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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Carolyn I would agree that this sounds more like an allergic rash OR it could also be a DETOX rash is it only on your face, or elsewhere too?
  2. MrsD just posted this excellent resource on the NeuroTalk Vitamin Forum http://www.umm.edu/altmed/ btw, for anyone needing the main NeuroTalk link it is http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/ Lots of very interesting sub forums there
  3. http://psychcentral.com/news/2006/10/20/cbt-helps-youth-ocd/
  4. I so agree with that Sunshine!!!! glad to hear things are going so well
  5. Hi Patty and Kim yes, using the Private Message feature PM is often faster than the email system. you can also PM a person via the little PM button that appears on the bott0m left of all of their postsbelow the user info you see "on" "Card" "PM", as well as by clicking on their name and being routed to their profile In order to receive PMs, a member has to check that option in their profile (via My Controls at the top middle of the page here), and also the one to have a notification box pop up here..........if you block popups on thais site, the PM will only appear as a number, top right of the screen where is says x New Messages Do remember when using the email feature as opposed to PM that the person you are emailing will not have your email address unless you give it to them in the message. ACN protects member privacy by sending emails thru the system directly, without disclosing either the sender or the recipient's email address
  6. Hi and welcome I am so glad you have Sheila's excellent book! (We have a section in it too with some background on just how the alternative approach helped my son go from severe and debilitating TS/OCD etc to so mild that most people dont even know he has it unless he tells them) Working on your own, without physician guidance can be daunting, but, it is certainly possible, as long as you take things slowly and never hesitate to come here to ask questions. Also, there are physicians who do phone consultations. Sheila may be able to give you some pointers there if you email her. (her contact info is on Latitudes homepage) We have a number of members here who have sucessfully done food elimination diets, and so I know they will be along soon to share their info and experience with you again, welcome to Latitudes/ACN and we look forward to getting to know you
  7. Julie here is also a link on some info on rages from Tourette Syndrome Plus, a really good website http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/rage.htm
  8. rage may be co-morbid, but is not an inherant part of Tourette Syndrome per se. Only motor and vocal tics are inherant to TS, all other issues are either co-morbid (eg ADD, OCD, SID, rages, defiant disorders, depression and other mood disorders etc etc etc) or aquired (ie some people with TS are misunderstood and ridiculed and so develop psychological issues as a result but not as a symptom of their TS)
  9. Hi Dan Inositol is excellent and very safe, being a B vitamin 5HTP (50mg/day) with 100mg added VitB6 has proven to be the most beneficial for my son he currently takes both Inositol (500mg each morning) and 5HTP/B6 at night In the past, when his OCD was very severe, he also benefitted from methionine (best form is samE) and St John's Wort these were added to the others, but under strict doctor supervision to avoid serotonin spiking, which is dangerous Please note that these supps, especially 5HTP, should never be used with SSRI (anti-depressant) meds unless a physician is recommending this
  10. Hi Lisa the improvement in overall health and moods/behaviour etc once eliminating candida is remarkable We are very satisfied with the CANDIDA CLEAR by NOW, which we use in conjunction with MONOLAURIN by Ecological Systems (Monolaurin is Lauric acid, from coconuts and is an all purpose antimicrobial...we get our at The Vitamin Shoppe) Although we were careful with diet (and still are) we did not become quite as rigid as some diets demand The Yeast Syndrome is an excellent book, with some very helpful recipe ideas etc The initial candida elimination phase is the hardest, but therafter sensible eating is the key, with periodic repeats of the supplements to maintain the yeast free environment We now follow the principles in the Makers Diet (Jordan Rubin) for optimal health I know many people have had great success with Threelac too
  11. Hi Patty where the sitz baths certainly can help to draw out all toxins, I wouldnt rely on it to eliminate heavy metals. We found chlorella to be very effective in removing mercury from our systems, but it should be started at minimal dose and gradually increased as, being a potent green food, it can initially cause nausea There are many different kinds of faucet filters with a range of prices. The PUR over faucet filters are inexpensive and quite effective as long as you are diligent about replaing the filter
  12. YES please!!!!!!!
  13. CJK I agree with you re the OCD component in what your daughter is experiencing, although I do know that when my son was on Luvox for the OCD, his phobias and "hearing voices" and "my mind told me to do it" etc etc became worse. Granted, he was on a mix of Luvox and Haldol...........which we now know was responsible for a period of psychosis. Once he came off the meds, his OCD became a very different thing, with no phobic or psychotic issues, and once he started the supplements for OCD, it faded into negligible When his Crohn's disease flared up, he was given a very mild medication for that,(cimetidene) but he began to experience pre-sleep hallucinationatory sensations. When we stopped the med.....the "hallucinations" stopped immediately.....altho we also did up his serotonin boosting supps as well to help with this so I do feel that certain chemicals in meds do seem to intensify these things in some people, but that the underlying OCD/low serotonin is, for my son anyway, the root
  14. Hi Patty NO!!!! the fluoride treatments are not ok for kids period!!! but especially not for kids with tics! http://www.mercola.com/article/links/fluoride_links.htm My son reacts so severely to fluoride that he cant even have it in toothpaste, nevermind that toxic painting that they do at the dentist!
