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Has anyone had this trouble with side effects from the zithromax? My dd8 has been getting nose bleeds. They are not gushers but I do see them start to drip from her nostril and she will have blood when she blows her nose. It is much more than you would normally see with dry, winter sinus problems. She has never had this issue before. She is having mucus from her cold or allergies but today a really big clump came out which was covered with blood. She is also on valtrex.


Both valtrex and zithromax show as unusual bleeding as a side effect. I will be calling the doc tomorrow to see what they suggest. I can stop the valtrex but I would hate to stop the zith unless we were going to try another antibiotic (although I'm scared to make any change).




Aww, Susan. I don't know anything about it as a side effect but my ds gets nose bleeds all the time to the point of where he doesn't even tell me half the time (I keep telling him I want to know no matter what). I get calls from the school nurse telling me when he has one at school just so I know. If it's ever a really bleeding we find that if he puts pressure under his top lip on his gum in the front that it stops it fairly fast. I actually give him rolled up cardboard to use to put pressure and make him keep one his coat pocket in case it happens on the bus. His is not due to medications.. not sure why he gets them so often but the dr. told me he's not worried. I of course worry because I am his mom. Funny thing was I almost asked here just on the off chance it was a pandas thing. He's gotten them since he was really little.


Has anyone had this trouble with side effects from the zithromax? My dd8 has been getting nose bleeds. They are not gushers but I do see them start to drip from her nostril and she will have blood when she blows her nose. It is much more than you would normally see with dry, winter sinus problems. She has never had this issue before. She is having mucus from her cold or allergies but today a really big clump came out which was covered with blood. She is also on valtrex.


Both valtrex and zithromax show as unusual bleeding as a side effect. I will be calling the doc tomorrow to see what they suggest. I can stop the valtrex but I would hate to stop the zith unless we were going to try another antibiotic (although I'm scared to make any change).




SF Mom, that makes me nervous now. How do you know if they had RF that was never diagnosed? Ds has gotten nosebleeds since he was at 2 or 3. He's now 7.



Ok, I just looked up RF and I feel a little better because he never had those other symptoms.. no joint issues or anything like that.


Susan: Nose bleeds can be caused by a lot of things. BUT, my friends son had them (the child who had undiagnosed RF) frequently.... it is a symptom of RF.
Susan: Nose bleeds can be caused by a lot of things. BUT, my friends son had them (the child who had undiagnosed RF) frequently.... it is a symptom of RF.


Thanks you two.....


She has never gotten nose bleads like your ds ajeire, I am sorry about your son! But glad it does not seem like RF.


SFMom, I keep going back and back to RF with her but her docs say she does not have it. Dr. T. felt she did not have it.... But I will bring it up again. Thanks!




Susan, yeah it doesn't affect him and when I say all the time it kinda comes in phases... trying to remember if I see a weather related pattern or not... The nosebleeds have started again after not for a while.. maybe it's because we have the heat on now. We put on a humidifier to try to help with the dry air. It's not daily but it could be a few times a week for a while and then not for a while. It's not really a big deal for him except that at one point of course I thought oh my goodness he must have some condition causing it. I have talked to a lot of people (not pandas people) who have told me their kids get them often too. The ped said he thought one of ds's capillaries looked fragile and close to the surface or something and might be the cause of the frequent nose bleeds although not sure as I think he gets it on either side.. My mom said I used to get them fairly often too but still makes me nervous.



Susan: Nose bleeds can be caused by a lot of things. BUT, my friends son had them (the child who had undiagnosed RF) frequently.... it is a symptom of RF.


Thanks you two.....


She has never gotten nose bleads like your ds ajeire, I am sorry about your son! But glad it does not seem like RF.


SFMom, I keep going back and back to RF with her but her docs say she does not have it. Dr. T. felt she did not have it.... But I will bring it up again. Thanks!




Suzan: Here is the deal....... RF is considered rare. A lot of Dr.'s basically don't have it on their radar and are hesitant to make diagnoses without confirming labs. In my friends son, they completely missed it and they had ALL the labs at the time pointing to RF. Even today, with 9 markers at the time (you only need three to make diagnoses) my friend has only had one Dr. confirm RF. Regardless of what it is, the STRAIN of strep can potentially cause all the symptoms you are experiencing that result in PANDAS.


Stay the course, she's probably been sick for a while and it will take a while for her to fully recover. The nose bleeds are just part of the whole set of symptoms.



Suzan: Here is the deal....... RF is considered rare. A lot of Dr.'s basically don't have it on their radar and are hesitant to make diagnoses without confirming labs. In my friends son, they completely missed it and they had ALL the labs at the time pointing to RF. Even today, with 9 markers at the time (you only need three to make diagnoses) my friend has only had one Dr. confirm RF. Regardless of what it is, the STRAIN of strep can potentially cause all the symptoms you are experiencing that result in PANDAS.


Stay the course, she's probably been sick for a while and it will take a while for her to fully recover. The nose bleeds are just part of the whole set of symptoms.




We are off to the doctor, I will bring this up again with him. I don't know what all the markers are anymore.... I'll have to try to read up on it in 15 min!




