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Everything posted by kkver
There are lot people here who are working on candida . I stumbled upon a article i though i should put here. Some of you might have read it but just wanted to know if this kind of diet have helped kids. http://www.lourdes.edu/SYLLABI/HTW333_files/CandidaDiet.htm
I was reading through some older posts and came across this thread. I wanted to add that my son also has a small tumor/cyst on his wrist (a ganglion cyst I believe it is called) that just appeared (I noticed it approx 4-5 months after he exploded with tics nearly over night last spring.) tlkinser Have you got this cyst tested ? I have read some articles where strep infection resides in body causing complication similar to Rheumatic fever. It is kind rare but will give you more clear path to rule out things. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003940.htm
Jasminky Keep track on tics during 1st 48 hours . If those are due to PANDAS they will go down and by 5 to 7 days will be reduced to minimum . Second It is possible to have regular titer counts and still have Tics in PANDAS cause that is one of the conditions. If you have +ve strep test and Tics emerge after that it is clear indication of PANDAS. Hope she gets better and let us know how it goes after 24 hours.
in uk son 13 severe pandas, seeking treatment
kkver replied to spongeblob's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
spongeb Sorry to hear about your son . It gets tough at times. Regarding PANDAS you can try certain things to test 1) Do the throat culture for strep infection. 2) Do the blood test for O ASO and Anti Dnase titer counts. If these are high means the body is fighting a strep infection. 3) If any of above conditions there try to use antibiotics ( amox ,penn,zithromax ) and see if there are changes . Lot of people on this forum have kids who are on weakly antibiotic dosage. 4) If those titer count are high and not coming down then can look for plasma replacement which is not done by every one treatment but had helped lot of kids. If PANDAS is not there then you should look to find why is it happening, is cause of TS or come other things. -
Kelly I don't give azith all the time. He had gone through strep 2 times since last year and tics came. I gave zithromax for 10 days after last strep and stopped 1st day 400mg then 200 mg for next 9 days. I saw shoulder shruging which is in the process of tapering off. He has wheezing issues so it's get lil complicated if i have to give breathing corti steriods. Weather here in So cal had been chaging so rapidly he was hit with flu+wheezing so i am using them now and i saw some tics which were in the process of going away after last strep infection. Chemar Some thing i noticed today that the albutrol which i use to control his wheezing when needed has sulphate ( albutreol sulphate ) which may be the reason i am seeing some Tics just as seen in epsom salt bath use.
when i read these posts it just hit me in my gut as i recalled 2006 december i bought xbox on Xmas and PSP on his birthday in Feb and from march last year he had onset of Tics with PANADAS and i had to keep both of them away ( 5 unopened games) even on LCD screen for Xbox. All i figured out his tics come from excitement in games , going to new stores, new places , new freinds , seeing fast cars on road , new eating places. There's mall near my place where he has been going for last 4 yrs and i never see a tic there in any shop or food place. Michele Just wanted to let you know my son used to have very upset stomach with little increase in doseage of Omniseph after that we used azith.
night terrors and muscle twitching at night
kkver replied to Toms_Mom's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
I saw increace in tics for my kid when i used epsom salt bath but he did sleep very well those nights as i kept close eye on him those nights. I read some posts which indicated it might be reaction to sulpher in epsom salt. I did some research on it and is kinda rare condition . You had used those in past and if you had not seen increase in tics it might be good idea to try it out. -
night terrors and muscle twitching at night
kkver replied to Toms_Mom's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
After reading this t just hit me that even my son is not very sound sleeper. He will get up once a while at night. I recall i used eposm salt bath few days back before going to bed and he slept like a baby. May be you want to try that . 2 cups of epsom salt in bath and let him soak for 30 minutes before going to bed. this will calm his body and muscles. -
Yes, You got that right. If something is working stick with it don't try new things.
Jenny One thing I learned after lot of struggle and Cheri's posting is if something is working don't introduce or try anything new and every kid is different so it is highly possible will react differently. I am very reluctant to introduce anything new in vitamins , trying separate diet , enzymes if something is working . Trying things might provide you more answers but I know as a parent we don't have courage to see if it adversely affects them.
