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Hello, I am new here. My 8yo son has had mild tics for about 3 years. Recently, his tics have worsened and make it difficult for him to concentrate. I have read much about how some foods can trigger the tics. I plan to have him tested for food allergies. For now, I am looking at posts here and seeing some of the major triggers. I want to change his diet but I am at a loss. With all of the things he should not eat, I don't know what he should eat? Seems like the trigger foods knock out almost anything. Can you share what you feed your child so I can get ideas please?



the food triggers depend very much on the individual. Altho most find artificial chemical foods a trigger, only those with sensitivities need to totally avoid certain food types...many even without tested sensitivity still benefit from avoidance of some eg sugars, gluten, casein


the best way to go is to have the testing done and meanwhile an elimination diet where you cut out a foodgroup for a while and then see the effect and then slowly reintroduce it and see the effect. We were told to do at least a month off.


this way you dont have the big deprivation of stopping everything and not really knowing what may or may not be a trigger.


but moving away from the artificial, colored, flavored, modified, preserved additives is always a good idea! and eating as whole and organic as possible a diet helps enormously


hope that helps


Hi Bin,

If you get a good book on Food Allergies, or google around for it, you should be able to find good info on food elimination diets.


here's one:




It's really hard to do unless you're eating home cooked foods from scratch (very basic.....just meats/vegetables/fruits) 24/7....so start it when that's possible. You need to eliminate quite a few days... a week or more is better,.... to start seeing any changes....


yes.....it's DIFFICULT!


The basic things to eat are plain rice, COOKED vegetables (not corn, peas and legumes would not be good either), and COOKED fruits (avoiding citrus, strawberries, other common allergans). I think the main meat recommended is lamb, and maybe ? turkey? (I forget, it's been awhile).


You want to eat things as basic/wholesome as you can.....if you can do this severely restrictive diet for a good week or two, and not see any improvement....then my thought would be you dont have food allergies involved.


If you DO notice major improvements....then you SLOWLY.....one food group at a time, ...add them back.....give each food 2-3 days to see a reaction....some take that long....


GENERALLY (generally.....) the things you are "allergic" to , are foods you LIKE , and foods you eat frequently......


so, you might want to keep a log of what he's eating generally, and see what things he's eating frequently, or tips on what to "suspect".....



As fars as testing for food allergies goes....I'm not sure what you're planning....but skin testing and blood tesing arent always accurate. It IS possible for you to have reactions to foods that DONT show up on those tests.....


But eliminating it from the diet, and symptoms gone.....returning it to the diet, and symptoms return.......hah!....LOL....you really cant "argue" with that success in 'diagnosing"......



But,....yes,....it is VERY difficult to do......


.....I dont envy you at all......



{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}} and BEST WISHES!!



Doris Rapp (i think that was the name) wrote quite a few books on food allergies and kids years ago.....they might have diet ideas in those books....?


Hi! Boy, I feel like I could have written your post! We are struggling with what to feed our son, too. He has had tics for about 3 years and is almost 11. Tics got quite a bit worse when he had walking pnuemonia in December. They do the typical wax and wane now.


Just got ALCAT test results. Our doc recommended the basic panel of 50 foods. Now I wish we had done more. Found out that white potatoes and fructose are bad for him. He is also severely intolerant of gliadin in gluten and casein in milk. So no wheat or dairy. Many gluten free products seem to use potato starch so those are not good for him to have.


I am gathering recipes and cooking from scratch. We have been as organic as possible for quite some time. My kids eat healthy but this is such a drastic change it is hard but I know it will be worth it!


Hang in there, Bin! I would say to start with taking away dairy. I did that over a year ago when ds was doing a "hmmm, hmmm" vocal tic. I didn't tell him why we were switching from cows milk to rice milk but we did and the tic went away! For many months! We also avoided all milk products. But now that tic is back and we are trying to keep his diet as clean as possible following the results of the ALCAT.


I agree that you need to clean up his diet from all the preservatives and colorings. Check for BHT, TBHQ, and BHA on all labels. They seem to be in so many boxed items! Avoid them at all costs!


(((((Good luck!)))) It is a hard struggle but worth it for our little ones!

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