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Posted (edited)

I can only guess that when a child goes into a full exacerbation following a vaccination, the child probably already had a hidden infection and that vaccine sent them overboard? The vaccine stimulates the immune system more.


Nasal mist....I remember reading a good amount of people (my own friends, not just reading online articles) getting a sinus infection within a couple weeks of receiving the mist. Also, a mist is a LIVE vaccine. PANDAS kids and live vaccines are not a good combo. Finally, a live vaccine can be shed. On package inserts, it even says "FluMist® recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised individuals for at least 21 days." Why? Because it can be shed and they can transmit the virus. It's the same thing with the chicken pox vaccine.


As for you other family members, I can understand if the parents may want to get a flu shot (just don't get the mist) to try to prevent the flu in the house, but remember it contains the H1N1 this year. I just want those who were against the H1N1 vaccine to be educated on this. Every year, the flu shot contains 3 strains of the flu. Last year it was separate only because it wasn't ready yet at the time the seasonal flu vaccine was developed for the year. So, for parents, it's your own personal decision.


As for your other kids, again, that's up to you and also how you feel about the H1N1 vaccine being added or a flu vaccine, in general. Also, how secure you are in believing that your other children are not PANDAS/PITAND. All I can say is if you give anyone the flu vaccine, please make sure they are entirely healthy.

Edited by Vickie
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We will not be getting the flu vaccine, either. Dr. K said no vaccines for three years and I agree. I cringed when we had to update my daughter's (non-Pandas) tetanus shot. Know it is very safe, but I think I am gunshy about all of these vaccines now.



Hello, this is my first time writing in on this forum. The reason I am is because I believe there is something going on with

the flu shot. My son who is five years old, rec'd the flu vaccine for H1N1 and within a day after receiving this shot, he went to bed at night and started to fall asleep and all of a sudden while I was lying beside him, his whole body started jumping. It started with an arm, then a leg, then both arms, then both legs. Not one muscle in his body would allow him to relax. I was up with him the entire night and this went on for three nights. I took him to the doctor the next morning and we had blood drawn to rule out certain things, everything came back normal, the doctor told me to let her know if it happened that evening and to lift him out of bed and take him to Children's Hospital and we would have him admitted to check for neurological problems. Well, we came home from the hospital and he laid down to take a nap, which he never did do because he has outgrown his naps, but due to exhaustion from three nights of ######, he fell asleep, I noticed that he maybe jumped three times, which were small little jerks and nothing like previous nights. We went to bed that evening and low and behold, nothing. Almost as if they had run their coarse. I still stayed awake most of the night just watching him, I cried, thanking god, and swore, that I would NEVER give my child another flu vaccination. The nights that he went through with this jumping out of his skin, were some of the worst of my life, I couldn't figure out what was happening to my otherwise healthy child. He is so active and when he hits the bed at night after a full day of play, he is out, and his body and nerves and muscles just would not relax.


I did research, called the flu help desk to ask if anything had been reported and nothing. Until I saw the show on the girl who was trying out for Cheerleading and suddenly tics, out of left field, you explain to me why this would happen. It is NOT a coincidence that she had the flu shot and there they are. And then my son, I am so scared that one night these are going to creep back into our lives. It is like something invaided his body for a few nights. I prayed and my husband cried, because we were so scared for our son. I know this was the flu vaccine having an effect on my little boys body, and this was the outcome, the same type tic relation where neurologically you are out of control and you cannot stop your muscles and reactions from just going crazy. I hope that people read this and I hope they stop and think before giving a child these things in their bodies. Now my son is off to kindergarten and what do I do, they say he needs three or four shots before being allowed to start, I am scared to death to give him anything, and I more than likely will not and they can fight me over this one. I am just thankful that hopefully my nightmare is over and I hope that no one else has to endure what my family did on the night after the H1N1 flu vaccine.


