bad. She did have night terrors years ago before we ever tried any treatments but those went away with antivirals. I do have a call in to her neuro and I just pray that they will extend her abx. I hope things get better with your son soon. Melanie
  15. Do you think just being on the antibiotics for the rest of the week is okay? My dd just her tonsils out last Thursday and they just gave her antibiotics for 7 days. I am scared that when she get off her tics will pick up. I thought you were supposed to be on them for at least a couple of months after surgery. Her ENT said that if I think she is having PANDAS issues I need to call her neuro. She won't prescribe anymore for her. Thanks for posting this about the nightmares. I have been fretting all this week because I thought it was maybe strep wreaking havoc again. Melanie
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