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Threelac and yeast question for Heather
Claire replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Heather, Did you take Oxygen Plus with the Threelac? Note the website above and this one below both mention it. I realize the first website is selling product, but the argument makes sense. http://www.candidaconnection.org/pages/1/index.htm ThreeLac works to control an overgrowth of the yeast/fungus candida albicans in the intestinal tract (the breeding ground) and repopulates the intestinal tract with beneficial bacteria. Oxygen Elements Plus (OE+) helps to oxygenate the body, providing an environment in which this virulent form of yeast/fungus cannot survive. It also kills Aspergillus and Candida albicans on contact. To read more about these amazing products, and for ordering information Also, the Japan study on the underlying mechanism. http://www.nutraingredients.com/news/news-...-NG.asp?id=8141 I will bring in Phil's info on Wednesday also, since my DAN doctor does read McCandless. Claire -
Threelac and yeast question for Heather
Claire replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks Phil! Good for you for keeping such good records. I doubled checked and my son's arabinose (same test) is 75.7, not 70. By the way, I found an nice quick summary on Threelac. Even more interesting is that they discuss the saliva test I mentioned. I hope some here like efgh who wonder about yeast issues, but haven't had their child tested will have them try this harmless test and let us know how it goes! As I mentioned, I flunked it, but my son passed it. We haven't had him retested yet, but maybe you have to have above a certain threshold for it to show up. Here are highlights... http://www.iwr.com/candida/questions.html[/url] HOW THREELAC HELPS As its name implies, ThreeLac contains three forms of spore-forming lactic acid bacteria. These live microorganisms purge your intestinal tract of the parasitic, fungal form of candida. At the same time, ThreeLac helps to balance the pH levels in our bodies. The secret behind ThreeLac’s effectiveness is the micro-encapsulation process that gets the candida-fighting live bacteria safely past the acidic environment in the stomach. These oxygen-friendly bacteria go to work “dining†on anaerobic problem organisms that you don’t want. SALIVA TEST for YEAST: You can try this simple test to see if you have candida: First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, get a clear glass. Fill with water and work up a bit of saliva, then spit it into the glass of water. Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. If you have a problem that THREELAC can help with, you will see strings (like legs) traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or “cloudy†saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water. If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after at least one hour, you probably have candida under control. THREELAC would then be used to maintain good bowel flora and proper pH. For a picture, look at: http://www.rainbowminerals.net/candidda_test.htm What makes candida bad? Actually, in its yeast form it is beneficial. We all have this form of candida in our bodies. The candida population should be low and indiscernible (no overt symptoms or cloudy saliva). “Friendly†bacteria and a healthy immune system prevent this yeast from becoming an infectious fungus. It is when our bodies lose their proper immune protection, or the intestinal pH is altered unfavorably, that the organism can change from the yeast form to the fungal form. When this happens, the now-parasitic fungal form penetrates the gastrointestinal mucosa and breaks down the boundary between the intestinal tract and the rest of the circulation in our bodies. This allows partially digested dietary proteins to travel into the bloodstream, where they exert a powerful antigenic (antibody-stimulating) assault on the immune system. Another blurb... http://www.iwr.com/candida/ When you use this groundbreaking product to fight candida, there will be no need to adhere to impossible dietary restrictions. For general health reasons, use common sense and avoid processed sweets. Eat your sweets "raw" and enjoy a good diet rich in nutritious foods. With 60 ThreeLac packets in each container, one order is a two-month maintenance supply. This makes ThreeLac a perfect family product-affordable AND NEEDED by ALL family members. Remember, if only one person in the family has candidiasis symptoms, then the entire family either has candida or is at risk. The live organisms in ThreeLac have been clinically proven to reduce candidiasis. Ingredients: Spore Forming Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus Sporogenes), Lemon Juice Powder, Refined Yeast Powder, Castor Oil, Spore Forming Bacteria (Bacillus Subtilis), Lactic Acid Bacteria (Streptococcus Faecalis). Suggested Use: Take ThreeLac right before you eat a meal. Let each packet dissolve in your mouth and follow immediately with 4-6 ounces of water. Then eat. Food acts as a buffer to assist ThreeLac in reaching the small intestine, where it helps your body rid itself of the candida parasites. For more severe candida infestations, you may want to take up to 2-3 packets to start (for the first 30 days). ThreeLac may be taken all at once prior to a meal or spread out among two to three meals. After 30 days you may then reduce to a maintenance amount of one to two packets per day to maintain body pH. Claire -
