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After taking some advice on here that some children react to omega 3 - i have bought some flax oil today. However on reading the bottle it says it tastes nutty. Son hates nuts - so i am thinking perhaps i could use it to cook chicken etc in - or would this negate the effect of the oil? If i add it to yoghurt etc i think he will taste it! He only tried omega 3 for 1 week and his tics got a bit worse - so not happy to keep him on them.


Also, can anyone tell whether drinking water with flouride in may be a problem for tics? Ours tastes very 'chemical' at home so am thinking bottled water may be best? Thanks. Bev




I've used flax oil for a number of years. My view is that any bottle labeling flax oil as nutty is just trying to make you think it tastes good. Of course, there are some with other things mixed in (cinnamon and so on, and perhaps some of those taste good, I haven't tried all the various kinds--there are many. I don't think it tastes pleasant (like olive oil or coconut oil), but it doesn't taste that bad. Cooking it will destroy a good bit of the benefits, so you don't really want to do that, nor would you add it to anything where you wanted it to taste really good. I have sometimes mixed it into other supplement drinks where the whole thing tasted weird, so why not just add one more weird thing. These days I just take it from the measuring spoon. My guess is, you mix it into yoghurt, it will modify the flavor just a little, not too much, yoghurt has a strong enough flavor and the oil taste is pretty mild. I'd suggest you give it a taste yourself (it won't kill you, most people it's something they could use) and then you'll better know what to do with it for your son.


I must say I'm a little confused though ... you're looking at flax oil as an alternative to omega 3's he's been taking? What has he been taking that produced tics? Flax oil is predominantly omega 3, but does have some omega 6 and omega 9 as well.





I've used flax oil for a number of years. My view is that any bottle labeling flax oil as nutty is just trying to make you think it tastes good. Of course, there are some with other things mixed in (cinnamon and so on, and perhaps some of those taste good, I haven't tried all the various kinds--there are many. I don't think it tastes pleasant (like olive oil or coconut oil), but it doesn't taste that bad. Cooking it will destroy a good bit of the benefits, so you don't really want to do that, nor would you add it to anything where you wanted it to taste really good. I have sometimes mixed it into other supplement drinks where the whole thing tasted weird, so why not just add one more weird thing. These days I just take it from the measuring spoon. My guess is, you mix it into yoghurt, it will modify the flavor just a little, not too much, yoghurt has a strong enough flavor and the oil taste is pretty mild. I'd suggest you give it a taste yourself (it won't kill you, most people it's something they could use) and then you'll better know what to do with it for your son.


I must say I'm a little confused though ... you're looking at flax oil as an alternative to omega 3's he's been taking? What has he been taking that produced tics? Flax oil is predominantly omega 3, but does have some omega 6 and omega 9 as well.



Hi Michael,

Ooops! I have completely misunderstood what had been said on another thread! I had thought that omega 3 tablets had caused more tics for some and that flax oil was a gentler form - but having re-read it i now realise that you either can tolerate omega 3 or you cant! Its irrelevant what form you give it in! Well i just wasted £5 on some oil - blame it on sleep deprivation and trying to do a million things at once! Phew - its a good job i hadnt given him any yet! Perhaps i will take the oil instead - might help the old grey matter. Bev


Hi Bev


NO! you did not misunderstand before


Omega 3 is GOOD!!! in fact it is *essential*


some people just dont tolerate the FISHOIL form


for them flaxseed oil is better


flaxseed also contains some omega 6 & 9 but the balance of 3 is highset, hence it is an excellent substitute for those who are fishoil intolerant


fluoride however is known to be a major tic trigger!!

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