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Everything posted by tropea22

  1. Thank you Chemar for your reply. MLee unfortunately I'm not seeing any improvements with the fish oil.
  2. My son's naturopath has suggested using SPM Active (fish oil) for my son's tics. Has anyone used this product and if so has it helped? She said it has helped children with PANS. Thankyou
  3. My son's naturopath has suggested using SPM Active (fish oil) for my son's tics. Has anyone used this product and if so has it helped? Thankyou.
  4. Thank you Kdelaney114 for your email. It's very helpful.
  5. Hi MLee, I was never able to find it but, thank you to Chemar. I will search for Carlson Labs.
  6. Has anyone tried tinted lenses for their children when using a computer or any type of screen time? I wanted to know if the lenses help relieve some tics. Thanks.
  7. HI, I was hoping I could get some help. I'm interested in giving my child a B6 vitamin. It needs to be in liquid format so I can disguise it in food. I was wondering if anyone uses a B6 liquid and if so which one? Thank you.
  8. Thank you Chemar. My son tics all the time so I don't think it's anxiety related. We are willing to try it out anyway and see if it helps.
  9. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has tried Bowen Therapy for their tics. If so has it helped in decreasing them? Thanks.
  10. Thank you cmontgom, I appreciate your help.
  11. Hi cmontgom, Do you apply a carrier oil before the essential oils? Where on the body do you apply the oils? Do you rub them in or let them absorb on their own? Thank you.
  12. Hi, my son has been prescribed Azithromycin. The doctor feels that he may have PANS. He is to take two tablets two times a day. Each pill is 250 MG. I've very nervous to start him on the pills because it seems like a very high dose for a 6 year old who only weighs 45 pounds. I'm wondering if anyone else has been prescribed a similar dosage for their child? Thank you.
  13. Thank you bobh. I will do that.
  14. Thank you Sheila for your response. It was very helpful.
  15. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has seen Dr. Trifiletti and what has been your experience with him? Was he able to help your child? I am considering of contacting his office for an appointment but before I do I wanted to make sure he is helpful. Thank you.
  16. Has anyone tried using homeopathic detox remedies for their child? If so has it worked? Our naturopath wants us to give my son three different homeopathic remedies to detox his system. They are UNDA 243, UNDA 20 and UNDA 2. He is only 6 years old and I'm concerned about giving him something that will affect his liver. Has detoxing helped anyone's child with stopping tics? Thank you.
  17. Hi, has anyone tried digestive enzymes as a way to reduce their children's tics? If so did it work and which ones did you use? Thank you.
  18. Hi cdnmo Have you found anyone? We too are searching with no luck. Please let me know if you have found someone. Thanks.
  19. Hi, Does anyone know why this plant helps? Does anyone know what the long term effects of the plant are? Nothing I've tried works. I would love to try this but, I'm afraid of what damage it can cause 5, 10 years down the line.
  20. Thank you Angel23. I appreciate your help.
  21. Thank you bobh for your help.
  22. Hi, I'm new to the Pandas forum. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out if my son has Pandas. In February of 2016 we saw a neurologist because my son started motor tics. She was not concerned and said these type of tics are transient and usually go away by the age of 12. In April of this year we went back to the neurologist because my son started vocal tics. This time because he had both motor and vocal tics within a year she diagnosed him with Tourettes. We wanted to rule out Pandas and did some research. My son did not demonstrate the diagnostic criteria such as the sudden onset of tics, doesn't have OCD or restrictive eating disorder or anxiety or sensory amplification or behavioral regression or deterioration in school performance or sleep disturbances. We recently went to a naturopathic doctor to get help with his tics and she diagnosed him having Pandas. She had him put out his arms straight in front of him and close his eyes. Since his fingers pointed upwards, her diagnosis was Pandas. Has anyone else experienced this type of diagnosis? Thanks.
  23. Thank you Wombat and Chemar for your replies. I give my son B6 (hidden in gummie bears) and I rub magnesium on his feet. Those are the only vitamins the naturopath told us to use. I there is something else that can be beneficial to my son please let me know. Thanks, Cathy
  24. Hi Chemar, Thank you for your email. For breakfast my son usually eats a banana, homemade almond cookies, egg whites, a date/nut bar with no msg. Lunch: chickpea/lentil pasta with homemade pesto sauce, gluten free waffles (almond flour/coconut nectar) capacollo (homemade nitrate free pork slices) Dinner is where we eat most of our protein hormone free chicken and nitrate/nitrite free pork. Snacks: grapes, oranges, peaches, strawberries, cucumbers, peppers, olives, seaweed, fruit puree drink pouches. We give him 1/8 tsp of Vitamin B6, I break open a 250 mg capsule and measure it. I have to hide the vitamin B in gummie bears We also do Epsom baths and at night I rub magnesium on his feet. Any suggestions/information you may have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Cathy
  25. We've recently seen a Naturopath who instructed us to go on a "cave man" diet for my son's tics. We've eliminated wheat, dairy, corn, potatoes, most beans and nuts. I check to make sure there is no MSG in the food. We are two weeks into the diet and I've noticed my son's vocal and physical tics have gotten worse. I keep reading that parents notice quickly a change for the good when they eliminate certain foods. For us it's been the opposite. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this with an elimination diet. What have you done? Thanks, Cathy
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