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My son's Organic Acid Profile

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Hi All,


I would like to get more understanding of the "hippuric". My son's Organic Acid Test showed that he is high on hippuric: 806 (the range is 10.0 -400). Our naturopathic physician said that new carpet or paint can be the source of causing high hippuric. I don't have new carpet nor new paint. I appreciate your feedback in term of possible sources to cause the high hippuric. Besides, he's low on pyridoxic and pantothenic.


In general, he’s doing much better. I’ll post more after my project due in a week.


Thanks in advance!




Hi Jean,


How funny that you and Susanna got the results back at the same time! Anyway, here is the same link I posted on her thread.




"Hippuric - Hippuric acid is a conjugate of benzoic acid and glycine formed in the liver. Hippuric acid may be elevated due to bacteria overgrowth of the GI tract. Benzoic acid formed in the gastrointestinal tract by bacteria is absorbed into the portal circulation. In the liver, it is conjugated with the amino acid glycine to form benzoylglycine (huppuric acid). Other sources that increase benzoic acid are the solvent toluene and the food preservative sodium benzoate. Toluene exposure may occur due to industrial exposure or due to out gassing from new carpets. Low values of hippuric acid may be due to depletion of glycine die to competing detoxification reactions or due to low amounts of bacteria after antibiotic use."



Jean, were the levels of Arabinose normal? That is yeast--I had high hippuric and my DAN doctor said it was associated with my elevated yeast (as the paragraph above implies).


Did they also do the wheat/milk peptides test as part of this (they did for me)?






Thanks for your response! It's very good information to know. His Arabinose and his other Yeast/Fungal compound are normal. However, his Pyroglutamic is low. Our ND also mentioned that high hippuric may cause the low Pyroglutamic. My son has constipation for long time. Would it be the reason? More to learn...






Jean and Claire,

Hippuric was also elevated in the most recent Microbial Panel that my son had from the Great Plains Lab. It was 466.1, while the reference range is 10 - 400.0. His arabinose was also elevated at 56.8, while the reference range is 0 - 47. I was not surprised by the arabinose level as that has been much much higher before we started treating him for yeast (as I've written here before). However, for him, this is the first time that his lab results showed elevated hippuric. I am bringing him back to the doctor on Tuesday, and hopefully will learn more about what that means then.


However, I wanted to tell you that the note at the bottom of our lab report regarding elevated hippuric reads a bit differently than what you wrote:

"Elevated hippuric. Hippuric acid is a conjugate of glycine and benzoic acid formed in the liver. Benzoic acid is a food preservative and is also present in high amounts in cranberry juice. Benzoic acid is also derived from byproducts of gastrointestinal bacteria and the chemical solvent toluene. High values arre most commonly due to dysbiosis (abnormal microbial overgrowth). Exposure to toluene is mostly due to workplace exposure but may also be due to outgassing of new carpets or recreational abuse of solvents such as glue-sniffing."


Well, I'm quite certain that my 12 year old is not sniffing glue. However, he had just returned from 3 1/2 weeks of overnight camp when he took the sample for this test. Maybe there were preservatives in the food or outgassing from the wood in his bunk? I sure don't know.




Thanks for the info.! Now I remembered that my ND also mentioned these cases. Then I have the following questions:


what's the consequence of high Hippuric? What's the right treatment plan?







We went to our environmental doctor on Tuesday. She said that the elevated Hippuric is related to the high Arabinose, so I think that dysbiosis is the root for both. Jean, in your son's case where there is the Arabinose and other yeast metabolites are normal, but the Hippuric is high, I don't know what it means......sorry that I can't be of more help.


The doctor put my son on oregano oil (professional strength) for 2 months. It is very strong tasting. Wow. I sure hope this finally gets rid of his yeast.



He is supposed to put 3 drops of the oil of oregano on food that he then swallows, twice a day. He said, "sure, no problem - I don't mind oregano." Well, after the first time, this stuff is so strong he could barely stand it. I tried it too - it has an amazingly penetrating aftertaste. So I am now putting 3 drops in an empty capsule that you can buy in a health food store. He has no problem swallowing capsules, and that way he gets none of the flavor. I have to call the doctor to make sure that she has no problem with this method. I can't think of any, can you?


Hope the nystatin plan works better for you than it did for us. I assume that you are going to retest a month or so later?



Since probiotics are targeted to the gastrointestinal system, and they are in capsules, it sounds fine to me.


I just called yesterday to ask when the next retest is, and haven't heard back. I read one study that said that Nystatin without diet change showed no improvement. He doesn't eat much sugar, but he does love his carbs... I am not banking on this working, but we needed to try it.


Have you ever looked into Threelac? By the way, I have heard Oregano Oil is very powerful for this. Also zinc is an antifungal. I am hoping his taking zinc with make the difference for him.



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