Threelac and yeast question for Heather
Claire replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
efgh, Pau Darco is an antifungal herb that is supposed to help with yeast. Interestingly enough, my allergist also recommended it for my allergies years ago. The tea is mild, a little bit of licorice flavor. Claire -
Threelac and yeast question for Heather
Claire replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi Ronna, I have 2 capsule brands that I rotate (personal choice). One is the whole foods brand which also has P'au Darco. The other is Solaray, which is capryllic acid with a little zinc. The adult dosage is about 2 grams a day, but I only give my son 1 gram, though supposedly he can have an adult dose. I will say that after 5 days on the Capryllic acid, my 2 own rashes of 6 months disappeared. Anecdotal, but still, it surprised me. Claire -
Threelac and yeast question for Heather
Claire replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Heather, Thanks!! I would love a second opinion. My son actually prefers capsules these days, as his taste buds are sooo particular. He is taking: Antioxidant capsule with: Zinc vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin E Vitamin B6 L-glutathione Supplements for deficiencies or too low levels: Cal-mag citrate (or cal citrate with mag taurate) Pantothene Vitamin D Folate Selenium Alpha Lipoic Acid Bifidus probiotic Other: Capryllic acid (current choice for the yeast) Occasionally aged garlic Cod Liver oil (Omega 3 was low, not quite a deficiency) Evening primrose oil Thanks a million, and I totally understand if you don't have time or she doesn't want to comment. Also, don't worry if you don't have time to find the data with being so busy, I will just search more tomorrow night and see what I can find. You might want to ask her about oregano oil for your son, I have read it can be potent... GOOD for you for going for your own visit! My follow-up with my son's DAN doctor for myself is Wednesday. After watching my elderly neighbor deal with immune system issues (mercury and yeast), I figured it is better to test now and if needed, deal with it now versus later. But it is remarkable to me how my system handles the same problems (and more) so differently from my son. My respiratory allergies versus his nervous system as focal point. Claire -
“A recent study by the world-renowned immunologist Dr. H. Hugh Fudenberg found that adults vaccinated yearly for five years in a row with the flu vaccine had a 10-fold increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. He attributes this to the mercury and aluminum in the vaccine. Interestingly, both of these metals have been shown to activate microglia and increase excitotoxicity in the brain.†http://mercola.com/2004/may/12/vaccination_dangers.htm I saw something else saying that the flu vaccines have thimerosol, though I couldn't find a mainstream source. Feds won't warn parents about vaccine Contains mercury eliminated from other shots due to health concerns April 3, 2004 © 2004 WorldNetDaily.com The government has decided not to warn parents a mercury-laced preservative virtually eliminated from other vaccines because of health concerns will be included in flu shots given to hundreds of thousands of infants and toddlers this fall. The decision by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to recommend the shots with the preservative thimerosal – despite the pleas of parent activist groups – apparently conflicts with recent federal heath warnings about exposure to mercury, the Los Angeles Times reported. Thimerosal is about 50 percent ethyl Mercury, a potent neurotoxin that has been removed from other childhood vaccines. The CDC has added flu shots to its list of recommended vaccines for all young children. Mercury-free flu vaccines will be available, for about $4 more per shot, but if the CDC were to warn parents, it might create a shortage resulting in some children not being immunized, the Times said. The agency asserts, "The available scientific evidence has not shown thimerosal-containing vaccines to be harmful." Nevertheless, the CDC has ordered up to 2 million doses of thimerosal-free vaccine to make sure it meets the demand by health departments. CDC senior scientist Roger Bernier explained, though, that stating a preference for thimerosal-free vaccines "would drive the demand even more aggressively." That isn't necessary, he said, because there is no proof of harm – an assessment backed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. But parent advocates are fuming, according to the L.A. paper. