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I really don't know what to make of all this. It quickly became so political- the whole issue has been muddied and tainted. It seems to me like Wakefield, at least at 1st (and possibly the whole time) was just responding to his patients parents over concerns that their children spiraled down into autism, with GI problems shortly after receiving the MMR vaccine. The parents could not find doctors who would look into this, or even believe what they had observed with their children. When Wakefield was willing to try to help them figure it out...a lot of parents flocked to him (does this sound familiar to anyone?)- and he was left with the decision to try to figure out what was going on, or stay with the status quo.


I honestly can't say if his study was flawed, faked or whatever... having been through what I have with doctors refusing to help and disbelieving what I've seen with my own eyes and being afraid to try "controversial" remedies... Was Wakefield's head placed on the chopping block because his findings endangered the vaccine program, or is there merit to the claims of the "other side" that he manufactured results for cash? I just don't know.



I am with you in that it is so political. My children are vaccinated but this PANDAS has thrown me for a loop and in my findings with episodes a strep infection followed chicken pox vaccine and after a flu vaccine. I am not saying it caused the PANDAS but it seems to me something happens when she gets vaccines. Hum, just gathering my information and I am not a Doctor but I am a Mother.



I really don't know what to make of all this. It quickly became so political- the whole issue has been muddied and tainted. It seems to me like Wakefield, at least at 1st (and possibly the whole time) was just responding to his patients parents over concerns that their children spiraled down into autism, with GI problems shortly after receiving the MMR vaccine. The parents could not find doctors who would look into this, or even believe what they had observed with their children. When Wakefield was willing to try to help them figure it out...a lot of parents flocked to him (does this sound familiar to anyone?)- and he was left with the decision to try to figure out what was going on, or stay with the status quo.


I honestly can't say if his study was flawed, faked or whatever... having been through what I have with doctors refusing to help and disbelieving what I've seen with my own eyes and being afraid to try "controversial" remedies... Was Wakefield's head placed on the chopping block because his findings endangered the vaccine program, or is there merit to the claims of the "other side" that he manufactured results for cash? I just don't know.


Everything possible was done to discredit him and his work. Felt like a witch hunt to me.. but I'm probably biased.


If this statement is correct, hopefully change will come swiftly

It is our understanding that the difference in outcome for the vaccinated monkeys versus the unvaccinated controls is both stark and devastating.







For the past decade, parents in our community have been clamoring for a relatively simple scientific study that could settle the debate over the possible role of vaccines in the autism epidemic once and for all: compare children who have been vaccinated with children who have never received any vaccines and see if the rate of autism is different or the same.


Few people are aware that this extremely important work has not only begun, but that a study using an animal model has already been completed exploring this topic in great detail.


Dr. Wakefield is the co-author, along with eight other distinguished scientists from institutions like the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Kentucky, and the University of Washington, of a set of studies that explore the topic of vaccinated versus unvaccinated neurological outcomes using monkeys.


The first phase of this monkey study was published three months ago in the prestigious medical journal Neurotoxicology, and focused on the first two weeks of life when the vaccinated monkeys received a single vaccine for Hepatitis B, mimicking the U.S. vaccine schedule. The results, which you can read for yourself here, were disturbing. Vaccinated monkeys, unlike their unvaccinated peers, suffered the loss of many reflexes that are critical for survival.


Dr. Wakefield and his scientific colleagues are on the brink of publishing their entire study, which followed the monkeys through the U.S. childhood vaccine schedule over a multi-year period. It is our understanding that the difference in outcome for the vaccinated monkeys versus the unvaccinated controls is both stark and devastating.


Your welcome Mama2Alex


When Vickie first posted this, I typed a post (mostly in capital shouting letters) then deleted the whole thing. I think this article presents what's really the more important message.


I saw Andrew Wakefield on 60 minutes (?) when he was talking about the findings from the Hep B only, study on the monkeys. I was pretty excited to hear that it would be part of a cummulative vaccine study. I didn't know it would move along this quickly. When I saw the words "stark and devastating," I had very mixed feelings. Horror, although not surprised horror, and relief that FINALLY something may FORCE the medical profession to make changes to what I feel is a terribly flawed and downright dangerous practice for some children.


There may be many things that we can't control with genetics and environment, but THIS particular issue is something that CAN and MUST be changed, if it's causing or triggering damage to children.


