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Posted (edited)

In Oct 2008 my daughter had a cut & dry case of PANDAS. Overnight abrupt onset of eyerolling tic, tested postive for Strep that day and diagnosed.


Now with another infection she starts the facial grimacing, hands turning into a claw and toe curling. A very good source tells me that it's Syndenham's Chorea... so now what?


Anti-DNase B Strep is 1:240 and ASO is 283.7 that's it.... IgG subclass 1 is 881 but all the others are normal as well as the total which is 1451 - well within the 572-1474 range for IgG.


I do have my conference Wed with Dr. K over the phone but these nubmers suggest she is pretty normal don't they? Just when I thought we KNEW where we were going! Anyone else have info or a case like this?


PhillyPA, No we have not done the Cunningham test..I guess Ill have to ask about that....not sure what it is.


Thanks in advance.



Edited by Kristy S

Our son was originally diagnosed with acute rheumatic fever with Sydenham's chorea because the symptoms fit the best, similar to what you describe plus migratory polyarthritis, pain, muscle weakness, difficulty walking. Two later exacerbations were "classic PANDAS." Many leading docs believe that ARF, SC, and PANDAS are part of a spectrum of post-strep autoimmune disorders with lots of symptom overlap.


I wouldn't worry about it. Dr. K will consider all the evidence, and treatment options are pretty much the same in any event, depending on severity of symptoms. Good luck!


Did you videotape the movements? That would be a good thing to do. Maybe Dr. K. could view them...I think you can upload stuff to youtube but still keep it private.


I'm not sure I'd call what your dd is doing true "chorea" though...but it'd still be good to show Dr. K. a video.

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