Abnormal Lab Findings (Non Measured)

Acute inflammatory markers elevated (Lab)

Acute phase reactants increased (Lab)

Normal Urinalysis

URINE Dipstick/Leukocytes Positive

URINE Pyuria

Class II HLA (Lab)

HLA DR4 (Lab)

HLA Specific association (Lab)



Abnormal Lab Findings - Decreased

Basophiles (Lab)

Hematocrit (Lab)

Hemoglobin (Lab)

RBC/Red Blood Count (Lab)

SYNOVIAL Complement



Abnormal Lab Findings - Increased

Antideoxyribonuclease B/Streptococcal (ADNase :angry: (Lab)

Antihyaluronidase/Strep (AHase) (Lab)

Anti-Streptolysin cationic proteases (Lab)

Anti-Streptolysin DNAase B (Lab)

ADNase-B/Antideoxyribonucloease-B titer


Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein level (Lab)

Anti-Myocardial Antibodies (AMA)

ASOT/Anti-streptolysin-O titer (Lab)

C3, serum (Lab)

Complement (total CH50) level (Lab)

C-reactive protein (Lab)

Fibrinogen, plasma (Lab)

Gamma globulin (Lab)

Globulin, serum (Lab)

Haptoglobin, serum (Lab)

Highly sensitive CRP (LAB)

IGA/Immunoglobulin A (Lab)

IGG/Immunoglobulin G (Lab)

Interleukin-6/IL-6 levels (Lab)

Neutrophiles (Lab)

Sed Rate/ESR/Sedimentation rate (Lab)

Serum Amyloid A (SSA)

Total Protein, serum (Lab)

WBC/White Blood Cell Count/Leukocytes (Lab)

AntiDeoxyribonuclease-B titer (ADNase-:angry:

URINE Leukocytes

URINE Norepinephrine

URINE Protein (Albumin)

SYNOVIAL Leukocytes

SYNOVIAL Neutrophiles




Thanks! That's way better than what I found. She has had some of these tests already with everything normal (except the ASO/Antidnase) but obvoiusly she has not had them all. Our Dan! of course felt it was not RF .


I did forget one prescription that she takes every day, Flonase. Duh, nasal spray :angry: I didn't even think of that but he feels like it's from that so we are taking a break from it for a while and put nothing up her nose for a week and then slowly start the netti pot and see how she does. That will help anyway in determining if it's something else. I'm going to print this though and take it to our immunologist on the 15th and see what her thoughts are.



Abnormal Lab Findings (Non Measured)

Acute inflammatory markers elevated (Lab)

Acute phase reactants increased (Lab)

Normal Urinalysis

URINE Dipstick/Leukocytes Positive

URINE Pyuria

Class II HLA (Lab)

HLA DR4 (Lab)

HLA Specific association (Lab)



Abnormal Lab Findings - Decreased

Basophiles (Lab)

Hematocrit (Lab)

Hemoglobin (Lab)

RBC/Red Blood Count (Lab)

SYNOVIAL Complement



Abnormal Lab Findings - Increased

Antideoxyribonuclease B/Streptococcal (ADNase :angry: (Lab)

Antihyaluronidase/Strep (AHase) (Lab)

Anti-Streptolysin cationic proteases (Lab)

Anti-Streptolysin DNAase B (Lab)

ADNase-B/Antideoxyribonucloease-B titer


Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein level (Lab)

Anti-Myocardial Antibodies (AMA)

ASOT/Anti-streptolysin-O titer (Lab)

C3, serum (Lab)

Complement (total CH50) level (Lab)

C-reactive protein (Lab)

Fibrinogen, plasma (Lab)

Gamma globulin (Lab)

Globulin, serum (Lab)

Haptoglobin, serum (Lab)

Highly sensitive CRP (LAB)

IGA/Immunoglobulin A (Lab)

IGG/Immunoglobulin G (Lab)

Interleukin-6/IL-6 levels (Lab)

Neutrophiles (Lab)

Sed Rate/ESR/Sedimentation rate (Lab)

Serum Amyloid A (SSA)

Total Protein, serum (Lab)

WBC/White Blood Cell Count/Leukocytes (Lab)

AntiDeoxyribonuclease-B titer (ADNase-B)

URINE Leukocytes

URINE Norepinephrine

URINE Protein (Albumin)

SYNOVIAL Leukocytes

SYNOVIAL Neutrophiles




Funny, our Pandas DD had a series of nose-bleeds about the time she started azith. in June 08...but we also started regular advil (plus she was on prozac) at the time. So, we always wondered if it was the advil/prozac combo that contributed to the bleeds. She does get nosebleeds from time to time. I think dry air is a factor too. She got one after a flight in April 09 (I remember b/c there was a picture we took after we landed and she had blood on her shirt) and I know airplane air is dry. She's also gotten a couple at school over the past year.


Anyway, she's still on advil (200mg/day), prozac (10mg/day), and Azith (250mg/day) and she doesn't seem to have an ongoing nosebleed problem. It does seem to go through phases though. June 08 was the most memorable series of nosebleeds.


RF and PANDAS are both strep-related. From the Cunningham study, the RF people have more CamKinase activation than the PANDAS people, but it seems to be a very similar situation in some respects. From reading this forum, and examining my own symptoms, it doesn't seem to be that you exclusively have just PANDAS symptoms or just RF symptoms--you can have a bit of a mixture. I have PANDAS (pediatric-onset), but happen to have had frequent nosebleeds as a child. They decreased quite a bit as I became an adult, but I expect it is still more frequent than most adults.



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