With the pressure on Wakefield and others involved in this, I have to believe that it was a carefully designed study. I know "they" will try to discredit everyone involved, along with the findings (they are very aware of that too) yet these people forged ahead. Wakefield has paid a very high professional and personal cost for his involvement in this research. I, for one am very greatful.


I think that it's up to us as parents to share this info with as many other parents as possible. It's imperative that Peds and parents start looking at the WHOLE child and carefully deciding which vaccines a particular child might benefit from (does risk outweigh potential reward) with great attention paid to the timing of a particular vaccine in the bigger picuture of the childs overall health.


I'll shut up now (could go on and on when it comes to this subject) but continue to watch for updates and add info when I can :(

  • 2 months later...

from Teresa Binstock


Preorder - out in MAY


http://www.amazon. com/exec/ obidos/ISBN= 1616081694/ wellwithinA/

Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines: The Truth Behind a Tragedy

*Andrew J. Wakefield* (Author)


IN UK - don't see it on Amazon.co.uk yet


*Conspiracy - or ruthless pragmatism? How the vaccine apparatchiks and

medical self-interest groups deal with dissent.


*The subject is autism; the suspect is childhood vaccines. This is the

account of how a doctor confronted first a disease, and then the medical

system that sought and still seeks to deny that disease, leaving

millions of children to suffer and a world at risk.


/"Do not judge me too harshly Dr. Wakefield, but when I die I am taking

my son with me. You see, I?m all he has. I?m the only one who loves him."



/- A mother?s plea in 1997



In 1995 Wakefield came to a fork in the road. As an academic

gastroenterologist at the Royal Free School of Medicine and the

University of London, Wakefield was presented with a professional

challenge and confronted by a moral choice. Previously normal children

were, according to their parents, regressing into autism and developing

intestinal problems - many parents blamed the MMR vaccine. Trusting in

his medical training, parental narrative, and above all, the instinct of

mothers for their children?s wellbeing, he chose the hard road.


Walk that road now, here; some already have - the parents of affected

children. Many will, either as parents or grandparents, as the worldwide

tsunami of childhood developmental disorders break hearts and bankrupts

educational and healthcare infrastructures.


Wakefield provides the facts, an explanation of the problem that

confronted him and his colleagues 15 years ago. He does this in a

detailed forensic analysis of the lies, obfuscation, cover ups, and the

dystopian science and medicine that panders to commercial interest at

the expense of your children.


*About Dr. Wakefield



Dr Andrew Wakefield, MB, BS, FRCS, FRCPath, is an academic

gastroenterologist. He received his medical degree from St. Mary?s

Hospital Medical School (part of the University of London) in 1981, one

of the third generation of his family to have studied medicine at that

teaching hospital.



He pursued a career in gastrointestinal surgery with a particular

interest in inflammatory bowel disease. He qualified as Fellow of the

Royal College of Surgeons in 1985 and in 1996 was awarded a Wellcome

Trust Traveling Fellowship to study small-intestinal transplantation in

Toronto, Canada. He was made a Fellow of the Royal College of

Pathologists in 2001. He has published over 130 original scientific

articles, book chapters, and invited scientific commentaries.


In the pursuit of possible links between childhood vaccines, intestinal

inflammation, and neurologic injury in children, Dr. Wakefield lost his

job in the Department of Medicine at London?s Royal Free Hospital, his

country, his career, and his medical license.


He is married to Carmel, a physician and a classical radio presenter.

They have four children, James, Sam, Imogen, and Corin, and a black

mongrel called Bella.


This post may be forwarded hither & yon


I personally know many parents with children damaged by MMR. mine is proved, has been damaged by the DTP. there is a genetic weakness, but environmental factors, in this case vaccines(virus component + mercury), also hurt these children . the movie of my daughter before the vaccine is doing the rounds of meetings and conferences about autism. Prevention also means considering the state of the child at the time of doing vaccination, and not indiscriminately use the vaccines.


look at this please



the full story:



I guess the only person who knows the truth on whether the results were "skewed" is dr Wakefield...........




I think he is being targeted. :) he isnt the first physician to be dragged thru the mud for daring to challenge the conventional status quo and sadly he wont be the last. Look at what they did to Dr Peter Breggin when he dared to start speaking out about the horrible side effects of some psychiatric drugs on the developing brains of kids. How about Drs Marshall & Warren when they first suggested H pylori bacteria caused ulcers in the 1980s. The list goes on and on and all I can say is kudos to every physician who risks this backlash!


whether or not the results of that 1998 study were skewed.....


this link that Kim recently posted shines another spotlight on the danger of MMR


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