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I have taken my son to his doctor, and will be making an appointment with another. My son has been acting very strange. At first I thought it was a tic, but it's taking over him. He talks like a toddler, and he's almost 14. He'll repeat things like an excited three year old... "I'm happy! I got a new game! I'm very happy, it's new! It's not broken!" And he'll tell me the same things over and over. It's similar to a tic in that way, but it's affecting the way he communicates with me more and more each day. If he wants to know what is for dinner, he'll talk to me in this way. My younger son says he sounds so innocent like a little kid and it makes him feel sorry for his brother.


Has anyone seen anything like this? Maybe it's his Lyme disease. It's scaring me.


I am so sorry to hear about this. How long has your son been doing this? Is this behavior just at home? Have his teachers noticed this?

You mentioned his Lyme disease. How long ago did he have it? Did he react similarly when first diagnosed with Lyme's disease?


Posted (edited)



so sorry to hear of this. I know from personal experience how scary it is.

Tourettic OCD (where tics and OCD symptoms morph and merge into each other) can also wax when there is infection or some other trigger


on the PANDAS forum they call these exacerbations, when a child infected with a microbe is either reinfected or exposed to the same (or even a different microbe)


with you child already diagnosed with Lyme, this may be what is happening. He may be PITAND (pediatric infection triggered autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder)


is your son on antibiotics for the Lyme?

any possible exposure to strep? other infection?


the regression in age appropriate speech and behavior is noted in PANDAS & PITAND exacerbations so it really would be wise to check into this. Even the repeating and reporting is a symptom.

This doesnt necessarily mean that his TS diagnosis is wrong...but just that the infection aspect is triggering more issues to compound that


the parents on our PANDAS/PITAND board may have more details to share with you


sure hope things get better soon

Edited by Chemar
I am so sorry to hear about this. How long has your son been doing this? Is this behavior just at home? Have his teachers noticed this?

You mentioned his Lyme disease. How long ago did he have it? Did he react similarly when first diagnosed with Lyme's disease?




It's been happening for about a month I think, but it's been more often the last few weeks. It happens all the time, at home and at church, at the doctors office and in stores. He is homeschooled. I think he has congenital lyme, and his lyme symptoms have been chronic, so no change around the time he was diagnosed.



is your son on antibiotics for the Lyme?

any possible exposure to strep? other infection?


the regression in age appropriate speech and behavior is noted in PANDAS & PITAND exacerbations so it really would be wise to check into this. Even the repeating and reporting is a symptom.

This doesnt necessarily mean that his TS diagnosis is wrong...but just that the infection aspect is triggering more issues to compound that


the parents on our PANDAS/PITAND board may have more details to share with you


sure hope things get better soon



Thanks. He has been on different antibiotics for almost a year now. I am going to look into PANDAS and PITAND. He hasn't been sick or anything that I know of, but we have all had allergies. Could that trigger it?


yup...allergies can trigger flare ups too


basically anything that sends the immune system into overdrive and causes inflammation can result in waxing


but the kind of extreme symptoms you are describing really do make me wonder if this is either Lyme related or a possible co-infection as so many of the PANDAS & PITAND parents have reported similar


basically any infection can have a dramatic impact on a child who is already susceptible from another infection or even the genetic predisposition for neurological disorders


one of the culprits can be candida albicans ("yeast" infection)


another being discussed a lot on the PANDAS board is Mycoplasma


in highly sensitized kids (which Lyme can do) even a cold (or as we discussed above, allergies) can trigger the immune/inflammatory reaction that causes a flare up in the neuropsychiatric symptoms


you really may benefit from reading more on the PANDAS board and also from the posts there by lyme mom. Maybe even PM her for more info



basically any infection can have a dramatic impact on a child who is already susceptible from another infection or even the genetic predisposition for neurological disorders


one of the culprits can be candida albicans ("yeast" infection)


another being discussed a lot on the PANDAS board is Mycoplasma


in highly sensitized kids (which Lyme can do) even a cold (or as we discussed above, allergies) can trigger the immune/inflammatory reaction that causes a flare up in the neuropsychiatric symptoms


you really may benefit from reading more on the PANDAS board and also from the posts there by lyme mom. Maybe even PM her for more info





Thanks... I'm definitely going to look into that today. Last night I was doing a million things at once. :(

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