Hello everyone, im new to the forums and i just recently learned about these facial tics. Im 20 years old and ive been having these tics for pretty much my whole life. I never knew what it was and why i had these facial spasms. Ive been told by parents and even doctors to stop these ugly facial spasms that i have, i always told everybody i cant control it and no body believed me, this really irritated me causing my tics to worsen. Every time i tell a doctor they just tell me its in my mind and i should force my self to stop so they are no help to me at all which is why i am glad i found this website. I did some searching and reading since yesterday and i keep reading that they should go away during childhood, but ive been having these for almost 20 years now. I searched the forums but i really wanted to start my own thread to get an answer straight to me. Are these tics going to bother me for the rest of my life? Will they go away? What can i do or take to reduce these as much as i possibly can i hardly doubt i can cure it but i would really like to make it easier for me. I have difficulty driving, going out with the girls i like, going to school, out with friends, etc. These tics are really taking over my life and i really cant take it anymore sometimes i feel that i should just stay home and not go any where. Please any help would be appreciated.
Also just to add i do weight lift so i do take supplements. I take the following. Multivitamins, Omega 3 fish oil, creatine, Glutimine, Amino acids, glucosimin. I thought id add these because i noticed all the supplement threads.