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Hi All,

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I have not posted lately because I have had family staying at my house for Christmas. I know from testing that my son is in the range for Pandas. He has taken Azith for 6 weeks and no change. So I started him on PleoSan not and Pleosan Remedy for strep. I found his immune system is stronger since on them and his arm stretching tic is better.


I have been talking to a member on this forum momfo4boys. She has had great luck with her son seeing a Chiropractor Neurology. Her sons tics are better and she is happy. I tried to find a Chiropractor Ner. near where I live but, no luck. Momof4boys suggested reading Disconnected Kids. So I did. The author is a Neurology Chiropractor. It is very interesting and he suggests you do exercises to help either a right or left brain deficiency. Momof4boys has more in detail in her posts. I have started the exercises from the book, with my son.

I think it is helping a bit with tics. My son has been doing it for 3 weeks. But I have read it takes 3 months to see more benefits from the exercises. So I am hopeful and will continue with the exercises.


I have been feeling like I am still missing something for my son. So I went and looked back at his OAT urine test. It said on there that my son had high Sulfur in his urine. My sons ND said it was probably from him taking too much sulfur in his vitamins.

But that has never felt right to me. So I have been researching too much sulfur in children urine. Well I kept reading that children with autism, have too much sulfur in there urine and low plasma sulfur in their blood. My son does not have autism but it got me thinking????


So I researched more. I found that children who have this problem almost always, need more sulfur in their bodies.

If there is not enough sulfur in the body then it can cause gut problems too.

Also it causes other problems too. So I read that children with this problem should do Epsom baths every other day and take MSM supplement.

My son has been taking Epsom Salts bath every other day for a week now. His tics have decreased even more, I can't believe it!!! I have given my son Epsom baths before but, not every other day.


Is MSM supplement safe for kids to take with tics??? Does anyone know?? Or has anyone taken it before??


I have read from some parents that have kids with autism, that MSM has helped their child and there glad they tried it.

I have read that Tylenol can deplete sulfur in children bodies.

My son, when he was a baby took alot of Tylenol because he had fevers alot. I wish I knew then, what I know now about Tylenol today, angry:

There is alot you can read on about Sulfur and the body and the pathways.

I think my son has blocked sulfur pathways from testing and symptoms.


Does anyone have any thoughts on MSM supplements or about what I have posted. Also is it safe too take MSM if you have an egg intolerance?

Because my son does and eggs are high in sulfur...

Thanks Char...

Hi All,

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I have not posted lately because I have had family staying at my house for Christmas. I know from testing that my son is in the range for Pandas. He has taken Azith for 6 weeks and no change. So I started him on PleoSan not and Pleosan Remedy for strep. I found his immune system is stronger since on them and his arm stretching tic is better.


I have been talking to a member on this forum momfo4boys. She has had great luck with her son seeing a Chiropractor Neurology. Her sons tics are better and she is happy. I tried to find a Chiropractor Ner. near where I live but, no luck. Momof4boys suggested reading Disconnected Kids. So I did. The author is a Neurology Chiropractor. It is very interesting and he suggests you do exercises to help either a right or left brain deficiency. Momof4boys has more in detail in her posts. I have started the exercises from the book, with my son.

I think it is helping a bit with tics. My son has been doing it for 3 weeks. But I have read it takes 3 months to see more benefits from the exercises. So I am hopeful and will continue with the exercises.



hope all else is well with you....pm me with your other questions

but i did the brain balance thing for 3 months...exercised 2xs a day 7 am and in the evening....went gf/cf did the vitamins and did the hemispheric thng...three month post period is up for us nowish and i can't say we are going back.....i do think that the program did help his add/adhad alot and i guess looking back things may have been milder(i don't know) but they could not get rid of the tics.....they are contiplating do someother blood draws for me ...of course it would be out of pocket, i would love to do more blood stuff....so again maybe....they are lovely people and i do think they really care, Dr Scire is so compassionate and positive..

we are going to start to go back to the exercises at home especially since its winter......

the couple of tic people they helped i think had more of a gut issuse and the one tic mom said her kid was still very adhad.... i think it did help the add thing fo us>(or just thought of this..did he just grow up,,,but tody he is a mainiac....so i don't know) i won't do more right brain increase but will do the exercises...brain balance may be backing off the tic thing

they did metamtix testing and it all came back fine (i wonder if it was a bad draw) and they were surprised at how high his math is ..i wouldn't say it was a wasite ...we learned alot and we all ate very healthy...did notice any difference going off gf/cf....we still have alot of vitains left we will probably start back on and see if the second time is a charm....i noticed on bonnies vita tests some people did better the seconcd time if i read that right?




i would love to hear how your research is going


Hi Char,


We have not used MSM but we have used N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine which, from my understanding, works similarly. The NAC helps the body process out toxins due to the lack of sulfate ions in the liver that my son has. I have to say it certainly seems to help him also I know several others on the forum tried it and it seemed to help them too. Daniel, who is 9, takes up to 1,200 mg's a day (600 mg's in the morning and 600 at night). When his tics are minimal I back down to 600 mg's. When the tics are not there at all then I do not use it at all.


We also use a magnesium sulfate cream, by Kirkman, to put on him when his tics get going. I also do the Epsom Salts baths. I have to say I think the Epsom Salts baths seem to be a little more effective then the cream.


Have a great evening,



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