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Around the end of May my son, now 6, started having a tic. Rapid blinking. It is at times obvious that it is brought on by stress or him being nervous, sometimes it would just happen. I also notice watching TV it tends to increase the occurrence. He had this rapid blinking for about a month when he was 3 1/2 but it went away.


Since that time, one of my daughters friends asked him 'Why do you blink constantly??' and I immediately noticed a change in the tic. Instead of rapid blinking he now kind of stretches his face into an oval, making an O with his mouth and looks upward with his eyes. I think this helps him to not blink constantly. He still doesn't blink "normally".


We took him to see a D.O. yesterday and she wants to put him on Clonidine 0.1mg. We just aren't comfortable putting him on meds unless there is no other option. He starts Kindergarten this year and we really don't want him made fun of, you know how cruel kids can be.


One thing I should note if he received his first MMR on 3/17/10. I am not sure if that would have brought this on with that much of a delay between the two.


So I am at a total loss at where to start testing, the natural way. My heart breaks for him when we are out around other kids and he starts doing it. I believe he is fairly aware of when it starts happening. He told his Daddy when it first started happening, 'I blink too much' and that it bothered him.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Melinda in Montana


Welcome Melinda,


I first want to let you know this will be ok, and try not to worry too much.


I do believe the MMR could be a factor. My son exploded with tics after having two vaccines and it took about 6 weeks for the tics to become full blown. I have had some Drs. say they believe the shots are a factor and others who don't, so you may get a different answer from them.


I would say to start reading as much as you can on past posts and also check out the PANDAS forum to see if there is a connection to strep with your child.


Try the epsom salts baths, esp. after a day at the pool. Clean up his diet as much as you can. My son was given clonidine patch at 12yo and he was like a zombie. We took him off after a month and during that month we also cleaned his diet and his body never when back to the bad motor tics he had before the patch. My husband and I believe the diet helped more then the C. patch did.


I would try as hard as you can not to have any more vaccines any time soon. If he has not had the chicken pox they will tell you he needs the shot for school. Both the MMR and the chicken pox shots are made with aborted fetal cells, this is very concerning to me.


Hope that was of some help,


God Bless,


Around the end of May my son, now 6, started having a tic. Rapid blinking. It is at times obvious that it is brought on by stress or him being nervous, sometimes it would just happen. I also notice watching TV it tends to increase the occurrence. He had this rapid blinking for about a month when he was 3 1/2 but it went away.


Since that time, one of my daughters friends asked him 'Why do you blink constantly??' and I immediately noticed a change in the tic. Instead of rapid blinking he now kind of stretches his face into an oval, making an O with his mouth and looks upward with his eyes. I think this helps him to not blink constantly. He still doesn't blink "normally".


We took him to see a D.O. yesterday and she wants to put him on Clonidine 0.1mg. We just aren't comfortable putting him on meds unless there is no other option. He starts Kindergarten this year and we really don't want him made fun of, you know how cruel kids can be.


One thing I should note if he received his first MMR on 3/17/10. I am not sure if that would have brought this on with that much of a delay between the two.


So I am at a total loss at where to start testing, the natural way. My heart breaks for him when we are out around other kids and he starts doing it. I believe he is fairly aware of when it starts happening. He told his Daddy when it first started happening, 'I blink too much' and that it bothered him.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Melinda in Montana


I normally post on the P.A.N.D.A.S. board but I happened to stumble upon this..

I used to take Clonidine when my twitches began four to five years ago. I'm now med-free, but at the time pharmaceuticals did work miracles when it came to managing my twitches. Mine were more severe than blinking (screaming, flailing, hitting, you name it.. I did it), but I wouldn't rule out Clonidine automatically. You might not want to pursue pills since your son's tics aren't too severe, but, I'm just saying that Clonidine did help me.

I've heard of people seeing success with Melatonin, if you're looking for a more natural route. It didn't do much for me (but, as I said, mine were out of control) but it might help your son if you'd like to look into it. Also, it's good for little ones because it's soluble under your tongue & you can buy peppermint flavored ones. :)


Thanks for the info. I have been reading through the forum quite a bit and will continue to.


Is there a thread somewhere on what I should do to 'clean up his diet'?


He will be starting school this September and they will want him to have 1 more MMR vax before starting, I really don't want to give it to him. He got Chicken Pox naturally. The doctor also said to try and minimize his stress, just wondering how to go about doing that. He gets nervous around new people, when he thinks I am going to leave him, when we get upset with him for misbehaving, etc and that is especially when the tic starts happening.


Hi Melinda


as Cp wisely said....try not to worry too much as the tics do not sound severe and this may resolve by itself, just as many cases of childhood "transient tics" do


i cant post long as in a hurry, but wanted to mention that clonidine had a horrible negative reaction in my husband, who has Tourette, and tho my son has never used it, the meds he did try (haldol,zyprexa, naltrexone and luvox) all had yuck side effects


I have a link in my signature on what has helped him over the years (it is not over 10 years since his diagnosis of TS) and there is also a helpful threads compilation at the very top of this forum that you will find lots of info on


will try to post more later or tomorrow

Posted (edited)

Hi Melinda,


You have come to a great place for information and support. My son started excessive eye blinking in August of 2009, it went away after about two weeks only to return in February of 2010. In April of this year he started having additional tics. Through this site and the book by Shelia Rogers "Natural Treatments for Tics & Tourettes" we learned many alternative ways to treat the tics without medication. Although my sons tics are technically mild too, it is always troubling to watch your child make these movements, but as others said try not to worry - I know it's hard.


I started my son on specialized supplements that include magnesium, which tends to help kids with tics and TS, in addition we have gone totally organic and removed all artificial colors, flavors, preservatives. It seems overwhelming at first, but once you get used to it it's manageable. I truly believe it is helping him.


Also, Epson salts baths help for calming tics too, 2 cups dissolved in the tub for 20 minutes.


Lastly, my son had some anxiety and mild OCD issues at onset and we immediately hooked him up with a cognitive therapist. Not to control the tics, but to help with possible stress. The therapist told us that play therapy is slow, but we are already seeing results after 6-8 weeks. Again, your son seems mild at this point, but it's something to consider. I am a firm believer in early intervention and they might be able to give you some suggestions on dealing with separation anxiety and his nervousness.


If you need anything don't hesitate to ask or come here with questions. It's all about support!


Hang in there!



Edited by Lynn777
Posted (edited)

I realize his tic is mild but have been wondering about other things he does and whether it is all connected.


He also has begun wetting his pants during the day, 3 times just yesterday. He is biting his sister. He refuses to get himself anything to eat and insists that he can't do it and that we have to do it. He throws a huge tantrum if we don't. If we go somewhere in public, he is glued to me, almost to the point that I can't walk, because he is afraid I am going to leave him.


I am wondering if this could all be connected somehow? Why does he seem to be regressing?


I am going to finish reading your replies now but wanted to get this out there. Thanks!

Edited by MelindaR930



also wanted to suggest you connect with kim, who posts on this board as well as PANDAS, as she has a lot of info on vaccine induced neuro problems


I see you posted on the PANDAS forum so hope you will try to get those tests run


till then dont stop exploring all avenues as it may well be the MMR that triggered all this


it can hurt to clean up diet and try some of the less invasive treatments that many here have found beneficial so do take a look at those too. Often there is more than one piece of the puzzle!

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