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Everything posted by mom2a

  1. Hi There.. I know with NAET they do a baseline first of I think 10-15 different things....a lot of times if they clear the baseline items....some things within your own system clear right up and start functioning normally!! We have done this for my husband....he doesn't have a lot of food sensitivities but has dust and dander sensitivities...sometimes it takes a few tries before it's completely cleared but it does work. I would atleast start with the baseline items and see what things clear on their own...the system might be able to handle the wheat if something is not functioning right in the small instestine. I've read amazing things about NAET and find it fascinating. Good luck!!
  2. Yes, that is true about reverse osmosis....you might need to supplement some essential minerals....because they do strip everything out of the water....which I think is great....I'd rather it be stripped and add to it myself. Good post!! I agree with you too about if your child gets thirsty enough they will drink water! I don't think that is cruel at all.....it's called LOVE! You want what is best for them even if they don't understand yet....one day they will understand....the thank you may not come now....but will come later!!
  3. Hi Maryann Are you looking for something to drink that just has flavor to it? We make Rasberry zinger Celestial seasons cold tea I heat up about 4 cups of hot filtered water throw in 7-8 tea bags let it sit for 5 min pour into a one gallon container continue filling with cold filtered water until 1 gallon container is full You can drink just like this over ice or you can add a little turbinado sugar for sweetening. I keep the sugar low. Celestial season's rasberry ziner is caffiene free and has no preservatives or artifical anything. My son seems to do fine with this. I would still encourage water drinking.....children will adjust after a while....you can add a little lime or lemon to it too for flavor. Good luck!!! Don't give up!!!
  4. Hi there!! I do believe water is VERY important!!!!! If you take a look at my website www.smallchanges.info and click on the "water we drink" page you will see all the chemicals that are in our water supply. My family uses a reverse osmosis sytem for the house but it can be costly. If you can't afford to filter the whole house putting a filter on your shower is better than nothing and will take out many of the chemicals!!!! In my family we allow our son to have 2 glasses of rice milk a day and the rest of the day he is to be drinking water. On weekends we allow him to have Rasberry zing which is a home made family favorite drink of ours. Water is soooo important for our bodies and it allows our bodies to work at peak performance, flushing out the toxins!! The drinks today that are available to children are filled with sooo much sugar and often times many other chemicals. Chemicals effect our neurotransmitters greatly!!! I believe the less we ingest the better we function!!
  5. Hi There....My husband had/has all those and his school experience was just awful!!! Unfortunately 20 years ago.....they knew very little about this and just labled kids "problem children" Because of his schooling experience we decided to do the homeschooling route, which I have to say...I love!!!!! I hand it to teachers because it's a big job reaching children. It really took me a while to figure out my son's learning style because it turns out he has a lot of the same learning disabilities as my husband but both are equally VERY VERY smart, they just have a style all their own!!!! So I'm happy that my son can learn in his own unique way and I pray he'll find his educational experience better than his father's. I'm glad to know though there are some teachers out there advocating for our kids. Big Hug to you!!!
  6. Hi Nicola72....yes, the whole process can be tiring and stressful....but stick with it!!!! My son 2 years ago use to have anxiety REALLY BAD!!!!!! After we did the whole diet clean up and found his sensitivities the tics went away....the ocd went away......the anxiety still lingers and shows it's head time to time...but I'm definitely going to try Chemar's advice about the methionine. The first 1-2 years you feel like a detective!! I started feeling really confident that everything I was doing was truly making a difference after I hit the 2 year mark (though I saw HUGE changes in 1 week - I needed repetive reinforcement to allow me to truly believe!!)!! It's soooo worth it!!!! This is a great site for all types of advice from parents who have BEEN THERE!!! Since you are starting out I would definitely find the food sensitivities first....a lot of times this will clear up a lot of the issues.....if you are unsure how to start...visit my web site....www.smallchanges.info and go to the 10 steps page....there is a link to Doris Rapp's food elimination program....this is what I used and found it very useful!! Good luck with your detective work and I look forward to hearing about your successes!!!!
  7. That is interesting to know that anxiety is related to serotonin.....my husband takes methionine and inositol because with his t.s. he sufferes from depression and it has made a big difference for him along with some other amino acids. I will definitely try that with my son....we are taking a trip in a few months and I was getting concerned that all the driving will do him in!!! thank goodness I already stock this....that is rare!! Thanks so much Chemar!!!!
  8. Do any of you have children that also suffer from anxiety? It only seems an issue when we are driving in the car (feelings of being closed in and he complains he is super hot and that his seatbelt is too tight when it isn't) For the most part all of my son's tics and ocd are under control though diet but the anxiety still shows itself time to time. I'm wondering if anyone has had luck with certain supplements that could be helpful for anxiety. He already takes b-complex, omega 3-6-9, cal/mag.
  9. Hi there....I also heard dairy and wheat can be a big trigger for dark circles under the eyes. something to do sensitivity testing for. Remember too that allergy testing will not show sensitivities. Good luck!
