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  1. Hi so sorry your daughter is going through this. It does sound a lot like intense herxheimer or die off reaction? All I can add is that we were advised not to use Nystatin or any prescription type anti-funguls or probiotics. My son was treated with a Candida cleansing diet, and a NOW product that then was called Candida Clear (now Candida Support)- and he also used Lauricidin as MonoLaurin capsules- then followed by natural probiotic treatment with plain kefir. It worked very well for him.
  2. 5 Key Advancements in Tourette’s Syndrome Research This is an interesting summary article from Princeton Medical Institute. I find it encouraging that there is more exploration beyond pharmaceuticals, and always remain hopeful for more advances that explore understanding the causes to better facilitate treatment and perhaps cures. We also need so much more research on the many other ways that clearly help (as discussed here at ACN Latitudes) https://princetonmedicalinstitute.com/2024/05/15/5-key-advancements-in-tourettes-syndrome-research/
  3. I am responding to a message asking me about my son's progress- so am bumping this old thread back up as it gives a lot of our journey's details He continues to thrive in adulthood, has his own place, a good job and good friends. Hoping anyone currently going through these challenges will find hope and encouragement here ♥ NEVER give up hope!
  4. Hi again @tiaratoledo There are a number of older threads here on testing but perhaps you will find some helpful info on this thread?
  5. Hello My son was around 4yo when he began exhibiting OCD and yes, repetitive actions were amongst the first of his symptoms.
  6. @tiaratoledo you have some very helpful info being shared with you! My own son had a similar journey to yours-starting some tics around 4yo I can't post much now due to some work constraints, but just wanted to encourage you that you have much reason to be hopeful! My son is now in his mid 30s and living a full life. When I think back to the desperation I felt back when all this started, I can only be thankful that the natural pathway to helping him was fruitful! Here's just one of many threads here where good reports are shared
  7. I remember being that mom who went through all the hard stuff of having to say "no!" to all the so called treats that are actually tic triggers for a child who is susceptible. But oh my! it was so worth it to not have my son go through waxing tics that can often last quite a while, for one night of worthless junk food. There are healthy alternatives that can replace what might not be good for them. Take it from someone who learned this the hard way many years ago.
  8. Hi @fgter We didn't split his extra magnesium. He had that as once daily, and we learned it was best for him at night as it did help him relax for sleep. He also got some (low dose) magnesium from his multi, which he had with breakfast or lunch.And when he wanted, a soak in an Epsom Salts bath (magnesium sulfate)
  9. Hoping this may be the start of a wider recognition in the USA of the hazards to health that these chemical dyes are- especially for children! http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-legislators-send-governor-landmark-bill-banning-six-artific-rcna168953
  10. Hello 4AHAA It's good that you have already started on the right path for your daughter! We did have most help by having an integrative MD as well as a holistic team that complemented her guidance. Once we kept a journal - it became a lot more clear to identify what our son's tic triggers were, and what environmental, dietary and nutritional supplement measures helped, in addition to other treatments that were beneficial. Honestly, it surprised me how clear some triggers were that we might not have noticed-eg my son's extreme sensitivity to chlorinated pools that would set of a tic storm! There's a wealth of helpful info documented here over the years, so do keep using the search feature for specific things, and also take a look at some of the pinned threads that might be of assistance to you. And remember- there are never any questions not worth asking as you seek answers to help your child. So many people have so much experience to share.
  11. Welcome to the forum @fgter You have already received some very good info above. I would just add that it is important to remember that people who tic are as varied as the tics! so what works for one doesn't always do so for another, as it is very much dependent on what is causing the tics, along with the unique system of the individual. Keeping a journal to help you record the waxing and waning of the tics, and then learning what may be the triggers, is one of the most important things! I am going to link an older thread that has some general useful info that may be helpful to you Also do be sure to consider one or more of the excellent books by our admin Sheila Rogers. They are such valuable resources to help you navigate this journey. https://latitudes.org/store/
  12. @Swetha Just adding: Areas to check would be the obvious tooth/gum infection, tonsils/adenoids and digestive system- as usually bad breath smell originates from one of those I found a 2013 thread here on bad breath in PANDAS that may be helpful to you
  13. Hi Swetha I don't know what is causing that intensity of breath odor? but I just wanted to mention that there are numerous anecdotal reports of an increase in flare ups of tics and OCD, along with digestive issues when any dental stuff is happening- eg losing teeth, new teeth erupting and even dental work.
  14. We had specialized "antitox" drops that were formulated for him via our clinical acupuncture therapist, who also used other techniques to assist. The epsom baths are the most general in that both the magnesium benefits are derived, as well as the detox from the sulfates
  15. Hi KSandy So sorry your daughter has been struggling with this flare up of symptoms. I can only answer re TS tics specifically: Yes, we learned to identify what causes flares, but sometimes the mystery remains..... Flare triggers are very varied and can either be common to many, or unique to the individual. Another reason why keeping a journal is so very helpful. Similarly the duration of a flare is hard to predict. We would always have our "go to" when a flare started. Try to identify the trigger and also use whatever methods have worked before to slow the flare. In our case certain supplements, epsom salts(magnesium sulfate) baths, other detox methods and very specific acupuncture were usually most helpful. Anti-inflammatory supplements like boswellia, curcumin, Omega3 etc helped and I know for many PANDAS patients-ibuprofen can help too (cvs sells 200mg dye free!) Flares usually mean "something" in the environment or internal has triggered the immune system from our experience-and so identifying and eliminating that "something" and then doing whatever helps to reduce that ramped up immune system & inflammatory response Hope that may offer some helpful tips
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