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, charges that by not advising parents, the government is "violating the precautionary principle which reminds doctors that, when in doubt, take an action which minimizes the risk of harm." Rep. David Weldon, R-Fla., said the CDC's actions constitute "medical malpractice." The congressman, a physician, plans to introduce a bill to ban thimerosal in childhood vaccines. Weldon said he would not allow his son to have the shot with mercury, the Times said, which is used to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi in vaccines. Thimerosal was the preservative of choice until 1999, when the U.S. Public Health Service and the academy of pediatrics called on drug firms to voluntarily remove it as a precaution. Some parent groups and researchers believe thimerosal has contributed to a sharp increase in reported rates of autism and other neurological disorders in children. Many scientists and vaccine makers insist, however, exposures are too low to have an effect and ethyl mercury can be more easily eliminated from the body than methyl mercury, which is produced by industrial emissions. But Boyd E. Haley, chairman of the department of chemistry at the University of Kentucky, believes it is "preposterous and ridiculous" for the government to warn about methyl mercury in fish but sanction injecting ethyl mercury into children. The CDC decision, which will be officially published later this month, is "unconscionable," Haley said, according to the Times. "If it were my grandson or my granddaughter, there's no way in ###### you'd give them a vaccine containing thimerosal." Dr. Neal Halsey, director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told the Times "it would make life much easier for everybody if there wasn't the thimerosal in the vaccines." But he added: "I personally am not concerned." Halsey, who sounded the alarm about thimerosal in 1999, contends the situation now is different. The 1999 appeal referred to immunizations of infants, up to 6 months old, while flu shots with thimerosal would deliver only a 25-microgram dose to children 6 months and older. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/a...RTICLE_ID=37874
Hi Ann, It is so difficult to make assessments without a professional. My son went to a school where the teacher was so bad in communicating, that all the kids had a hard time. (She expected 1st graders to simply remember all 10 assignment to be completed over the week with no written checklist). And yet she made every parent feel there child was unique--it took the parents finally opening up with eachother (and some classroom visits) to figure out what was going on. Well, they let her go at the end of the year. On the other hand, it sounds like she is forgetful at home also. So perhaps there is more to it. Can the school district have her evaluated? If there is a difference with attention, it might make a difference in your own approach with her. I remember reading something about putting your hand on your shoulder to get their attention better...in other words, things to help her pay attention. As for cleaning the room, that varies so much with each child and with parental expectations. We have no frustrations because my expectations are so low there. On the other hand, I wouldn't allow daily TV watching, we just do weekend movies these day (for various reasons, that likely don't apply to your daughter). I will point out one good reason to have testing done. A man I know has an 18 year old suffering from depression. He told me very sadly one day that he had used anger to get his child to work (because initially the anger worked), only to find out when the boy was 18 that he actually had ADD and couldn't help it. To top it off, they believe that the years of anger and non-acceptance were a contributing factor to the young man's depression. I occassionally have trouble with my son and must distinguish between attitude and issues. I am not human, but tend to err on the side of giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is a good kid and just sometimes has troubles. It is hard to balance discipline and understanding, and I am constantly struggling with this. I am glad you are looking into foods, etc....I wish you luck getting to the bottom of this. Claire
Threelac and yeast question for Heather
Claire replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi Phil, Sorry to bother you again, but would you mind telling me what your son's levels were on the Great Plains test? Since we used the same test, it may be closely aligned. 46 end of normal range 70 my son's 360 mine At what point was it 'down but not quite enough' where you needed the nystatin? Claire -
anyone as bad as this?& light sensitivities?
