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Guest jeanchan

Hi everyone, I am writing from Singapore and this is my first time posting here but not new though - I have been reading and following very closely your posts hoping that I could find some answers for my 11 year son who has TS, and I suspect OCD too.


My son was first diagnosed in May this year when he was rushed to hospital for turning his head left and right violently for few seconds evey few minutes. We can see his poor face turned red with exhaustion. Never heard of TS at that time and we were worried sick.


Anyway, I have followed your threads, though I have to admit that I cannot really understand all - some of the treatments and testings sound so technical! But I do know that in order to get the right dose of vitamins and minerals, my son must first do allergy testings first. Hence I literally spent all my lunch hours in the office search for a local certified Naturopathic Physician and finally found one by chance.


So our first appointment will be on 7 Aug, Sat to do a allergy testing and hair analysis. Not cheap, but worth trying. My son is on Haldol now, but I dont feel comfortable for my son taking this drug (or any drug) long term for the side effects I heard from so many parents here.


I really look forward for the test results, I couldnt wait to wean my son off the drug.


JC :)


Hi Jeanchan,


Welcome and I feel confident that you will not regret going with the natural treatment. As you know, many of us have had much success. I am sorry to hear of the pain your son was in with his severe ticcing. It is heartbreaking to watch our children struggle when this disorder becomes physically painful.


Since you have been reading regularly it sounds like you are going into the naturopath with all of the necessary information so that you will be aware of the right questions to ask. I wish you luck and keep us posted.




Hi JC and a big welcome to you!


I hear Singapore is very beautiful.


I am so glad you have found a naturopath, especially as my own son's experience with Haldol makes me want to urge anyone else to get off it asap!


We look forward to hearing your progress and to help you thru any questions ofr confusions that we can. It can all seem very overwhelming at first, but thankfully we have each other to share and care with.


It is a pleasure to have you join us.


Guest Guest_jean

Hi JC,


Welcome! Sorry to hear your son’s situation. I’m sure you’ll get more info. and help from visiting the naturopathic Physician. As you’re in Asia, I would like to pass the information to you (and I was going to share the info. to all here later). One of my good friends is Chinese and she just visited China recently. She concerns about my son so much, so she consulted a local experienced Chinese Medicine Pediatrician during the trip (BTW, my son doesn’t have TS, but tics). The Dr. suggested taking antelope powder. He said that will help nerve system greatly. They even give it to babies when they are having high fever with twitch. It may not cure the TS, but may help tics. The important thing is that the powder has to come from real antelope. My friend brought some for my son, and my son has been taking it since last week. Since you’re in Singapore, I’m sure you may be able to get more information about antelope powder. Please keep us updated on your visiting to the naturopathic.


Best wishes!



Guest Guest_efgh



Since when has your son been on HALDOL? does he have any motor tics? when did his tics start and what are his tics? did yuor doctor suggest medication route immeditely after diagnosis?


goodluck and we are sure you will find this forum helpful.

Guest Guest_jean

Hi JC,


Correction: it's antelope horn powder.


Hi Efgh,


Glad to hear your son is doing VERY WELL. Hope you'll be better and be able to enjoy your trip with your family.


Hi Jean,


Glad your son is doing well. Did you notice any impact from the antelope horn powder yet?


My work is starting to go into a busy phase again, oh dear. Other than that, I am enjoying my son having no school pressures.



Guest Guest_jean

Hi Claire,


My son only took the powser twice (the Dr. suggested 2 - 3 times a week), so I can't really tell the difference so far. I definitely will keep you updated. Thanks for all your posts. It's good to hear that your son's health has been improved.



Guest Jean Chan

Thanks all for your concerns. Nice to hear from you all - It is great to talk to folks who understand.


Jean, yeah I have heard of antelope horn powder good for bring down the fever, but didnt know that its good for tics too. Great! I will give it a try and keep you all updated. :)


efgh - my son was dx in May this year and was prescribed Haldol by his neurologist. Initially was only 1 mg a day, tics were still bad so on our second visit 2 weeks later, dose was increased to 2mg. Then on our third visit in July, dose increased to 3mg a day.


Since early July, I have also put him on MegaBs and lecithin. Now his tics are very much reduced. (But then I am not sure if it is the haldol or the vitamins or if this is just waning period). So to find out if its the vitamins, today, instead of the usual 3mg haldol, I am going ahead to give my son only 2mg. So far he is doing ok. I will monitor closely and will further reduce the dose, if necessary. Besides the MegaB and lecithin, I think I will also add on multivitamins too. I have already cut him off coca cola (caffine) and lower his sugar intake since early July. Maybe this also contribute to his reduced tics to about 90%. Not bad huh? :(


Chemar, Claire and Heather - have learnt many many helpful info from you regarding TS and tics, thank you so much. Yep, Singapore is a small but beautiful country. Good for shopaholics.. hehe B)


Btw, hv just got a magnetic mattress for my son too. There is a report in Latitudes on Magnetic Medical Therapy (Volume 2, number 6), so I am giving it a try too..


Will keep you updated on our visit to the Naturopathic. Take Care folks!


Hi Jean


U are right, in fact it is quite easy to find one chinese medical shop that sells antelope horn here. I found one near my neighbourhood, but in capsule form, not powder.


Now I really dont know how many I shld buy cause they sell the capsules in loose form. Very funny, I asked the dear old Chinese lady that sells the horn whether its geniue. She actually showed me the real horn. Then she asked me what am I getting it for? I realised I dont know the chinese word for TS tics. I had a hard time trying to explain to her in all kinds of dialect, mandarin but not successful. B) In the end, I didnt buy any... ^_^


Does your friend happen to know the chinese word for TS tics? All I need is the "han yu pin yin" of the word. How do you give the powder to your kid - is it in tea spoon?


Take Care.



Hi JC,


I'll ask my friend and will get back to you then. My understanding is that she described the symptoms to the Dr. The one she bought to me is in a very little bottle. It comes with a box. Each box contains 8 bottles. I'm not sure if you have ever had homeopathic pellet that usually is put in a small bottle. The powder is in the similar kind of bottle. The powder is not measured in tea spoon. It's measured in the Chinese Medicine way. I was told to give half bottle (very small amount) each time, and put it in a small bowl to steam it for 20 minutes. The Dr. suggested to take 2-3 times a week. I let my son start with 2 times a week. Do you read Chinese Characters? If so, I'm thinking to ask my friend to send me Chinese Characters, then I'll send them to you. This may be a easy way for us. Oh, I don't know if this forum supports double-bytes (Unicode) characters. You may want to register as a member here. Once you register, you may send e-mails to other members. My register name is "spring". You may send e-mail to me.


Take care,



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