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If you mean L-Glutamine, I use Xymogen brand, the product is called GlutAloeMine. It is meant for repairing GI tissues--it has L-Glutamine, aloe, arabinogalactin, and deglycerized licorice root. I find the taste really nice. Xymogen is something you won't find in health food stores, it is generally distributed through "alternative" health care providers, like acupuncturists, although you could probably purchase through internet as well.


Yes Michael, it is L-Glutamine. The brand I have is Metagenics...mix 1 tsp in juice or water. My daughter is having a difficult time with the taste. Do you think she could tolerate your brand? What's it taste like?

Thank you-



I'd describe it as a mild licorice that is just slightly sweet. Just like your brand, it is a powder that you mix in water or whatever. It's one of the few supplements I take where it is not just tolerable, I really enjoy the flavor. So, gosh, I would guess most could at least tolerate it.

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