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hi guys :)


just hav a question, im going to start using flax seed oil and omega 3 fish oil from 2moro, fingers crossed hope it works!


how long does it take for vitamins to work? is it straight away? as with prescribed medicines you can usually c the effect immediatley.


i was wonderin with vitamins, do you wait days? weeks? before the effect can b seen




Hi BN123


I know for Pyroluria, with B6 and zinc supplementation, FJ says it takes a couple of weeks to notice improvement. I think Chemar said with 5HTP, it only took a few days. For my son, his doctor said that the vitamin/antioxidant supplement would take a couple of months, and Bonnie Grimwald wants parents to give it a couple of months. Not sure how long with EFA (essential fatty acids, e.g. the fish and flax seed oils).


It is good to take GLA with fishoil (evening primrose or borage oil), and I have read more and more that males don't process the proper nutrients of flaxseed oil and do better with fish oil--assuming they have no issues with fish oil. Not sure if you are male or female by your name.


It sounds like this is all you are taking? I have read studies where Omega3's help, and we supplement with fish oil and borage oil also--though we supplement with lots of vitamins also. Many of us here do supplement with EFAs, but we do a lot of other things also...it varies and takes trial and error.


Good luck!



Hi BN123


from personal experience and thru my own research I really feel that supplements, like diet, work on a balance. Taking just one or two when your system may be deficient in several just doesnt have the optimum effect.


Although it is GOOD to take the EFAs your body may well require other supplements and/or dietary changes to see the best effect.




The time that it takes for supps to have a noticeable effect varies between individuals and their conditions. I believe supplements begin to work immediately that we take them, but, because of other deficiencies, or toxicity, or diet, or allergies or whatever, it can sometimes take a while before we see the optimum results.


In my son's case, we saw dramatic results very quickly because his system was very ready for the supps and they were therefore fast acting


Could you remind us again what you are dealing with as that will give some clues as to the best supps to use.

if you are supplementing to reduce tics, you really should also be taking magnesium in combination with calcium and zinc, and preferably with Taurine.

These, working with the EFAs can substantially reduce tic frequency and intensity.




thanks for the advice

really good to have a website where i can talk freely abt my problems n issues

im a female claire, hehe i should have been specific!!


i started with mouth twitches wen i was abt 14


now i hav slight mouth twitches motor reflexes such as limb movements ie wen i bruise my arm :(:)


i sometimes at my worst make slight grunting noises


basiclly i just want the limb movements to stop, i can live with eye twitches n mouth twitches because my mouth twitches have decreased


i will try the flax n omega oil as i need more advice on the zinc and magnesium supplements i havent yet researched that and would like to before i try it


thanks.. B)

Guest Very worried Mom



I am very worried about my daughter. She has had eye twitches off and on since she was approx 7 or 8 years old. Since March or April the twitches have been pretty bad and now involves her of her mouth as well. I've noticed too that when she twitches some of her neck muscles seem to be involved a little. I know she has allergies but this is more than that I think. For about a month the twitches went away after we used some eyedrops but it has now returned and I'm very upset. I'm doing my best in keeping my child on a healthy diet as well, but it does not seem to be having very much impact on the twitches. :) I've read on here about the positive effects of vitamins in treating the twitches. Can someone please advise me of the right vitamins for the twitches and the correct dosage for me to give my daughter? She is now almost 11 1/2. This is just so heartbreaking and worrrying for me! I will be grateful for any advice anyone can offer.


Very worried Mom.


very worried mum,


u sound like my mum!! :(


dont show your daughter your worried, from personal experience shes going to think something is wrong when there isnt. i didnt have the right support from home and it reely did get to me.


i only confided in one person and that person helped me throughout all of this.


i understand u are worried, shes your little girl. i was first referred to a specialist and he did offer me medication, after researching this medication i decided i didnt want to take it.


now i have began taking B Complex vitamins (B6 and B12) 100mg. i take one a day. today i am going to buy Flax Seed Oil and Omega Fish Oils to see if this works. i am 19, so there is a difference between your daughter and i. start her off on B vitamins but on a lighter dose.


notice when she tics most. isit when she is worried upset or stressed?


i urge you 2 support her, my parents didnt support me until now when i have seriously talked to them about it. before i was just mocked and that seriously has a bad impact.


i found a lot of information on websites. different things work for different individuals. my best bet is to try the B Vitamins at first and c if her tics hav decreased.


All the best.. :)


Dear very worried mom


welcome to Latitudes!


all of us parents who are here can sure understand your concerns for your daughter....we have been there too.


Just do be encouraged, there is a lot of hope and things can get better!


There are a multitude of reasons as to why tics occur, and it is really a good idea to first establish what is causing them...ie is it Tourette or is it PANDAs(related to strep) or maybe heavy metal toxicity, Yeast infection, allergies etc etc etc.

