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Everything posted by lele
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Yes, I am thinking about the allergy test, Pat, do you have any suggestion on wich kit I should start from? Looks like there are so many kits I can choice, and I get lost. Thanks for helping me -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks everyone for helping me, I got a lot useful information from here, is any one heard about biofeedback therapy for tics? -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks for helping me, that makes me feel better, Faith -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
the step tests we did are 72h culture, ASO and Anti-DNase-B Titers, they are all negative, and he never shown any OCD and ADHD,he is as sweet as before. This makes me so hopeless, since PANDAS is easy to treat. I am so frustrating now, my son just has TS for 6 months, and he developed several different motal tics together, today he even shows some upper back tis alone with neck jerking and lifting arms, eye rolling.... I don't know what I can do to help him -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks for giving me such a helpful information, Chemar, do I need to file a special education plan for my son if he is getting worse? can't home school him since English is not my mother language, by the way, by any chance you know anyone has TS child in Virginia? I really need some help My son has frequent wetting bed recently, it never happened before, is this one of the bad part from TS? My heart is still painful -
My Daughter's CCD teacher's son had TS and are now gone
lele replied to CSP's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
My son is 7 and half and has TS for 6 months, since he has more tics come together recently, we decided to communicate with him about this When his Father asked him do you know why you have such uncontrolled movements, my son actually said: neuron problems. I am shocked at that time, we have never mentioned this in front of him. When the second day of his symptoms shown up, we went to visit the child neurologist, that is the only time we say tics or TS in front of him. I am so confused to discuss this with himsince he is a very smart and sensitive boy, can anyone give advice on how to deal with this appropriately. By the way, is there any one live in Virgina since we have no TSA branch here, maybe we can help each other. Thanks for your help. Lele
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Got the strep test today , eveything is negtive! This is the only time I hate to get negtive result! My son recently has several symptoms, vocal and fical tics together, neck jerking, lifting arms, rolling the eyes, lifting eyebrows, wrinkle nose, but i can't do anything to help him except worry and worry. -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Giulia , i am so glad to hear that, congratulations! We live in Richmond, maybe we are not too far away from each other. We tried MAGNESIUM (citrate), B6, but none of them works, doing the sensitivities test will be our next step -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
That is what I am crying for ! My son has all negtive results from Strep blood tests and 72 hours culture, that means he has no strep problem, my heart was broken again since this is the easiest way to treat and heal TS. He has no OCD, no any behavior problem shown up, can we ruin out PANDAS? My son is suddenly get worse recently, he has 6 motal tics and vocal tics come together, that uncontroller tics happened once in every 2-3 seconds, but i can't do anything to help him, so sad about that. Anyway, thanks for giving us such wonderful information, momofgirls -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks all for helping me! Some of his facial tics get much better, but the neck jerky and clearing thrat, the first sign of his TS are still here. -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks for giving me such a helpful information, Chemar, do I need to file a special education plan for my son if he is getting worse? can't home school him since English is not my mother language, by the way, by any chance you know anyone has TS child in Virginia? I really need some help What a bad day! My sons tic moved to arm and shoulder, so bad, is he getting worse? -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
can't tell the reason, my son is suddenly really bad there days, bad vocal tics plus facial tics, anyone knows how to control this ? any information will be helpful. Thanks a million ! -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
e.g...what I found most useful was not so much what we ADDED (e.g. nutritional supplements, etc) but what we ELIMINATED: food allergans...ESP corn . (corn is in EVERYTHING as "corn fructose" , "high fructose"....and tons of other names.) I took him to a chiropractor who did APPLIED KINESEOLOGY muscle testing for food allergies. That identifed foods that were a problem....then we elimated those. YES....it is DIFFICULT. I had to drive into the next county (back then) to find "health foods" that didnt have things like corn sweeteners/wheat etc. HOWEVER.....when we DID close to 100 % eliminate these allergans.....his MOTOR tics were virtually eliminated as well! His VOCAL tics, however, manifested as stuttering...and was not as easily treated. Avoiding all the foods was SOOOO difficult, we eventually (age 9) resorted to catapres (clonidine)....it DID eliminate the motor tics similar to the food elimination. (I'm not sure why your MD doesnt want to treat it?....have you consulted a neurologist?) Catapres has minimal side effects...mostly sleepiness....so we gave at bedtime. Regarding the stuttering/vocal tics.....a few years later (age ? 