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This doc is a legitimate, treating PANDAS doc...well, he specializes in adolescent psychiatry, but, has been treating PANDAS since 1999.


Dr. Eric Fier






Atlanta, GA

This doc is a legitimate, treating PANDAS doc...well, he specializes in adolescent psychiatry, but, has been treating PANDAS since 1999.


Dr. Eric Fier






Atlanta, GA

Thanks for posting this. I live in the Atlanta area and am always looking for an experienced dr. I just wish he took insurance :blink:

This doc is a legitimate, treating PANDAS doc...well, he specializes in adolescent psychiatry, but, has been treating PANDAS since 1999.


Dr. Eric Fier






Atlanta, GA



Thanks so much...just called and they haven't taken new patients since September.

They gave me the name of another doc in dunwoody i will try.

thanks for the lead


Geez.....I "spoke" with him via e-mail........he gave me the go ahead to give out his contact info. He could have given me the heads up on this............well, atleast he gave you a lead.


The scoop.....(he gave me approval to post this)


"Hi Kelly


My practice is a small, psychotherapy-based practice in which I see complex kids and families for therapy plus pharmacotherapy, id needed. My initial eval is usually 2-3 hours in length; my follow-up sessions are 1-1 1/2 hours long. My office manager gauges how many new patients we can take in a given month; right now, things are likely tight; they often loosen up somewhat as summer approaches. I still do accept new patients, but it is on a case by case basis. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to see everyone that calls; that would be implausible. Because I have not bought into the ridiculous "10 minute med-check model", my practice is small, compassionate, and personal. If I accepted every new patient, I couldn't possibly provide the level of care I strive to offer each of my families. I hope that makes sense...


Anyway, please understand my limitations being in solo private practice...I hope to be able to serve more of these kids and families with respect, compassion, and wisdom."

Best wishes,

eric fier



He seems like a really nice guy! (like mentioned...no insurance accepted...just FYI)

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