N. Herman,


Posted (edited)

Nicki,welcome. I'm in a rush but I wanted to comment about his upcoming kindergarten shots. I live in Ohio too. They are adding even more vaccines to the roster for entering kindergarten in OH!!!!! Now, a child will be required to have a second chicken pox, a 5th polio (depending when the 4th one was received), and another DTaP. Here's a link to requirements

http://www.odh.ohio.gov/ASSETS/B20964AA72FB4227BE170B9FE00E2F3B/sch0911.pdf Anyway, in OH, you can opt out of vaccinations with a medical exemption (your son might be eligible for this), a religious exemption, and/or a philosophical exemption. Call your school now and see what paperwork you need filed so it does not disrupt him going to school. Schools are open for questions now even if the school year didn't start.


Did you report your son's reaction to VAERS and the NVIC?

Edited by Vickie

I'm hurrying too! But I can't contain myself!


My son experienced exactly what Nicki describes -- multiplied many times over. He was already sick, but had never had an obvious movement disorder, and had received the wrong diagnosis. The flu shot (killed!) was the kiss of death: violent movement disorders appeared seemingly out of nowhere, including possible seizures -- also, cognitive deterioration, mutism...


Sure, the flu shot probably saves a lot of lives. But we are not all identical creatures, and should not be treated as such. A known autoimmune condition or other immunological weakness, or a sign that such a thing may be going on -- like the reaction Nicki observed -- are RED FLAGS! The flags are indicators that this particular patient's system is NOT just like everyone else's. STOP!!!




Hello, and thank you to those of you who wrote to me offering advice, I greatly appreciate it. To Vickie, thank you for your information on Ohio vaccines, I was told by my physicians office that my son needs four shots prior to kindergarten, ones of which I will definately review and he will not be receiving them all. I have to assure that whatever he gets, it is in his best interest to receive and not just two shots quickly in each thigh because they say that is the norm for every child entering kindergarten. Also, I don't believe that I reported it to the two locations that you posted, I am not sure exactly what those places are, but I called the H1N1 help line to report the problem and to see if this had happened to anyone else and they claimed no. Also, to the lady from upstate NY (Tenacity), I hope that your son is over these problems that he had after the flu shots, please respond and let me know what happened, I am so concerned to find out what happened in your case, I hope he is fine. I wasn't sure if he was the same age as my son. Please tell your friends with small children our stories and how they are injecting their kids with things that they have not done enough research on and I believe that our children are the guinea pigs for these vaccines, because they are the most susceptible to problems that occure because of their size. It is amazing to me that with a website like this that has the stories of families like ours, describing the outcome of these shots or mists. How would we all know what is happening to our kids unless we had posted our concerns and stories, so thank you to all of you for your input. It means the world too me and my family. Take care,


N. Herman



My son was diagnosed in July by Dr. Latimer. I asked her about vaccines in general and specifically about the flu vaccination - at the time we were unaware that the H1N1 vaccine would be included in the seasonal flu vaccine. She was cautious about childhood vaccines but said that she agrees with Dr. Cunningham that PANDAS kids react less to the flu vaccine than they do to the actual flu. So basically she said we should get the flu shot - although again we did not know that the H1N1 vaccine would be included. She also said that if my son is around anyone who has gotten the live vaccine - then he basically gets exposed to the vaccine as well. Has anyone else been told this by one of the 'PANDAS' doctors?

Posted (edited)

I will answer this way...I have read this forum and other PANDAS pages daily for quite a while, this includes reading it last year when H1N1 surfaced. I know kids have had exacerbations both following the vaccine (both the seasonal w/o H1N1 combined in it and last year's H1N1) and they also had exacerbations and setbacks when contracting the actual virus. As to which exacerbation is more severe, it depended on the child, it also depends where they are at in the exacerbation and/or recovery.


My son had probable H1N1 last year and he jsut had a blip a few days post fever. But, again, that is just my child.


As for H1N1 that will now be combined in this year's seasonal vaccine, it is the same H1N1 that was given last year. I remember reading how those with neurological and maybe even psychological problems should be cautious with the H1N1 vaccine.


Ultimately, it is your decision. If there are other health factors, such as asthma, it makes the decision more difficult. I have read the the H1N1 virus itself is on the decline and no longer such a concern. Definitely do not do the live virus or any mist. As for the shot, feel comfortable in whatever decision you make and IF you decide to do it, make sure your child is healthy at the time (no congestion, temp, etc).