Claire replied to Eric's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Eric, First of all, most of us on the board (but not all) are parents investigating non-pharmaceutical approaches to reducing tics and other neurological issues. Several families here have kids with OCD, ADD/ADHD, sensory integration issues as well as tics or Tourettes. IRLEN I am quite familiar with Irlen Syndrome, and once called and spoke with Helen Irlen directly. My son was tested and found to only have mild sensitivity. LIGHT SENSITIVITY I should note that light sensitivity can be caused by a riboflavin deficiency as well as elevated mercury levels. If you have insurance, I highly recommend getting tested for mercury (or other metal toxicity). My son used to use the blue Irlen sheets, but since he has been treated for the mercury, he no longer needs the blue sheets. Another way to deal with light sensitivity came from Chemar: She had replaced her light bulbs with the full spectrum light bulbs, and it seemed to help her son. I read a study (in a book, no link) that showed that replacing harsh flourscent lights (which flicker) with full spectrum (daylight) bulbes, reduced ADHD in the classroom by 30%. FLICKER If you are so sensititive to light, there is a good chance you are sensitive to light flicker. TV and computer screens have a ton of light flicker and can be a major trigger for someone who is photosensitive. LCD screens have no light flicker (they make $450 LCD monitors that also have a TV tuner), but should be watched in a well lit room, and if it is TV, from across the room. Unfortunately, computer work can't be done from across the room. SLEEP Finally, the sleep deprivation has got to be a major factor here. I would encourage you to investigate natural sleep aids, from epsom salt baths to magnesium taurate to melatonin. My son takes melatonin, and I am hesitant to recommend it for children, because even though it is over the counter, it is a hormone (not a female hormone!). But you are an adult and can do your own research. PROCESSES THAT CAN HELP (FOR REAL) I strongly recommend that you read through the threads. So many of us have found help from some combination of: Eliminating artificial flavors/colors/preservatives Food allergy testing and elimination of food triggers that are identified Yeast testing and control if there is an issue Metal testing and detox if there is an issue. Supplements to either correct deficiencies, or that commonly help those with such issues. Elimination or minimization of CRT screens, and switching to LCD screens. RESULTS This board is a very 'scientific group' and have done a ton of research and have seen REAL improvement. My own son no longer needs the blue Irlen sheets after 4 months on the mercury detox program. DOCTORS TO GUIDE YOU--THERE IS HOPE If you don't have time for research, there is a starter list of doctors throughout the various regions in the U.S. at the top of this forum. There are MDs and Naturopaths who specialize in such testing and guide patients through natural treatment methods. Good luck and God bless, Claire -
Threelac and yeast question for Heather
Claire replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks Phil, I will check this out also. My son has so many restrictions (TV/computer, artificial colors, sweets--for the yeast, plus the multitude of foods he is allergic too), plus he swallows 20 pills a day, that I just can't place more restrictions on him--it would be cruel and unusual punishment. Not even kidding! How long did it take for your son to get results? As I said my son is no longer fidgety (either from the capryllic acid or from food elimination), but the fact that he only wants carbs--even more than in the past--says to me that he likely still has yeast issues. And I think it was Dr McCandless who said that when kids improve from mercury detox, that elevated yeast is the single biggest reason that their improvement plateaus. PLUS, I have been on low carbs for quite a while and I STILL have very high yeast. I just started the capryllic acid a couple of weeks ago. Do you (or anyone) know if they can actually test for systemic yeast/leaky gut? I read the treatments are different if: 1) Yeast gets out of the gastrointestinal tract and into your system (e.g. leaky gut) 2) Yeast has been long standing and takes on a fungal form. (don't quite get this, but I am sure my own is long standing). I have heard of oregano oil as a strong measure--but one that could have too strong of a detox reaction. Claire -