  15. Hi mrsD and a VERY big welcome to you! I am soooo pleased to see you here, especially as I know how very busy your schedule is. thank you so much for responding here with such a wealth of information....and I do hope you will stop in whenever you get a chance. Cheri
  16. Amy, best check with your pharmacist or doc on dose but I believe 400mg calcium to 200 mg magnesium or 500:250 is generally recommended for that age and then 800:400 or 1000:500 by the teen/adult age
  17. Deanna our psychiatrist had him on short term D-Phenylalanine to boost endorphins and it really helped (not L- as L phenyalanine stimulates dopamine=increased tics) We had to special order it as most health stores etc only have L- or DL not just the pure D, which is specially made as it is not a naturally occurring form) It cant be used for longer than 2 weeks at a time cos then tics may increase. But for the self injurious OCD related tics, it really helped my son. (we had him on it a total of 3 times on separate occasions, each time with immediate and postitive results) However, you should be sure your doc agrees with this as it isnt always suitable for all people My son was 11 at the time and actually heavier then than now as he was still carrying all the weight that the Haldol had induced so I guess he was around 140lb Serotonin is also beneficial in calming OCD induced self injurious tics. You can safely boost that with a daily 500mg Inositol, or, if your doctor approves, with 50mg 5HTP plus additional vit B6 (my son was on Inositol and 5HTP at the same time as the D-phenylalanine) HTH
  18. Hi Amy even tho your daughter may prefer showers, i would still encourage an Epsom Salts bath when possible (she can still take her showers on other days) The soak in the salts has very unique benefits IN ADDITION to the baths, it would be good to have her on a magnesium supplement It is generally recommended to take it with calcium (twice as much calcium as magnesium) Try to avoid supplements that are magnesium oxide as that is not very well absorbed
  19. Hi Deanna no, he has not hurt his cheek this time. When he was younger, he did have an OCD/tic where he bit his inner cheek repeatedly, but thankfully not this time
  20. Well, the first of my son's wisdoms (lower left) has broken thru the gum and.........yep, my son's tics have stabilised! Hopefully the other 3 teeth will be as easy and no surgery will be required. We did add pantothenic acid and Royal Jelly back to his supplement regimin too, and I know that helped immediately to stop the bruxism/jaw snap tic that had re developed
  21. Hi Laurie Ronna and Alison are best to answer most of your questions re PANDAS In the meantime, I would suggest that you give a calcium/magnesium supplement (2:1 ratio) When you say "off milk" is that off all dairy? If not, cheese is a good cource of natural calcium too Oatmeal is high in calcium and certain soy products are also calcium fortified. Green veggies are rich in calcium as are beans and almonds etc
  22. Hi Patty you can learn more about NUCCA at http://www.nucca.org Our chiro is certified NUCCA, but also uses many other chiropractic methods, depending on the patient's specific needs
  23. Patty chlorella is a supplement that helps to absorb mercury from the body It is a "green food" and is advised to start with a very low dose and then work up as some people can feel nauseous when first using it You need to do what you and your doctor feel is best, but if there is any way you can either avoid the vaccine (and do natural immune boosting instead) or ask if a thimerisol free vaccine is available, I would highly recommend that. Especially for a susceptible child with tics, mercury is just a big no no! As a point of interest, a friend of mine has recently completed the 40 day plan in The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin, and is asthma free and inhaler free for the first time in his 30 something year old life We follow the principles in The Maker's Diet as a family too, and especially for my son's Crohn's
  24. Hi Patty we use filters on all faucets because of my son's chlorine sensitivity. However, if you dont currently use filters on faucets, the epsom salts will still help to soothe and detox Epsom Salts is not homeopathic! It is magnesium sulfate salt. So it is in no way acting like those UNDA remedies I have never heard anyone say that it increased their tics, quite the opposite it seems to soothe and reduce tics, especially before bed Sitz baths are a long known health remedy. Some people like to shower afterward, some dont. But no, you arent going to absorb the bad stuff back againas the salts are drawing it out yes, taking too much magnesium orally is not a good idea, but your son cant OD on magnesium in an Epsom Salt bath HTH and no, you dont sound paranoid! just correctly being a careful mom
  25. Hi Daniel yes, that is the good cookware and yes, the veggie wash products are very effective in removing unwanted residue
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