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Posted (edited)

Very interesting. Actually tpotter could use it for her insurance woes. However this study is a low level study- a case series. Its going to take a heck of a long time to see randomized controlled studies with good evidence. Our kids will probably participate in a large study soon I hope.

Thanks so much for posting. its very interesting to see the connections.My son presented with leg spasms, muscle atrophy, leg shaking, limping for a whole year and all the darn specialists were going down the ortho route, some neuro but no one did any strep titers. Oh well......

Edited by sptcmom

This really caught my attention b/c when my 2 year old had his first PANDAS exacerbation (didn't know it at first), he presented with opsoclonus-myoclonus of the eyes. The neurologist recommended that we have a CAT scan done to check for neuroblastoma (that was a fun thought - NOT). I got a second opinion, but by then the eye movements were starting to diminish (and so was the irritability). My mommy instinct told me that it was not neuroblastoma and we opted not to have the cat scan done. Later to find out that he tested positive for strep that very week that I originally brought him to the neuro. Didn't put two and two together until later on.

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