11) I learned that not all speech therapists have "dysfluency" training......and took him to one that did.....and in less than a year...he was no longer stuttering. The neurologist told us that he might "outgrow" the tourettes in adolescence......and....he did! We stopped the catapres at about age 14....and he's been fine since! He is a wonderful boy/young man......and yours is as well! When I signed in today, I said other members could contact me through email....so I'm assuming there is a way you can contact me through that if you want... {{{{{{{{{{{{more hugs}}}}}}}}}}}} and best wishes! THINGS WILL WORK OUT (ps: FWIW: most ham has corn products in it) Laurena82 Thanks for the encouragement. Good to hear the good news of your son, that is my hope. Now i am suffering from my Lele's vocal tics coming back, and get worse. so hopeless -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
what about the food preservatives and the food additives in the ham? Sounds really scary to think about that. Thanks for your kindly help, Faith. what kind luch box do you normally pack for the kid? I would like to try dampling for my son, but he said his classmate teasing him a lot b/c he is the only chinese in the school, I am really suffering from that since, especially after he has TS, can't face that -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
"I kept food journals of what he ate. I would rate his tics that day (I would break up the day by morning and night) and assign a number from 1 to 10. I cannot tell you how much this helped me. Within a few months I started seeing the pattern of what was causing his tics. " Yes, this is a wonderful idea! I will try it asap, but I have a question on that, how would you control the lunch he takes in the school? I hate to do that but maybe pack the lunch box for him is the only solution. My son just want some sandwich with ham, I know it is not good for his tics. please tell me how do you solve this problem, thanks in advance Thanks for the encouragement. -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Got it.I will make the doc. appointment for checking that. By the way, how much epson salt do you suggest to put in the hot tub for a 7 yo one? -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Yes, I guess it is ASO, it turned negtive result, do we really need to do the 72 hour throat culture? Thanks a million! -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks for giving me such a helpful information, Chemar, do I need to file a special education plan for my son if he is getting worse? can't home school him since English is not my mother language, by the way, by any chance you know anyone has TS child in Virginia? I really need some help -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks CSP. i appreciate your replys and sharing, I am so depressed now by fearing the unknow future, but I don't know how I can help him, the non stop worry drove me crazy. I don't even know how to deal with his school life if he start yelling and body moving, and if he will be kicked out from school......Do I need to plan the homeschooling now? My Lele is 7 and has facial and vocal tics. These started in May with a nech jerking and eye rolling,alone with the throat clearing. After doing a lot of reading and finding that no medicine can heal the TS, and some of the lucky kids whoes tics will eventually go away. Feels so helpless. I hate to take him to the doctor, went to the doctor's office always make the tics worse. We started to put him on Magnesum ans epson salt bath and waiting for the good result. Anything else we can try? I appreciate all the wonderful advice -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks a lot for encouraging me, Chamar. Maybe i am over react with the peoblem, but please understabd that I have a really tough life already, my husband has a bad health condition and Lele (my lovely boy) is my only child, he is such a sweet boy with a lot talents, he started the gifted program when he was 6, can't imagine how he will looks like if he start to shaking hands, moving body and yelling.......... I don't want thim face to the teasing by himself, he is such a lovely baby. I was so depressed after the doctor told me he has TS, thanks for giving me such wonderful information about your son, that is my hope. -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks for all the welcomes. It's nice to have some people to talk to about this and to share ideas! It is so touching. I will never forget the that tragic day when I heard the doctor said TS to me, my heart was broken and I can't accept it for a very long time, what a perfect boy I had before, and I can't imagine he will turn to a Monster in front of me, I cried to lord everyday, why me............... We checked the strep infection, and it turned negtive, so disappointed. I don't want to put my baby on medicine until I tried all the natural way, Please tell me what kind Magnesium I can use for him and what dosage I can give to my 7 years old? Thanks for sharing Luckylele -
7 years old boy has TS, Mom is heart broken
lele replied to lele's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Please, any kind suggestion will be highly appreciated, especially the eye rolling. School will start in 2 weeks, this is really bother him, since he is really a good reader and he spend a long time on reading everyday -
My son is 7 years old, and looks like he has TS, mom is crashed. He started moving his neck, rolling his eye ball and clearing his throat from May, the children neurologist said it is TS and we don't want to use medicine now, is there anyone knows how to release this by the natural products? please help me, thanks in advance. By the way, we want to start the L-Carnitine, anyone can give me some suggestion on the dosage? Thanks a million!