Did you use Zithromax for the 10 days? Do you do preventative antibiotic? Does he have any other issues? Thanks for replying. Yes i used zithromax for 10 days and donot use any preventive antibiotic. He's gets wheezings only when he catches cold or any viral infection. CSP I hope he doesn't read your post else you will get the blame
this time i used 10 days of antibiotic after strep instead of 5days then last time. This time after affect has been less then the last time but it got little more after i used epsom bath. He's getting better but will take time may be another 2 weeks.
PANDAS + Autism amongst siblings anyone?
kkver replied to emilyt's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Yes it seems to be in boys more then girls. Somewhere in the research it it was mentioned the % of boys is greater to who have TS/pandas in comparision to girls. -
My kid had two viral infections between june07 to november 07 and he was tic free till he got strep infection in november end after thanks giving.
Thanks you Sunshine and all for replying . I was away so could't post . This is good information for parents with kids who have Tics. I stopped epsom bath after 2 days and now i am seeing marked improvement. It will take few more weeks for tics to go away ( keeping fingers crossed ) but now i can confirm i did see increase in Tics with the use of epsom salt .
I gave him vitamins while giving him epsom baths. Last two days without the bath they seems to have slowed down so i can say it was epsom bath. It'sl ike you don't want to control them they will go away own there own. I will wait and watch. i guess that is the possible route along with vitamins.
thanks Chemar , I searched through your old posts and found 2 cups. I used it for 2 days but it seems to spike his tics more so i stopped it today not sure what i saw it alst time also when ever u try to control it goes out of control. So today onward i went back to multivitamins and vitamin C and vegitables.Since his wheezing is gone i have stopped use of albutrol . It is steriod but had no choice. Is there some thing we use other then those to control asthma wheezing. thanks agin and Mery Xmas. kk
Can some one post what is the quantity of epsom salt needs to be used for the bath and any special instructions needed for this. Has any PANADAS kids parents used it when they are ticcing ?
My kid just got hit by wheezing and he's ticing from last bout of strep. I am trying to gather info what do parents do in case of kids with asthma. I hate to use corti steriods ( Albuterol , pulmicort ) but seems i have no choice as his breating will get shallow. thnaks
yes some times you can have step infection without any indications. I my self was shocked when i my self was tested +ve without any symtums earlier this yr.
Dedee this so strange to be tested +ve and seeing Tics while still on antibiotics. How much dosage of antibiotic are you giving him in and have you seen any reduction in tics . Now this is what i am always afraid of a person getting strep while still on preventive.
newtothis Some times even if there no visual signs a person is +ve for strep. You will have to work one by one to rule out all the possible causes. Strep test is there at every doctor's clinic now and will take 2 minutes to rule out since this was sudden onset with any prior history of tics. Second you will have to take off tv/computer for some time and observe along with some food elimination. I know as parent we want our kids to be perfect or need a cure instantly but on this i have learned to very patience and do one thing at a time . Only one thing i will say , is not to go on Tics meds due to serious side effects.
Bumping this up. Flower any update on this and Dylan's Mom How's your son doing with NEAT treatment.
How's coldcalm from BOIRON . I just started taking today cause of sore throat ( negative strep ) and seems to have helped. Has any one given this to there kids ?
Few questions Has he ever had any sorts of Tics before Or it is just sudden onset ? How much prone he is to strep infections ? Other then computer obsesion has he shown some other obsessive behaviour activity , like afraid of some thing like germs , excessive hand washing or going to rest room more frequently ? Has he been on computer or TV on long hours before this Tics ? these question will more clarity what you should be looking at. If this onset is all of sudden one thing you should get him is tested for strep . Being a parent of kid who gets Tics after strep infection ( PANDAS ) i always look in to this. Second try to eliminate his TV/Computer for few days as they seems to be known to cause for this. According to doctors Tics in genral comes in kids and unless they obstruct there daily activity they don't treat them meds ( too much side effects ). Parents on this forum try alternative treatment for kids like vitamin supplements , amino acids , food elimination and more. Try to read through as much as possible on this forum and i assure you that you are on right place.