Hi Heather, Can I take you up on your offer to post some research on Threelac? I did my own search and unfortunately, I keep finding just descriptions in the context of a site that sells it. My son ONLY wants carbs (other than string cheese, power bars and soy milk in his granola), and I really need something that doesn't require a diet change. It is tough enough that he can't have wheat, corn, milk, eggs, apples, bananas, peanuts, almonds etc etc.) I meet with his DAN doctor on Wednesday, so any links would be great. My biggest concern with trying Threelac without showing him the research is that some method causes problems with the other multitude of supplements he is on. (e.g. does it duplicate the bifidis probiotic). Sherrysunshine, Chemar and Heather, Thanks so much for your prayers and spiritual messages. How interesting that Chemar's message at church today was on this theme! And I would love to get the Garth Brook CD with that song, it sounds very touching. I don't have his music (though we have a Randy Travis CD and I do like country music!). Claire
Welcome Sherrysunshine, (and what a lovely name!) I too think that this forum can change lives--information from it has started to change my son's in some ways already. I think it is wonderful that such a high number of us have found help through prayer. Your words are very timely: "let go and let God", and "Be still and know that I am God". I am going through something else right now (though related), and I kept praying very hard yesterday for God to do something specific. I couldn't imagine that another outcome would be a positive one. And yet yesterday 2 things happened--First, I had a glimmer of another path, should the one I wanted so badly not work out, and second, I also had a glimmer that God may have answered my very specific prayer. I won't find out for 2 weeks what the outcome is. But I am in the process of 'letting go and letting God do his work from here, while I work on the new alternate path should this one not work out. I had to remind myself that God is not 'arbitrary' or 'ignoring me'. As I am sure other parent's have found, when it involves your child, your prayers are more intense than if they were for yourself. I honestly don't know what will happen, but as of yesterday afternoon, I am trying not to focus on the particular turn in the path, but just that I am on the right path. Your posting "Be still and know that I am God" helped provide me words for this. Claire
Bumping for newcomers... Claire
efgh I give my son about 1 g of capryllic acid for the yeast and minimize his sugar intake, which I did anyway. I take aged garlic (no odor) and capryllic acid and drink p'au d'arco tea for yeast. But my supplements are from my reading, my doctor's appts are next week. My son takes antioxidants for the mercury, but he was low in antioxidants. For someone who is not low, other methods (chlorella? NDF?) may be better. He takes ALA, sellenium, L-glutathione, plus Vit A,C,E in the antioxidant supplement. The DAN doctor said the ALA level was low enough, and my son's mercury was low enough that the blood brain barrier deal with Alpha Lipoic Acid was not a factor. Claire
ldsue, I just saw this post, thanks. I interpreted the last line and the article quite differently. It was problems with Melatonin SECRETION that might be related to a TS pathway, and in fact, early the article states there is a problem with PC caused REDUCED melatonin secretion. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant which compares with L-glutathione. L-glutathione is important in reducing elevation of heavy metals. My son's DAN doctor discussed this with me. Supplementing with Melatonin would actually be a potential solution to the problem that the article discusses. The fact that your sons new tics started 2 weeks after the melatonin seems like a long time to me. However, his DAN doctor also said that given the lack of controls for over the counter supplements, he felt many brands were suspect (I think it was due to impurities). If you read the environment doctor thread (he is both a DAN and EM doctor), you can compare brands. Having said this, I have 2 disclaimers: 1) I am not a doctor and you need to reach your own conclusions or discuss this article with your doctor. 2) Every child is different. Chemar's child reacted poorly to Melatonin, and did well on 5HTP, while my son responded to Melatonin and reactly poorly to 5 HTP. Again, if you are concerned, I would suggest stopping it and looking for improvement within a week. Then depending on the results, reintroduce it and see if the problems occur again. I personally am still concerned about giving it to my son long term. If he sleeps in the dark again, then I will experiment with withdrawing it over the summer. As it was, I kept cutting back the dose until I found the minimum to have impact (1/3 mg). As for TV/computer, that is a very personal decision. efgh had their TV 'break'. Jean told their child it wasn't good for their child's eyes. Heather had 'no screen week' at the school. Our computer did break and I didn't fix it immediately (he wasn't watching TV then anyway). jcand...'s child was 3 and never noticed the difference. So not one of us has removed it directly in relation to tics--e.g. no punishment. IF you think TV/computer is a concern, can't you just have a no screen week at your home? Nothing to do with tics? I don't believe that this is a cause for every child, and like Heather and others here, think the screen trigger will be reduced substantially once the underlying health issues are addressed. Claire