  10. Jasminky - We simply omitted anything made from dairy for 1 week......after 3 days we saw incredible differences in ocd, worries, bad thoughts, etc....I would say dairy is my son's number 1 trigger! though butter is fine! I've also heard Soy can be a big trigger for children with ADD ADHD OCD tics, etc. so you might want to omit that next if you don't see improvement by taking dairy out. I started omitting the things first that I gave to my child every day....it seems the things he loved the most were the worst for him!! Hard I know... but still so worth knowing. If you want to do a food elimination program you can visit my web site at www.smallchanges.info and click on the "10 steps" page and there is a link to Dr. Rapp's food elimination program. you might find that helpful! Hope this helps out! Erin
  11. Welcome Heather, I know all too well what you were saying about "what happened to my little girl" though 2 years ago I said that same things except it was "what happened to my little guy". My son at age 5 started to display symptoms of TS and 2 years later he is doing great....we still go through seasonal stuff but for the most part he is doing great!! This forum is a wealth of information with such great, compassionate people....without this website I wouldn't of learned all that I have learned! I'm sending you a cyber hug because 2 years ago that is what I needed!!! My suggestion is start uncovering some food sensitivities!!! Start with Dairy, Wheat, Corn, Eggs, these are the big ones! I'm not the most knowledgable on supplements but plenty of other people here are!!!! Good luck!! Stay positive!
  12. My son's "bad thoughts" which I put in the catagory of OCD is GREATLY effected by dairy products. If he ingest dairy of any kind....20 minutes later his worries will kick off folllowed by bad thoughts. When dairy isn't in his diet...he never complains about it! it's truly amazing to me!!!! Good Luck!
  13. Absolutely Paint fumes can increase tics!!! This will set my husband's TS off instantly! My husband describes himself as Hyper-sensitive to his 5 senses. I think it's very common with TS Suffer's. So remember if it's bothering us a little bit.....it's bothering them a lot!!!!
  14. Hi there.....I think probably a lot of things are at play in this situation. Not only allergies, you have seasonal changes, allergy meds, excitment and sheer happiness. Which the happiness part is a great thing! I know with my husband and child....excitment about anything sets off their tics and plus the stimulus from just being around so many other energies from different people puts it in motion. I have found just having a dinner party with close friends will exacerbate both their tics. I know though from my own experience foods make the most difference in how well they handle situations. As long as their diets are pretty clean of sensitivities they can handle much better all different types of stimulus. I'd really play food detective, it's hard but sooo worth it!
  15. Father of three, I am also new to posting on the forum but have been following this forum for the last 2 years since I found out my son has Tourette Syndrome. Just tell yourself one step at a time..and remember to breathe..I remember too well the day I found out my son was starting to display tics like his dad......I think I cried for 3 days straight until I realized I was feeling sorry for me....his father, my husband is a wonderful well adjusted man who happens to have tics....my job as the mom was to make sure my son grew up like his dad and becomes that same wonderful confident person regardless of tics. If it turns out your son does have TS, this is the best place you can end up......for support and knowledge. I completely overhauled my son's diet and uncovered sensitivities and for the most part you can't even tell he has tics. He gets occasional flare ups with seasonal allergies (and now losing teeth)but for the most part his body does great because we keep the sensitivities low!! As a parent I know you just want to fix it and make it all better but re-assure yourself that whether it's just transient tics or Tourette Syndrome you will be fine. You will be able to handle this because that is what us parents do. My husband does arm twitching (flex like and then release) he also does some eye movements but ya know.....it just becomes who they are...I try to imagine him without these tics and it's really hard.....it's who he has been since i've met him!!! I've learned the more you focus on it and draw attention to it the more stressed they get and the more they do it. Hang in there and try not to stress out too much. Mom2A Erin
  16. Thank you Chemar, I knew it had to be connected because nothing else in his diet has changed at all. I'm pretty diligents in my efforts, I just wasn't sure if teeth could cause this much havoc in the system. I know you had to run maybe when you get a chance you can let me know if there are any supplements that could help with growth spurts. I know my son does "feel" the growing pains.....when they are happening. Thanks a bunch! Mom2A Erin
  17. Hi all....This is my first post but I have to say this sight has been helping me for 2 years. My son first started showing signs of TS at age 5 (his dad also has TS) I immediately took action with the help of latitudes and Doris Rapp. I was so amazed at the results I saw I have made it my mission to help other families in my area simply by helping them make the changes that we have made. I also direct them to latitudes for additional support and advice in the areas I'm not very knowledgable in like supplements and a place just to vent and get support. The reason for my post is that we have been going along very well for the last 2 years, no real big bumps with the exception of some food mistakes. Recently however my son has definitely been going through a growth spurt and losing teeth left and right along with that.... his tics have increased. I have never seen him react during a growth spurt before, nothing in the diet has changed or his environment. We homeschool so I have a pretty good guage as to what is going in his tummy every day. I guess my 1st question would be, is there a supplement to support the adrenals during times of growth and stress on the body? Right now my son is taking calcium/magnesium, Omega 3*6*9, B-complex. I do realize there are times you just have to ride the wave and let the body do what it needs to do but if there is something I can do I want to be doing it. My 2nd question is this.....the things I have tried on my son I have had GREAT success with but with my husband it hasn't worked at all. My guess has been that he is more effected by life stresses of fatherhood and husbandhood and his TS is more triggered by emotions and his OCD which I can't control that (unfortunately), so I just try to support him the best I can. Has anyone had the same experience with more than 1 person in the family having TS and it being so completely different and you have to take 2 completely different routes? Any suggestions on how to help TS that seems to be more charged by the emotions and OCD? I really am grateful that latitudes was there for me 2 years ago..(and still is)...without this sight I don't know if I would of seen that there was light at the end of a tunnel that seemed not very bright 2 years ago.....boy was I wrong! My son has given me direction, purpose and passion, who would of thought this little guy would be such a great teacher in my life! Thanks for any suggestions!
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