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My daughter never tried Bactrol C but she did try NAET and for some reason every treatment she received increased her tics for three days afterwards. We stopped going after almost a year of waiting for good results and not receiving any. It was not a good thing for her. As Chemar said, yeast treatment can definitely increase tics due to die-off. My DAN recommended activated charcoal to help with the herxing.


Caring Mom


Thank you...Did they tell you that she was allergic to serotonin? That one has not cleared after 3 times.






My daughter never tried Bactrol C but she did try NAET and for some reason every treatment she received increased her tics for three days afterwards. We stopped going after almost a year of waiting for good results and not receiving any. It was not a good thing for her. As Chemar said, yeast treatment can definitely increase tics due to die-off. My DAN recommended activated charcoal to help with the herxing.


Caring Mom


I will try the charcoal...I have never heard of that one,...what is a DAN?


Are you finding more help with one?





My daughter never tried Bactrol C but she did try NAET and for some reason every treatment she received increased her tics for three days afterwards. We stopped going after almost a year of waiting for good results and not receiving any. It was not a good thing for her. As Chemar said, yeast treatment can definitely increase tics due to die-off. My DAN recommended activated charcoal to help with the herxing.


Caring Mom


She was treated for and cleared both dopamine and serotonin. She had to be retreated only for milk and pesticides.


You can buy activated charcoal at any health food store. I was told to make sure to space it out at least 2 1/2 hours from any other medicine or supplement you are taking as the charcoal can reduce the effectiveness of the medicine or supplement. DAN doctor stands for Defeat Autism Now. My daughter's DAN dr is a pediatrician who specialized in alternative medicine. He is more in tune with treating (among other things) things like yeast and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. They have a more natural approach to curing the body. I'm sure I didn't do a great job of explaining what DAN doctors do - we just started seeing one about 1 1/2 months ago. He diagnosed my daughter with PANDAS after hearing our history and running blood and urine tests to see what is going on inside her body. Her neurologist would never have run a urine test to look for bacteria or run blood work to look for strep antibodies. Hope this helps!


have you been giving anything to help with the die off (herx) reaction?


Die off toxins are likely what have increased the tics

Cheri, what do you do for herx reaction?

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