Once you know a bit more about why the tics may be there, you can formulate a better and more effective treatment plan!


There is a list at the top of this board for finding physicians who practise natural medicine and so maybe it can help you find one, who will know which tests to run to determine what is causing the tics.



BN123 is right that B vitamins are good, as is Omega essential fatty acids, but, from the research done by Bonnie Grimaldi, who has also produced an entire range of vitamin/supplements for tics, MAGNESIUM is the primary substance that seems to be deficient in people with Tourette Syndrome, and so possibly can help many with tics.



If you want to learn more about Bonnie's plan

here is her website



I have a son whose tics have gone from very severe to mildover the last 4 years, since having him on a supplement plan, along with other natural treatments.

I have formulated his treatment based on Bonnie's research, but with my own research thrown in to suit his specific needs and with guidance from a team of physicians who specialize in natural medicine.


Here is a thread showing you what I use for my son




I hope this helps a bit, and that you will stay in touch here and continue to read thru the threads that are filled with so much great info on what others have done to help themselves and/or their kids.


all the best



Guest Very Worried Mom

Hello again,


Thank you for your very prompt replies. I am sooo grateful!


B_N123 I've noted what you say and, yes, I do try to avoid my daughter seeing how worried I am. I realize that would only compound the problem and so far I think I'm doing a good job at concealing my own emotions, but thank you for the reminder! Thanks also for your treatment suggestions and I wish you continued success in your search for the right treatment. :)


Chemar, thank you so much for your welcome and all the information you've provided me. :( People like you truly are a blessing to find!


My daughter is 11 & 1/2 (will be next month) and 87lbs. Her pediatrician has discovered that she has food and environmental allergies. Her eyes show definate signs of allergies and she is on eyedrops which seemed to help a lot, initially. She also has a slightly irritated and dry area of skin around her nose, which is a definate allergic reaction to something. Last night and this morning I gave her a dose of Piriton for the allergy symptoms along with her eyedrops. Yesterday I also started giving her a B complex vitamin (50mg). So, from your suggestions I'm hoping I'm on the right track, although I'm not sure if the Piriton could have an adverse effect. I had been giving her GNC's Animal Parade Multivitamins/Minerals, but for the past few days I didn't give her any since I wanted to start on the B's. Animal Parade are all natural with no additives, (colorings preservatives etc). Does anyone have experience with Animal Parade? Also, is it safe for me to give her the B Complex along with the Animal Parade Multi? Chemar you mentioned Magnesium. What type of Magnesium should I look for? There seem to be many .. e.g. chelated etc. Should I be giving her a magnesium/calcium/zinc combo for best results along with the B's and Multi's? AND, for my daughter's age and weight what would be the right dosage? I'm just scared to give her too much or overdose her on anything! So, all your suggestions/information would be most welcome.


Thanks again for just being here! It is so very comforting to know that such caring and knowledgeable people are only a click away!


Very Worried Mom

Guest Very Worried Mom

Me again. :(


As a newbie here I think I'm beginning to become a tad confused with all this wonderful information! :) I've read here that A multi-vitamin/Mineral complex, calcium/magnesium/zinc combo, B-complex, taurine and Acetyl L Carnetine are basically the right combination of treatments for motor tics, such as my daughter is having (eye/mouth twitch (mostly frequent eye blinking), infrequent eye rolling). Please advise me if this is right and of the correct dosage for her age and weight. She is 11 & 1/2 and 187lbs. Her doctor is unlikely to be totally open to this line of treatment and I want to try it on my own. I looked at Bonnie's treatments and those look to be a bit more loaded than I need for my daughter. I don't want to give her more than she needs.


Thanks again!


Very Worried Mom.


Very Worried Mom


it really is so hard to suggest doseage to someone else because the underlying deficiencies and other issues are really important in deciding on dosing.


On average, a 12 yo of average weight can usually take the adult dose...younger and lighter take half doseage and under six are given a third.


Magnesium should be taken with calcium and zinc for the correct balance and we use 800mg cal with 400 mag and 100 zinc. In addition we use 500mg Taurine.


Bonnie and some other companies sell a magnesium plus taurine combo called magnesium taurate. which some folks prefer, and then they give calcium and zinc separately.


this is over and above that found in a multivit which usually has a lower level of magnesium in than is needed for tic control.


If you look at the product info on Bonnie's website, you will get an idea of the doseage levels recommended for various ages and you can then adjust what you give to fit with that.


Do be aware that some people overreact to Vit B complex and tolerate individual B vitamins better


I REALLY recommend that, in addition to your regular doc, you consider finding a naturopath to guide you thru this...it takes the guesswork out and will be so beneficial in determining other underlying issues.

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