Hi pandas16. I don't think I've ever responded to one of your posts before, but I have read about you on here over the years.
You raise some thought provoking points. Points I don't even like to bring to the front of my brain! However, still very interesting.
I have to preface my answer by saying that my dd is doing perfect currently. And she has been for quite some time. Her pandas was a sudden onset type and was very exorcist like and that lasted for about 15 months of time prior to get getting ivig, and then she got better over the next year. She is now turning 10 this month. This all started for her 4 years ago, so she was quite young and I feel now she is healed (although I don't ever say cured).
My dd illness completely changed everything about our family, my outlook on life, my emotional reserves and financial reserves (!). But now that she (and our family) is healed, we are BACK and stronger than ever, smarter than ever and more determined than ever to enjoy our life to the fullest and NEVER EVER take for granted being healthy. Seeing healthy children (her but also complete strangers at times!) playing brings me to tears now just being so happy that they are so lucky and able to actually play as children are supposed to do! Or even seeing children walking into a school building, same thing!
My oldest dd is 25 now. I know the thought of having a pandas child will weigh on her mind when she is in that stage of her life; we've talked about it. I hope it doesn't deter her from having children. People in general go through horrible tragedies every day and thankfully it doesn't keep the human race from pressing on. But it sure did kick my butt for a while there and so too my dd's. So I do understand the question. If you had asked me during the middle of the experience a few years ago, it may have been a different answer. But after my pandas dd healed, I began to heal and once momma is ok the rest of the family is too. I would definately do it all over again!
Good luck.
amy s