Hi Sheila,
Thank you so much for your incredibly helpful response. I have already gained improvement from following your post. I reduced sugar a lot, and eating more natural food. Also, I am avoiding food that have chemicals at grocery stores. I have to say, I'm quite shocked how flavoured potato chips have so many chemicals in them to make the flavour, while plain ones only have potato, vegetable oil, and salt. I never noticed this before!
I have another question, and was hoping if you have any idea. I did notice my tics significantly reduced after having Natural calm, and good foods, but something else is that i haven't had really really tight schedule in the past few days. I tend to have way more tics when i have so many assignments due in upcoming days, or exams coming up, etc. I feel like its part of anxiety, where I'm worried if i wont be able to complete it. I do complete them most of the time, but i am a kind of person who worries a lot. Should i ask my doctor to get anxiety medication? Will it reduce the temporary anxiety i have when i am short in time? Also, if i start working in a few months, i will have short deadlines too most likely. I am very worried if i would be able to do well due to my tics. I did have one type of anxiety med ( dont remember name..) maybe about 8 years ago, when another doctor prescribed me for tourettes, but there was a side effect where rash appeared on my skin, so i stopped taking shortly. I really think anxiety is a big factor for me.
Because of eating good food and taking magnesium, my tics have reduced a lot, but as i said when I'm worried about short time, tics are pretty bad, although not as bad as when i wasnt controling food and magnesium. Maybe there is some natural supplemet that helps anxiety? Because of course, i want to eventually get off meds. But it seems like when I'm worried, even meds (resperidone and clonidine) don't help at all. It seems like my meds are pretty useless, so maybe i should ask my doctor about it and replace these meds with anxety med, while controling food and magnesium..
What do you think? Any input would be appreciated!