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SO days of reading these god sent posts and filling my notebook with tons of info has gotten me to were I feel comfortable with what suppliments to add into my sons current regiment. I would however really like to get him tested before hand to see about mineral deficiencies or overload. I asked his Neurologist if we could run blood tests and he informed me that lack of any minerals has nothing to do with TS. Yup that's what he said! Ohhh I can go on an on about what an ***** he is! Anyway, seeing as how the DR. has been no help and actually laughed at me when I gave him a list of the suppliments my son is currently on, I am reaching out to all of you, the "Real EXperts" to see if you have any suggestions on who to go to for testing of mineral deficiences? Checking Magneium, Zinc, Copper ect. Does it matter if his DR. runs the test? I would think that there has to be a much more experienced source to review and analize the tests. All Dr.s I have seen seem to have a one size fits all method! I live in Vacaville, Ca. Near Sacramento area.


par for the course with that reply from your neuro :) They negate that which they are ignorant about!


here is a helpful list of some tests



the spectracell test is very accurate


NeuroScience Labs also does some specialized testing




we had hair analysis done and then followed it with blood tests and were quite amazed at how accurate the hair analysis was


there are other tests but those are some that come to mind immediately

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