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  1. It seems that I still haven't gotten the right mix of vits for my son yet, just when I think its working next day he is back to square one. His tics subside (50 - 75%) for only 2-3 days and then come back to original frequency and intensity again for 2-3 days. The best results I have seen so far for him are with this combination even though it doesn't seem to be consistant: childrens fish oil (dha), taurine 500 mg, B-compx, Magnesium chilated 300 mg. I don't give him food with colors, flavors and preservatives. What could be the reason that his tics are not controlled consistantly yet? Thanks.
  2. itsme, thanks for your response. When you say diet restrictions are these based on any allergies he has? I follow a diet for my son which is artificial color, flavor free and no preservatives. I don't have his food allergy test yet so don't know if he is allergic to anything but I don't give him milk either.
  3. Itsme, I wanted to know what kind of doses your son takes for bontech vits? Is he tic-free while he is on the supplements or the tics are just controlled and what percent? Sorry to ask lot of questions but I ordered the bontech vits but haven't started giving him yet. He is taking mag 300 mg, taurine 500 mag, b-compx, and fish oil and with these supps he is about 70% better some days but I am not sure if its the supps or just waxing and waning because he would have 2-3 good days and again would have 2-3 bad days. I am still trying to figure out what works for him. Thanks.
  4. faith, Yes, my son started with eye blinking first and then I noticed his nose/mouth twich. His nose/mouth twich is not always there and is not very noticeable.
  5. Chemar, How do you find a good acupressurist? Is there any organization that certifies acupressurist? I couldn't find anything on the web, I did find certified acupuncturist though just not sure if they do both. Thanks for your help.
  6. Thanks Chemar! I have more questions: My son had braces for about 11 months, he just got them removed on Monday. On Monday I also started him on B-comx, taurine, and magnesium. Tuesday was probably the best day he had so far in over two months. He only blinked few times (very mild). He was still doing his nose/mouth twich but that has not been severe. Today (wednesday) he had to get retainers, they are plastic and not visible and he has to wear them about 12 hours a day. I noticed as soon as he wore them his blinking got more noticeable. I asked him to take it off and it was a little better again even though not as good as yesterday. Is this my imagination or these retainers are making him more anxious. Any input would be helpful. Are the supplements suppose to help with all tics because I noticed the difference in eye twiching only and not with the mouth/nose twich. Thank you!
  7. Some of my sons test results came back today. He tested negative for PANDAS and candida. His magnesium level was normal. Mild allergy to two types of grass and still don't have the food allergy tests back yet. His doctor (environmental) recommended we give him the following; B-compx, Taurine 500 mg twice a day, Magnesium chelated 200 mg twice a day and children's dha cod liver oil - 4 capsules a day. I am a little concern if thats too much for a 9 year old who is about 70 lbs. From reading the posts it sounds like taurine doses are too much and if his magnesium is normal why give him extra 400 mg a day? His tics seem to be moderate for last 2-3 days, I don't know if this will continue or he is just having few good days. Please help with the doses. Thanks!
  8. is that dr. Tanya Murphy? just wanted to check because I am trying to call to get an appointment and I always get voicemail and left a message 2 days ago but haven't heard back yet. Did you all have to go through the same process? Thanks.
  9. Thanks Janey and pamela for the info and Amy1 for your support.
  10. chemar, how do you go by Bonnie's protocol? I mean should I just call them and explain the symptom or do they have specialists in different locations. I have been to their website but didn't see where you can just order the products. Thanks for your help.
  11. Just wanted to post little update about my son's tics. My 9 year old son's eye blinking/winking has not calmed down yet and this has been going on for 2 months now. Everyday he has these tics, may be he had 2 or 3 days in two months where his eye winking was down 50% than usual other than that he is constantly winking his eyes (left mostly but some times its right eye also). He doesn't have any vocal tics, some times he kind of flaps his fingers but that is not constant. He also does mouth twich some times but that comes and goes. I have stopped his milk for last 3 weeks, he eats pizza on fridays in school though. No tv and video games for 3 weeks. I have not noticed any difference with these changes. I am trying vitamin B complex now for past one week but that also doesn't seem to do anything. Also trying kids calm for last 5 days and so far no luck. Would like to hear from all the experts on this forum as to what I can try, I have been reading and there is so much info here its hard to decide where to start. Any suggestions on what combination of vitamins I should give. How long usually transiet tics last? I have talked to an environmental dr and he did some allergy tests but have to wait for 3 weeks. Neurologist appt. is two weeks away. Time seems to go so slow. Any suggestions as far as what supplements to give would be really appreciated. Do all of you who have great success with supplement are working under a physician's guidence because I took my son to pediatrician and she just completely ignored diet/allergy connection. My son has been also complaing about how kids in school ask him why he is doing this, any suggestion on what is the best way to deal with school kids and friends who don't stop asking why are you winking so much.
  12. Michele, I started my son Nordic Naturals Childrens DHA 100% Artic Cod Liver Oil just yesterday. Have you noticed any difference with you son since you started this. Thanks!
  13. Has anyone notice the tics/symptoms are better in the morning? I have noticed with my son his eye blinking/twiching is alot better in the morning than evening.
  14. Kim, What probiotics do you use?
  15. I am getting confused, my son had eye blinking for about a month and half. I have been giving him vit supplement (magnesium 250mg and vitamin B comp) for week and half and no tv and video games. His eye blinking seems to be better some days and some times its like back to day one. Today I have noticed he has this nose mouth twitch. I am feeling helpless, would like to hear some success stories. All of you with success please give your feedback as to how long it took tics to go away or reduce with natural treatment and supplements. Did the tics go away completely? If tics reduced what percent? Once stopped did they ever return? What supplements did you use? Is it safe to give this magnesium dose for long duration and how long? please help me feel positive by giving some feedback.
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