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Found 5 results

  1. Does anyone here have any experience with Brintellix or Trintellix, and, if so, can you share it? I have a family member (not my DS) who has experienced a recent lack of efficacy with an SSRI (Prozac) they've been taking for a couple of years, and the doctor is now suggesting this medication. Would really appreciate any feedback! Thanks!
  2. Hi everyone, I have had tourettes since i was very little, and I'm now 23. I have been relying on meds mostly since thats only what doctors suggest. However, I recently found out tics are heavily related to food and also magnesium as well. I had been eating quite a lot of junk food recently, and a lot of stress from graduating in the toughest engineering school in the country, as well as looking for jobs, having interviews, my tics have been crazy. My tics has always been pretty bad, but there were some times that it was better. I have a variety of tics i do in the same period, and they keep changing. Anyway, i recently read on this forum about Natural Calm magensium supplement, and i started taking it last night. I also took it this morning. I'm wondering how long would it take to have positive impact on my tics. Of course it might not work for everyone, but assuming it does for me. Btw, I'm taking 3mg resperidone and some amount of clonidine that i don't remember the dose, at night. And i also take smaller dose of clonidine in the morning. I also would love to know if it is possible for a person like me to gradually stop taking meds and control tics with good food and supplements. Ive been on meds since around 10 and I'm definitely worried about myself in a long term if i will have to take them until I'm 80 something. But as i said my tics are worse than average a lot of times, so I'm not sure if i can manage it without meds. I would appreciate your input! Any opinion is welcome. Thanks!
  3. I am wondering if IVIG/Plasma exchange has been an affective treatment for a child with an onset of PANS/PANDAS that was not diagnosed within a year of onset. My ds son has had many symptoms developed since his illness . His illness started in 2010 and these PANDAS antibodies were found highly elvated in October 2013. Symptoms that have started with the illness include the following: headache, scalp pain, loss of muscle control, could not sit without help for several months, rolling back and forth, tremors in arms and legs, low blood pressure, high heart rate,long term memory problems, hoarse voice, rashes on face come and go. Currently my ds is wheelchair bound and I thankful for the strength he has to be able to transfer in and out of the chair. In the beginning of this illness, we had to rent a lift for him. If this is truly PAN/PANDAS, these antibodies can do a lot of damage to the nervous system. Has anyone experienced anything simular to this with their child? From reading many post, I understand that many of you are using natural supplements and special diets. I have already been using supplements and the vitamins that were recommended in some of the threads. I have not tried any diets yet and realize this may be the next step. However, my son has been tested by the gluten sensitive tissue test and it came back negative. My son also has a low IgA but is not defiencient. So I'm not sure if going gluten free would be of help. Would love to hear some of your opinons on a gf diet. My ds is 13 and puberty seems to be delayed in some areas. I am wondering if this is the reason for the hoarse voice. It comes and goes through out the day. Some days his voice is fine. Overall, I am frustrated and just want some relief for my son. However, I really would like to know if IVIG or Plasma exchange has helped a child that has been sick for a long time. Sorry for the long post. Rachel
  4. I am wondering if IVIG/Plasma exchange has been an affective treatment for a child with an onset of PANS/PANDAS that was not diagnosed within a year of onset. My ds son has had many symptoms developed since his illness . His illness started in 2010 and these PANDAS antibodies were found highly elvated in October 2013. Symptoms that have started with the illness include the following: headache, scalp pain, loss of muscle control, could not sit without help for several months, rolling back and forth, tremors in arms and legs, low blood pressure, high heart rate,long term memory problems, hoarse voice, rashes on face come and go. Currently my ds is wheelchair bound and I thankful for the strength he has to be able to transfer in and out of the chair. In the beginning of this illness, we had to rent a lift for him. If this is truly PAN/PANDAS, these antibodies can do a lot of damage to the nervous system. Has anyone experienced anything simular to this with their child? From reading many post, I understand that many of you are using natural supplements and special diets. I have already been using supplements and the vitamins that were recommended in some of the threads. I have not tried any diets yet and realize this may be the next step. However, my son has been tested by the gluten sensitive tissue test and it came back negative. My son also has a low IgA but is not defiencient. So I'm not sure if going gluten free would be of help. Would love to hear some of your opinons on a gf diet. My ds is 13 and puberty seems to be delayed in some areas. I am wondering if this is the reason for the hoarse voice. It comes and goes through out the day. Some days his voice is fine. Overall, I am frustrated and just want some relief for my son. However, I really would like to know if IVIG or Plasma exchange has helped a child that has been sick for a long time. Sorry for the long post. Rachel
  5. Someone here mentioned that lamictal is helpful for ocd in pandas b/c it reduces glutamate. The more I read about this, the more fascinated and excited I get b/c of the overwhelming evidence to support this. The government is doing clinical trials now with the ALS drug: riluzole (http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/nct00523718) in the treatment or augmentation of ocd. They say 70% respond to ssri's and CBT, but the other 30% don't and that there has been successes with the glutamate reducers in the reamining 30 percenters (which would include me; I've tried most of the ssri's, maoi's, antipsychotics, and tricyclics with no benefit at all with ocd and very little benefit in depression). I've never tried lamictal and this seems like an interesting topic to bring up with my psych. tomorrow. I was just wondering if anyone else here had success in treating ocd and if they had tried any of the other ALS drugs? Thanks P.S. Excuse any mistakes I may have typed out or included in my information, I am very very sleep deprived day in and day out and I deal with an incredibly insane amount of fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness. Reading is very very difficult for me as is retaining information.
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