Hi, I just got the Spectracell test back, and surprise, surprise I have low antioxidants. My son's were at 35%, and mine are at 23%!! I am also low in: Vitamin B1 thiamin Carnatine Vit E Cysteine Folate (son also) Vit D (son also) Zinc Pantothenate (son also) He did have calcium issues and I didn't. So, what are the odds that the food allergy test I take comes back next week?? I am really really curious about wheat. But then again I haven't had it in a long time, which clearly reduces sensitivities. I will be very interesting to see what improvements I note from lowering yeast and metals, and raising my antioxidant levels and vitamin deficiencies, and perhaps offending foods. Claire
Heather, That is MARVELOUS about the bedtime improvement for your son! After my son 'stabilzes' with the light off, I will cut attempt to cut further back on the melatonin. With summer coming, I can experiment more to see if his sleep improves with just magnesium taurate. Mostly I am excited about the DAN (yeast/metals) retesting in June and am sure praying for measurable improvement. My son is tolerating more LCD computer/TV than he used to, so I see that as another sign of improvement myself. I just don't see 'testing' him on other CRT sources since we don't even use them anymore--that will happen in middle school anyway. Claire
Julie, I just don't see the need for medication at this point! He is years from being teased if that is a concern for you, and you have plenty of time to explore the options on this board. Though my disclaimer is that I think that drugs are rarely a solution anyway. I think everyone of the ongoing members here (meaning 6 months or more) has seen substantial improvement since they started this process--and none through drugs. Many of us have learned so much from eachother. For example, I would never have known to have tests for mercury/metals, yeast, food sensitivities done had I not come here. Like Jennifer, my son had issues with all of these, and we are seeing improvements now. It takes a ton of research and/or the RIGHT specialist to guide you, but it is 100% worth it. It does take time, but you have lots of time. Claire ps Can you please post the data on tofu (soy?) and ADD. THis is basically my son's only protein source since he tested sensitive to milk, eggs and wheat (no more breaded chicken).
efgh, I meant that if your son has both vocal and motor tics after a year, I would think that some neurologists (not all) might classify him as 'Tourettes'. Remember the mother here who said her child's neurologist gave him a dx of Tourette's after a 5 minute discussion, when the child wasn't having tics at the time? If a child has Tourette's, that is fine, but in your son's case, if his tics is an intense reaction to screens (e.g. no vocal tics if no computers/TV at all), then they may not have Tourette's but be given a false label. I thought of you more than anyone for this because your son seemed to have the strongest reaction to the visuals of TV, which means the computer visual may have an impact---for my son, he ticced during TV, but he didn't tic during computer, yet removing computer removed the tics. This may or may not be true with your son, but at least you would know for sure. It could bring peace of mind, even if he continues to play afterwards. Good luck next week! Claire
distilled+electrolyte H20, Feingold vs Whole Food
Claire replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Thanks Jeff! I put Feingold in the subject hoping you would spot it. It sure seems like the philosophies are similar. My son reacts to corn so we avoid corn syrup--Whole Foods has a Heinz ketchup with no corn syrup. My son doesn't seem to have salicyte issues, so I give him ketchup. Claire -
Since the 3 of you and I have all mentioned fears, I thought it would be good to have a thread on it. Chemar and Jean mentioned Inositol for anxieties. I bought some now in case my son has an issue again and will talk to his doctor. I am always afraid that certain supplements don't mix with others. I found that Melatonin at night seemed to help break my own son's fear cycle--it simply relaxed him, plus it is a great antioxidant. So I assume other sleep aids (magnesium taurate) could help with night time fears. We did lots of talking through my son's fears, he still listens to a book tape or radio to go to sleep to engage his mind. He has slept with some light in his room for probably 5 years now. I put a dimmer on his overhead light, and dim it. Then when he falls asleep I dim it lower. I leave a dim hall light on also (dim because light interferes with melatonin development during the night) But something amazing happened: Tonight when he went to bed, he got up and turned his light off all the way and asked me to close his door. His tape ended 2 minutes later. So he is in there in a perfectly dark room with no 'noise'. Oh my gosh, things really are getting better for him all around--this is so exciting!! I feel like this is a breakthrough for him, though