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Everything posted by thereishope

  1. Vote Every Day! http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS Don't get discouraged by the ranking. I'm pretty sure they haven't updated it. No one has moved since Sat. I've been wathcing a few submissions on this just to make sure. Everyone is the household age 13+ can vote daily. Only vote for us in the $50K catagory!
  2. One of my bottles was 3/4 used! I don't think the generics are affected. They're not listed. Target does make a generic, dye free Ibuprofen. I'm going there tomorrow. I get nervous not having anything on hand. Yes, allergies can cause an uptick. My son right now has allergies (severity of allergy symptoms seem to be varying) and a possible cold. Luckily, no PANDAS symptoms right now.
  3. To answer your question... http://www.mcneilproductrecall.com/page.jh...include/faq.inc Will you be offering a refund for the product I purchased and has been recalled? Yes McNeil is offering two options for consumers who have purchased products affected by this recall. You can receive either a refund for the average retail price of the product or a coupon for a free replacement (s) when the product becomes available again. You can do this by selecting one of the three ways to contact us on the right side of our www.mcneilproductrecall.com home page. To process your refund or coupon you will need the NDC number and Lot number from the product that has been recalled. The NDC number can be found above the brand name on the label of the bottle. The Lot number can also be found on the label and is usually placed vertically on the label. I had two bottles. I usually buy generic but I had a coupon the last time and bought name brand. Any idea if Johnson & Johnson refunds you for these items?
  4. You can't see the number of votes. As for the ranking, I don't know how often they update it. I have seen other submissions ask about rankings too.
  5. Did everyone vote yet today? http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS Vote every day in May! I've thought about that peglem. We did get permission to post updates on the PANDAS forum. Perhaps if we post it on the others as a one time request. I don't want to tie up other people's forums but I do see them as our "cousins" on this website. As for our current ranking, I am hoping once Monday comes along and people get back to work and check their emails, we will get an influx of votes later in the week. I contacted a lot of professionals and I know they won't even get the message until tomorrow. They also may have to get special permission to pass it along via company email. Same for the orgs I contacted.
  6. My son was definitely a Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde.
  7. I've seen that before. Very scary from the point of view of a PANDAS parent.
  8. I hope this works... http://s905.photobucket.com/albums/ac251/P...omputercopy.jpg
  9. If the site gave you any trouble with the "code" when setting up an account, people have done the audio capture to get access. I believe it only does this step when setting up an account. You will not have to do that step every time. And, we have been busy trying to notify anyone we can think of to inform them of the voting and beg the to help. We need everyone to spread the word. Here are some ideas we had... Go to you newspaper’s website. They usually have a local section anyone can write on. Email everyone you know the link Put the link as your signature in your email and on any forum you’re in There’s a widget in the Pepsi page to add to website, blogs, etc Post the link on other forums Print out our new “logo” w/ voting link and hang in public places Download that same logo and print it on a t-shirt (can do through walmart.com-see below) This would be great for the Autism One Conference. Put our logo w/ the voting link as your computer wallpaper at work Contact your local newspaper Contact your local news Inform your doctor's office We do have a logo with the tag line and voting link. I will try to see if there's a way I can post it.
  10. My husband was next to me and added that it looks like some of the textured patches of the tongue are missing and there is a combo of normal, textured patches and very smooth patches. Here are some images http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&gbv...ai=&start=0
  11. That's not geographic tongue. You can google images on geographic tongue. What it looks like is shallow caverns (same color as the rest of the tongue). It looks like you looking at an arial map. My husband gets it on occassion.Our dentist told him what it was. If he stays away from too much acid (ie orange juice, tomatoes, pineapples), it goes away.
