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Viewing Topic: DS5 eyes VERY dilated pupils, acting VERY weird
7 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: Irritability as the main symptoms....what do you give?
Viewing Topic: Trying to find a Pandas blogger
Viewing Topic: Checking in.
Viewing Topic: LLMD in Northern Virginia
Viewing Topic: Something upbeat for a change.
Viewing Topic: My Facial Tics are really starting to bother me
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Viewing Topic: I think my daughter has PANS/PANDAS
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Viewing Topic: Pittsburgh PANDAS Parent Meeting
Viewing Topic: Augmentin XR
Viewing Topic: Vaccine injuries resulting in encephalopathy/PANS
Viewing Topic: Non-believing neurologist
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Viewing Forum: Advanced, Complementary, and Alternative Approaches
Viewing Topic: Can't stop crying today
Viewing Topic: Med in capaule
Viewing Topic: Habit reversal for tics?
Viewing Topic: Proposal for a working definition and classification of PITANDS
Viewing Topic: Need a salycilate/phenol primer
8 minutes ago