My son was diagnosed in July by Dr. Latimer. I asked her about vaccines in general and specifically about the flu vaccination - at the time we were unaware that the H1N1 vaccine would be included in the seasonal flu vaccine. She was cautious about childhood vaccines but said that she agrees with Dr. Cunningham that PANDAS kids react less to the flu vaccine than they do to the actual flu. So basically she said we should get the flu shot - although again we did not know that the H1N1 vaccine would be included. She also said that if my son is around anyone who has gotten the live vaccine - then he basically gets exposed to the vaccine as well. Has anyone else been told this by one of the 'PANDAS' doctors?

Edited by Vickie
  • 3 weeks later...

No flu shots for us either. I would say "over my dead body", but when it comes to vaccines, my dead body would surely spring to life and I would open the biggest can of whoop-a** the world has ever seen if someone tried to give one of my kids another vaccine. :angry:


None of my family will get any flu vaccines, nor have we ever. We do get the flu, but I have never seen a PANDAS flareup with the flu in my children. They also have had chicken pox and pertussis over the past two years with no flareups, so maybe we are lucky and don't respond much to viruses. I am not sure.

A few of my children had both flus last Fall.


I am very concerned, as I was last year, about my children being around people who just received the Flumist. Regardless of what most physicians will tell you, it is a live vaccine and it is shed by the person who receives it. I feel like our children are at risk being in close contact with children receiving the flu mist.


My youngest child just started preschool and a few of his classmates received the Flu mist the last week of August (earliest I can ever remember flu vaccines being given). These children looked sick to me and some of them had go home sick. This was 3 days after receiving the flu mist. Their eyes were glassy, they had dark circles under their eyes, they were very fatigued, and sneezing. I am now watching my child for signs of the flu. He has been sneezing, but so far so good.


It is a hard decision to make.




Last year before PANDAS struck my 2 kids, I worked hard to hunt down the seasonal flu and H1N1 vaccines thinking I was the good mom warding off the flu b/c of their asthma appears w/ upper resp. infections. (this was their first flu vaccine ever). After my DD's PANDAS dx from CHOP Dr., we were told to ALWAYS get the flu vaccine. As I learned more about the disorder, I questioned that advice but I also wasn't pleased with other things said/done as far as PANDAS treatment w/ that particular Dr. so I sought out Dr. T and Dr. B. I asked Dr. B last week about the flu vaccine and he said, "Absolutely NOT!" I am taking his advice. He is concerned how H1N1 vaccine particularly played a role in my kids PANDAS and he said that IF kids get the flu, he will treat with Tamiflu. My kids cheered when they heard they wouldn't get stuck w/ another needle! :D


Our kids got the H1N1 vaccine last year because we were travelling out of the country. This was well into our first PANDAS episode, but before we suspected it was anything other than the REALLY terrible twos. Sure enough - my son reacted VERY badly to it, to the point that even my husband suspected it had to be the shot.


Now that we know we're dealing with PANDAS - no flu shots for us!!!


I know we talked about this last flu season, but in case anyone is unaware of oscillococcinum, I thought I would mention it.


Oscillococcinum is what has gotten us through so many flus. You give it at the very start of symptoms and end up giving 3 doses in all. It is a homeopathic remedy that works like Tamiflu in reducing the viral load. My doctor told me it can actually cut the viral load in half. Check with your own doctor, but it can be given to all ages. I also took it years ago when I was pregnant and had the flu.




They sell that even at Kroger now in the natural foods section.


I know we talked about this last flu season, but in case anyone is unaware of oscillococcinum, I thought I would mention it.


Oscillococcinum is what has gotten us through so many flus. You give it at the very start of symptoms and end up giving 3 doses in all. It is a homeopathic remedy that works like Tamiflu in reducing the viral load. My doctor told me it can actually cut the viral load in half. Check with your own doctor, but it can be given to all ages. I also took it years ago when I was pregnant and had the flu.



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