  12. Oh,maybe I should have paid more attention:)
  13. I haven't had a chance to read the entire thing yet. I still have check my bottles too.
  14. Article... http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/05/01/drug.recall/index.html List of recalled items.... http://www.mcneilproductrecall.com/page.jh.../new_recall.inc
  15. Many use Buster's charting system to track progress. Buster's Charting System http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=6685&hl=
  16. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! And I love the link they chose for us! It's easy to remember. If you do have a FB account, you can vote through that too. It will give you the option when you click "vote". Also, there is a comment section on the page. Please feel free to write there. But, I remind everyone, you do not need a FB account to vote. We hope everyone likes what is written on that page. It was hard with small limitations of characters. I think 60 characters for the header and only 1000 for the text. That put pressure on us. We hope we respresented PANDAS well. Refresh the Research! Vote Project P.A.N.D.A.S.
  17. I'm glad you had a good day! See, you were sent an angel and now are someone else's!
  18. What's going on with everyone? Depending on where everyone lives, I bet it's this screwy weather messing everyone up. My kids are taking turns with a cold. Waking up in the middle of the night to blow kids' noses. Then yesterday and today allergies were crazy!
  19. We have dramatically cut out food dyes, high fructose corn syrup, eat organic when we can and when the price is reasonable. I do buy all organic fruit and veggies and dry goods when on sale. My PANDAS son kind of cut out milk on his own with only maybe one glass a week. I say we have a much cleaner diet than ever before. I admit, not always perfect, but much much cleaner. I read above about aspartame. We have never eaten that or Splenda. Read your lables on that one. They hide it in ingredients. They often will put aspartame in multi vitamins!
  20. Thanks for this post. I always just assumed Kefir wasn't as good as taking a supplement but that it was better than nothing. This is very good to know!
  21. In regards to OCD, with my son he did have residual OCD with his third exacerbation and we had to work with him to overcome it. When their so little, they have no idea what they are doing is not within the "norm". It may not even bother them (it didn't bother my son). To them, it's just life. I think changing up her routine is great. As you may know, that can be very hard to do with a child with OCD. That can send them into a meltdown. Do what you can to "change it up", but some of the rituals and habits that she has had the longest might be the last ones to go. The fact that you've seen huge improvements in some areas and some improvement in others, I would agree to continue with the abx. Not often does a child improve 100% within 10 days. Again, every child's timeline is different. But (assuming the child has found the right antibiotic for them and antibiotics alone will work) it can take months to fully recover.
  22. btw...It's actually pretty common for PANDAS kids not to get classic symptoms of strep. My son's behavior changes are the only symptom.
  23. Welcome. Pick up those antibiotics today and start them. Be very good about giving them and don't forget doses. While you're at the store, you can also pop in the aisle where they sell PROBIOTICS.It would be by digestive health. This is good for maining the good bacteria in the gut and for strengthening the immune system. Space the probiotics out from the antibiotics. MAybe a 2-3 hour spacing. Then mosey on down to the Omega 3 aisle. Omega 3's and DHA are good for the brain. Hopefully it will help her brain heal and they have been known to ease OCD. Then turn to the next aisle and pick up some Ibuprofen. For some, Ibuprofen will also ease PANDAS symptoms. Then go to check out and have them stare at you and wonder why you're buying all of it:) Here are some good threads for you to read. I suggest printing them out. They may answer some questions and lead to new ones... PANDAS Fact Sheet http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6265 PANDAS FAQ http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6266 Hopefully, you will see some improvement over the next few days. Some see dramatic, some see a little Let's hope you see something. I'm not saying you will definitely have your child 100% back to themself by the end of the 10 day script, but when you see that improvement, it's priceless. The actual timeline for recovery varies child to child and sometimes, you will need to change treatment to see results.
  24. You know what...you should be happy she actually stopped asking after 10 minutes. That's good! The idea is over time...the time she asks will shorten and hopefully lead to not asking thsoe reassurance questions. How was your son on steroids? Rages? Some on here have said their child reacted very well the first time they tried steroids, but not as well in subsequent steroid bursts. So, if you feel she doesn't need it, save it.
  25. Now that you mention it, I think you're right. The generic of Augmentin comes up as "amox w/ clauv" on the bottle. Sorry about that.
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