UGH! I have a ticcer PANDAS son. (who had ADHD symptoms as well at initial onset) This makes me angry ....what is going to happen to the ticcer kids?? Ignored? Undiagnosed? Left to suffer? I also have a PANDAS son who presented with the works...OCD, tics, anxiety, hallucination, etc. If it weren't for his presentation, my olders son may have likely never received proper diagnosis and treatment. Both presented 2 weeks apart from same strep infection. Neurologists at CHP told me they were on path of Tourettes and come back in 4 months and we can medicate. Hummmm..BOTH boys suddenly developed Tourettes at the same time. I think not! Never went back. Got a PANDAS diagnosis and treatment and my older sons tics basically went away in 24 hours......bumpy for a couple years (mild) with in remission for almost 2 years. No meds except abx. I was told by Dr. C znd Dr L (in MD) that if my older ticcer son was not properly diagnosed and treated...he would indeed, most likely, have ended up with a Tourettes diagnosis. Dr. L does not require OCD, he is our treating physician. Personally, I would not accept the diagnosis of TS just second opinions from other experts. Improvement with Penicillin and backsliding off.....big sign of PANDAS.. and also a hopeful one because your this point, is still responsive to abx. Don't lose that window. (Penicillin is largely not effective in symptomatic PANDAS works for some, but, I would surely use a stronger abx) TS because he does not have OCD! Ugh.. that just breaks my heart....(and I know PANDAS diagnosis exists....aside from PANS...but, you can clearly see how they are all interchanged and things will just get worse with all the docs mixing it all up)