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  1. Thank you for your response. I did read on an older post there is a brand called Magnesoothe but I think it's only sold online. It's pretty pricey too! I would like to find something local but something that someone has had a good experience with. I do have some mag bath salt too I will be using for him. I'm aiming for a 3-prong approach with this: diet, topical, and supplements. I am hoping and praying this will be the key. Thanks again!
  2. Hi HateTS, I'm happy to know Natural Calm has helped you. I am also giving this to my 9 yr old son for facial tics. It has seemed to help when taken regularly. He also suffers from anxiety and nervousness which contributes to the tics. Definitely doesn't make it easier with kids at school. Anyhow, you mentioned supplements for anxiety...I personally am a big fan of L-Theanine for my own anxiety and high blood pressure. You can purchase at a health food store. It is a little pricey so I will take it just before I know I will be in a stressful situation such as presentations at work, job interviews, etc and it helps me tremendously. Do some research on it beforehand. I believe it is the active ingredient in green tea that causes the calming effect. Hope that helps.
  3. Hello, New here and have read some of the posts and am happy to see so much support for this challenging issue. I am getting ready to start some dietary changes for my son's facial tics. I have read a lot about magnesium and its benefits and would like to start using mag oil as well as supplements. I have not been able to find much info on the oil. Any advice on a brand or which type of mag oil to use? Thank u
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