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Posted (edited)


Almost 9 years old (3/24).

Just started having vocal and facial tics a few months ago.

He was playing video games watching TV near or in excess of 50 hours per week. 5-6 hrs Mon-Fri. 10+ Saturday and Sunday.



As of Sunday he's been cut off cold turkey from all screens including computer and hand held.


After only two days we are already seeing a noticeable improvemnet. He's gone from having a tic every few mins to a few a night less then 1 per hour.



I've been reading a lot about LCD and CRT but nobody has mentioned plasma screens. Nor anything about size making a difference. My limited understanding is the CRT's refresh at 60mhz while LCD is at 120mhz or higher. The human brain can see at a rate up to 70mhz. Plasma don't have a refresh rate because they don't operate the same as a CRT or LCD, the pixels don't flash on/off(refresh) they just change.


So my questions:

Wouldn't plasma be an even better option then a LCD?

Could the rear-projection type be the worst, since they basically send light signals outward from inside the case toward the viewer? (my own theory)

Would size make a difference say a 17in vs the 60in he's been on?

Could anybody that has been through this before with the TV issue, make any recommendations how much to re-introduce. I was kinda thinking 1 hour every other day to start?

Edited by Kingcole


our "expert" parent on this topic was Claire, but things are going well and she is no longer posting (if you are reading....we miss you Claire! ^_^ )


she really did a lot of checking into photosensitive induced tics


if you do a search for the word screens and user name Claire and search posts and threads you should come up with quite a bit of info on this


Plasma and big screens are a more recent addition so I am not sure if anyone has discussed them since. it has been quite a few years since Claire was posting about this


we use daylight lamps in all rooms with screens to cut the flicker/flash effect plus LCD. my son's photosensitivity is mild tho, and he actually reacts more to fluorescent lights than to screens, albeit a darkened room and much flash and flicker (eg the cinema) does trigger his tics


our "expert" parent on this topic was Claire, but things are going well and she is no longer posting (if you are reading....we miss you Claire! ^_^ )


she really did a lot of checking into photosensitive induced tics


if you do a search for the word screens and user name Claire and search posts and threads you should come up with quite a bit of info on this


Plasma and big screens are a more recent addition so I am not sure if anyone has discussed them since. it has been quite a few years since Claire was posting about this


we use daylight lamps in all rooms with screens to cut the flicker/flash effect plus LCD. my son's photosensitivity is mild tho, and he actually reacts more to fluorescent lights than to screens, albeit a darkened room and much flash and flicker (eg the cinema) does trigger his tics

Well thanks for the reply.

We are giving it a few more days to see if improvement continues. If it does we will be looking for a new non-CRT TV.

Cheri, Where do you buy daylight lamps?


we bought ours years back from Verilux because they have daylight full spectrum incandescent bulbs as opposed to the fluorescent which we try to avoid as my son seems sensitive to those


I think that places like Home Depot and even office supply etc now sell daylight full spectrum lightbulbs too, but not sure if they have the incandescent bulbs

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