I know it is only one night. As for the daytime fears during his strep, we tried to talked them out but logic wasn't always helpful. So we developed a strategy that he was to tell me immediately when a fear started and I would come and help him deal with it, via distraction or whatever he felt would help. For my son, another person helping to distract him was critical. Fortunately, the intense daytime fears disappeared with the antibiotics. I know plenty of parents whose 10 year olds still come into their room at night. These kids do not have any known neurological issues. So I assume then that fears at this age are 'normal'. But even if this is the case, who needs another stressor for our kids? And certainly if it interferes with their life, as in Scoutsmom, they need help! That is so sad. I am glad I have some of the over the counter options to discuss with our doctor. My own fear? Another round of strep throat. Guess what, we got the FIFTH notice this year of strep going around his classroom again a few days ago! Arrgh!!! Claire
For starters, I wouldn't put the thought in their head that they might be teased for starters. Just deal with that when it happens. The best prevention in my mind on the playground/at school is to have a strong group of friends. Kids with friends are teased less than those without. A couple of years ago, my son experienced playground teasing from a bully (not for tics, we caught them and stopped them quickly, just some kid kept calling him stupid, though his IQ is 160--remember, they can tease for any reason). We talked to the teacher, but she never intervened. The boy was 2 grades older which made it tougher. Anyway, my son worked on quips back. Funny, abrasive ('chill out', 'whatever'), he just experimented with them Did it stop the boy? No! But it earned him respect among his friends and made him feel less like a helpless passive victim. Being a victim of teasing is not the time to turn the other cheek in our family--passivity leads to helplessness. Education is great, as Chemar says, but logic doesn't apply to every child. Some are pretty messed up, and simply want to make others suffer. My second rule of bullying: I read that bullies pick on a number of kids until they find one where they can get away with it. Be a mother bear and intervene, and they will find an easier target. If all parents did this, they would have no options left. Experiments I read showed zero tolerance works. Claire
If you will look at EM doctor visit thread, you will see what I did find on Melatonin, including links to a discussion on another forum where someone did much more research than I did. http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...p?showtopic=411 Claire
ldsue, This is so individual. My son got tics from computer (no computer/screens, no tics), and had a terrible time sleeping at night, so his doctor give him only 1/3 mg of melatonin at night and it works beautifully. I feel strongly that the extra sleep helps him a lot. But everyone is so different. I would suggest taking away the melatonin and seeing if his tics go away, then reintroducing and see if they come back. I know that much ADD medicine can bring about tics, plus many kids develop tic syndromes later in life. I did a lot of research on Melatonin, and though many will rightfully have issues with no long term usage studies and the fact that it is a hormone, I saw nothing bad on tics for it. There were conflicting studies on it helping or hurting epilipsy. Could you please post the article you found on its relation to tics? Does your child actually have Tourette's, or just ADD and some recent tics? Claire
Hi Kathy, i had the same reaction as Heather did to the 5 years of antibiotics. Ronnas son had PANDAS (and Syd. chorea) and she was doing antibiotics with him for a long time and it created what she and her naturopath believed were yeast problems. So she stopped the antibiotics and eliminated some foods she found out he was sensitive to and treated for yeast and he is much much improved. I do see that you need to take a course of antibiotics for the strep. My son had fears during strep which got me to research PANDAS. The fears improved greatly with a round of antibiotics to get rid of the strep--it was necessary to do this! But I think the antibiotics may also have worsened his yeast issues. Like Heather, I am treating him for both metals and yeast now and avoiding certain foods. I am not a doctor but I read a ton of studies that beyond treating the strep, the prophylactic use of antibiotics was not effective. Here is a link with a ton of studies http://www.neurotransmitter.net/pandas.html I agree with Heather that testing for heavy metal toxicity (e.g. mercury), yeast would be important. Also food sensitivities. They are all more related than I ever realized--many of us notice positive behavior changes with elimination of certain foods. Sheila Rogers, the site editor, has listed some doctors above who do this testing, if you don't have ones that you know can give you input. Claire